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  • Wilhelm Kirch

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540237399ISBN 13: 9783540237396

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Fehldiagnosen in der Medizin haben meist schwerwiegende Folgen für den Patienten: eine falsche Therapie und verschlechterte Prognose können die Lebensqualität nachhaltig beeinflussen. Das vorliegende Buch macht auf das Thema 'Fehldiagnosen und Patientensicherheit' unter dem Aspekt eines immensen diagnostischen Fortschritts aufmerksam.Nach einem Einführungskapitel zur Definition und Häufigkeit von Fehldiagnosen werden Fehldiagnosen aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen der Inneren Medizin dargestellt. Aber auch Irrtümer in der Arzneitherapie finden Beachtung. Zusätzlich bietet das Buch Übersichtsbeiträge über diagnostisches Qualitätsmanagement, Leitlinien und Risikomanagement für Patienten.Gleichermaßen interessant für Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten, Neurologen, Psychiater, Praktiker und Klinische Pharmakologen. 256 pp. Deutsch.

  • Wolfgang Nentwig

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540211608ISBN 13: 9783540211600

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Mit dem Buch liefert der Autor nicht nur eine Bestandsaufnahme des Gebietes, sondern setzt Themen wie das Bevölkerungswachstum und die Veränderung der Umwelt in ihren historischen Zusammenhang. Er beschreibt Trends und systematisiert komplexe Wechselwirkungen. Dabei entwickelt er eigene Ideen und bezieht deutlich Stellung. Die 2. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Illustriert mit vielen Beispielen, Hintergrunddaten und vielen Abbildungen bieten die Kapitel - auch einzeln - eine spannende Lektüre. 492 pp. Deutsch.

  • Edzard Ernst

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540441700ISBN 13: 9783540441700

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Alternative Therapieverfahren sind gefragt. Doch was hilft wirklich und was schadet eher Die 64 wichtigsten Diagnose- und Therapieverfahren wurden von den Herausgebern mit evidenzbasierten Methoden einem kritischen Test unterzogen. Als Ergebnis liegt das erste Buch vor, das mit Studien belegte Empfehlungen für den Einsatz von Naturheilverfahren in Zusammenarbeit mit der schulmedizinischen Praxis gibt. Die stringente Gliederung jedes Kapitels hilft Arzt wie Patient schnell die gesuchte Information zu einem Arzneimittel, einer Heilmethode oder zu einer Krankheit zu finden. Ein unerlässliches Buch für alle Ärzte, Studenten, Apotheker und Patienten, die sich für Naturheilverfahren und Komplementärmedizin interessieren. 552 pp. Deutsch.

  • Wolfgang Mitsch

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540000267ISBN 13: 9783540000266

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Das Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht wird als Randfach des Strafrechts in Lehre und Studium immer noch unterschätzt. Dies steht in krassem Gegensatz zu der hohen Praxisrelevanz, die dieses Rechtsgebiet für Rechtsanwälte, Richter und Staatsanwälte, vor allem aber für die vielen mit Bußgeldsachen befassten Beamten ohne volljuristische Ausbildung in den Behörden hat. Erfreulicherweise wurde in den letzten Jahren damit begonnen, den Nachholbedarf auf dem Gebiet der Ausbildungsliteratur zum Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht allmählich zu befriedigen. Der am Erlernen des Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht Interessierte kann inzwischen aus einer Reihe von Lehrbuchtiteln wählen. Die überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage des vorliegenden Lehrbuchs vollzieht die Gesetzesentwicklung der seit der 1. Auflage vergangenen 8 Jahre nach und paßt den Text dem aktuellen Stand in Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft an. Großer Wert wurde darauf gelegt, das Buch noch leserfreundlicher und lernerfolggerichteter zu gestalten. So wurde die Zahl der Fallbeispiele und der Kontrollfragen am Ende der Kapitel deutlich erhöht. Neu eingefügte Schaubilder, Übersichten und Schemata sollen das Erfassen der Materie, das Begreifen der Zusammenhänge und den systematischen Überblick fördern und erleichtern. Inhaltlich wurde der verfahrensrechtliche Teil erheblich erweitert und vertieft. In allen seinen Teilen sucht der Text die Nähe zum Strafrecht, zeigt dabeiParallelen und Übereinstimmungen auf und akzentuiert die Abweichungen und Besonderheiten des Ordnungswidrigkkeitenrechts. 340 pp. Deutsch.

  • Alain Desrosières

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540206558ISBN 13: 9783540206552

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Statistik ('Staatenkunde'), Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und die Philosophie der Wahrscheinlichkeit sind auch als 'siamesische Drillinge' bekannt. Das Buch analysiert den Werdegang der Statistik und zeigt Verbindungen zwischen der internalistischen Geschichte der Formalismen und Werkzeuge sowie der externalistisch orientierten Geschichte der Institutionen auf. Der Spannungsbogen erstreckt sich vom Vorabend der Französischen Revolution bis hin zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs, wobei Frankreich, Deutschland, England und die USA ausführlich behandelt werden. Was haben Richter und Astronomen gemeinsam Wer waren die 'politischen Arithmetiker' Was ist ein 'Durchschnittsmensch' Wie ändert sich im Laufe der Zeit das, was man 'Realismus' nennt Kann man vom Teil auf das Ganze schließen Und wenn ja, warum Welche Rolle spielt der Franziskanerorden Wir begegnen Adolphe Quetelet, Karl Pearson, Egon Pearson, Francis Galton, Emile Durkheim und vielen anderen. Glücksspiele, Zufall, Bayesscher Ansatz, das St. Petersburger Paradoxon, der Choleravibrio, Erblichkeit, das Galtonsche Brett, Taxonomie, Wahlprognosen, Arbeitslosigkeit und Ungleichheit, die Entstehung der Arten, die Ordnung der Dinge und die Dinge des Lebens - das sind die Themen des Buches. 452 pp. Deutsch.

  • Armin Wachter

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540229221ISBN 13: 9783540229223

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -- Welche Probleme tauchen in relativistischen Erweiterungen der Schrödinger-Theorie auf, insbesondere wenn man an der gewohnten Ein-Teilchen-Wahrscheinlichkeitsinterpretation festhält - Inwieweit können diese Schwierigkeiten überwunden werden - Worin besteht die physikalische Notwendigkeit von Quantenfeldtheorien Viele Bücher geben auf solch fundamentale Verständnisfragen nur unzureichend Antwort, indem sie das relativistisch-quantenmechanische Ein-Teilchenkonzept zugunsten einer möglichst frühen Einführung der Feldquantisierung relativ schnell abhandeln oder ganz weglassen. Im Gegensatz dazu betont das vorliegende Lehrbuch gerade diesen Ein-Teilchenaspekt (relativistische Quantenmechanik 'im engeren Sinne'), diskutiert die damit einhergehenden Probleme und motiviert somit auf physikalisch verständliche Weise die Notwendigkeit quantisierter Felder. Die ersten beiden Kapitel beschäftigen sich mit der ausführlichen Darlegung und Gegenüberstellung der Klein-Gordon- und Dirac-Theorie - immer mit Blick auf die nichtrelativistische Theorie. Im dritten Kapitel werden relativistische Streuprozesse behandelt und die Feynman-Regeln aus Propagatorverfahren heraus entwickelt. Dabei wird auch hier deutlich, warum man letztlich um eine quantenfeldtheoretische Begründung nicht herumkommt. Dieses Lehrbuch wendet sich an alle Studierenden der Physik, die an einer übersichtlich geordneten Darstellung der relativistischen Quantenmechanik 'im engeren Sinne' und deren Abgrenzung zu Quantenfeldtheorien interessiert sind. 408 pp. Deutsch.

  • Roland Bulirsch

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540237771ISBN 13: 9783540237778

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Dieses zweibändige Standardlehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden und aktuellen Überblick über die Numerische Mathematik. Dabei wird besonderer Wert auf solche Vorgehensweisen und Methoden gelegt, die sich durch große Wirksamkeit auszeichnen. Ihr praktischer Nutzen, aber auch die Grenzen ihrer Anwendung werden vergleichend diskutiert. Zahlreiche Beispiele runden dieses unentbehrliche Buch ab.Die Neuauflage des zweiten Bandes wurde vollständig überarbeitet und ergänzt um eine Beschreibung weiterer Techniken im Rahmen der Mehrzielmethode zur Lösung von Randwertproblemen für Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen.'Das Lehrbuch . setzt Maßstäbe für eine Numerik-Vorlesung und ist jedem Studenten der angewandten Mathematik zu empfehlen.' Die Neue Hochschule 404 pp. Deutsch.

  • Klaus Jänich

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540213929ISBN 13: 9783540213925

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Das Buch 'Mathematik 1/Geschrieben für Physiker' zusammen mit dem im Frühjahr 2002 erschienenen Band 2 verfolgt eine neuartige Strategie für die mathematische Ausbildung der Physikstudenten im ersten Studienjahr. Radikale 'Rechtzeitigkeit' des Stoffes (Differentialgleichungen ab der zweiten Unterrichtswoche usw.) und physikbezogene neben rein mathematischen Übungsaufgaben gehen Hand in Hand mit der Vermittlung des tieferen mathematischen Verständnisses. Dieses ungewöhnliche Konzept erfordert viel erläuternden Text, wobei die aus anderen Lehrbüchern des Autors bekannte erklärende und überzeugende Art zu schreiben voll zum Einsatz kommt. Viele Abbildungen veranschaulichen die Begriffe und Zusammenhänge. Als vorlesungsbegleitendes Lehrbuch und auch zum Selbststudium bestens geeignet. 584 pp. Deutsch.

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  • Vincent Schachter

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540253750ISBN 13: 9783540253754

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB) workshop series was established in 2003 by Corrado Priami. The purpose of the workshop series is to help catalyze the convergence between computer scientists interested in language design, concurrency theory, software engineering or program verification, and physicists, mathematicians and biologists interested in the systems-level understanding of cellular processes. Systems biology was perceived as being increasingly in search of sophisticated modeling frameworks whether for representing and processing syst- level dynamics or for model analysis, comparison and refinement. One has here a clear-cut case of a must-explore field of application for the formal methods developed in computer science in the last decade. This proceedings consists of papers from the CMSB 2003 workshop. A good third of the 24 papers published here have a distinct formal methods origin; we take this as a confirmation that a synergy is building that will help solidify CMSB as a forum for cross-community exchange, thereby opening new theoretical avenues and making the field less of a potential application and more of a real one. Publication in Springer's new Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) offers particular visibility and impact, which we gratefully acknowledge. Our keynote speakers, Alfonso Valencia and Trey Ideker, gave challenging and somewhat humbling lectures: they made it clear that strong applications to systems biology are still some way ahead. We thank them all the more for accepting the invitation to speak and for the clarity and excitement they brought to the conference. 292 pp. Englisch.

  • Ruud Ter Meulen

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540222391ISBN 13: 9783540222392

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) is feared to become a kind of cook-book medicine that has nothing to do with the traditional skills and ethics.This volume shows the contribution EBM makes and might make to medical practice and health policy. It describesas many viewpoints as possible with a focus on the ethical issues that are at stake in this process.It shows how EBM has developed from an internal medical issue to an instrument for health policy. It is the outcome of the European Project 'Ethical Issues of Evidence Based Practice in Medicine and Health Care'and givesinsight into the ethical background of the debate on the role of EBM in various areas of medicine, including clinical practice, medical education, medical research, health policy and medical sociology. 192 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Twenty years ago, informatics was introduced as a compulsory subject in A- trian secondary schools. During this period informatics has experienced drastic evolutions and even some shifts of paradigms. This applies to an even larger extent to the didactics of informatics. ISSEP-InformaticsinSecondarySchools,EvolutionandPerspectives-takes stock of how the developments in the eld are re ected in school throughout Europe. Teachersofinformaticsatsecondaryschoolsaswellaseducatorsofsuch teachers propose innovative methods of instruction, discuss the scope of overall informaticsinstruction,anddiscusshowinnovativeconceptscanbedisseminated to students in education as well as to active informatics teachers. Duetothepenetrationofinformationtechnologyintosocietyatlargeandin to schools in particular, the relationship between informatics and education leading togeneralcomputerliteracyortotheuseofIT-basedapproachesinconventional subjects, e-learning in school, is an evident focus of many contributions. According to the broad scope of the conference its proceedings are split into two volumes. This volume, From Computer Literacy to Informatics Fundam- tals, covers papers reporting on national strategies of informatics instruction and their evolution in accordance with the penetration of information proce- ing equipment in our daily life. In one way or another, these strategies strive to accommodate the needs of basic skills in information and communication te- nology (ICT) with educational principles that can be conveyed by informatics instruction in a traditional sense. Hence, the papers on national strategies are complementedintwoways: rstly,bycontributionsthatstrivetoidentifyfun- mental issues, informatics can contribute to the general education process of the youth; and, secondly, by papers presenting approaches on how to link or even to combine instruction about such informatics fundamentals with the need to introduce pupils to the productive use of ICT. 216 pp. Englisch.

  • Maarten Keijzer

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540254366ISBN 13: 9783540254362

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -In this volume we present the contributions for the 18th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2005). The conference took place from 30 March to 1 April in Lausanne, Switzerland. EuroGP is a well-established conf- ence and the only one exclusively devoted to genetic programming. All previous proceedings were published by Springer in the LNCS series. From the outset, EuroGP has been co-located with the EvoWorkshops focusing on applications of evolutionary computation. Since 2004, EvoCOP, the conference on evolutionary combinatorial optimization, has also been co-located with EuroGP, making this year's combined events one of the largest dedicated to evolutionary computation in Europe. Genetic programming (GP) is evolutionary computation that solves complex problems or tasks by evolving and adapting a population of computer programs, using Darwinian evolution and Mendelian genetics as its sources of inspiration. Some of the 34 papers included in these proceedings address foundational and theoretical issues and there is also a wide variety of papers dealing with di erent application areas, such as computer science, engineering, language processing, biology and computational design, demonstrating that GP is a powerful and practical problem-solving paradigm. 404 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing promises to o er exciting new possibilities in d- tributed information processing and database technologies. The realization of this promise lies fundamentally in the availability of enhanced services such as structured ways for classifying and registering shared information, veri cation and certi cation of information, content-distributed schemes and quality of c- tent, security features, information discovery and accessibility, interoperation and composition of active information services, and nally market-based me- anisms to allow cooperative and non-cooperative information exchanges. The P2P paradigm lends itself to constructing large-scale complex, adaptive, - tonomous and heterogeneous database and information systems, endowed with clearly speci ed and di erential capabilities to negotiate, bargain, coordinate, and self-organize the information exchanges in large-scale networks. This vision will have a radical impact on the structure of complex organizations (business, scienti c, or otherwise) and on the emergence and the formation of social c- munities, and on how the information is organized and processed. The P2P information paradigm naturally encompasses static and wireless connectivity, and static and mobile architectures. Wireless connectivity c- bined with the increasingly small and powerful mobile devices and sensors pose new challenges to as well as opportunities for the database community. Inf- mation becomes ubiquitous, highly distributed and accessible anywhere and at any time over highly dynamic, unstable networks with very severe constraints on the information management and processing capabilities. 244 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -ETAPS 2005 was the eighth instance of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that was est- lished in 1998 by combining a number of existing and new conferences. This year it comprised ve conferences (CC, ESOP, FASE, FOSSACS, TACAS), 17 satellite wo- shops (AVIS, BYTECODE, CEES, CLASE, CMSB, COCV, FAC, FESCA, FINCO, GCW-DSE, GLPL, LDTA, QAPL, SC, SLAP, TGC, UITP), seven invited lectures (not including those that were speci c to the satellite events), and several tutorials. We - ceived over 550 submissions to the ve conferences this year, giving acceptance rates below 30% for each one. Congratulations to all the authors who made it to the nal program! I hope that most of the other authors still found a way of participating in this exciting event and I hope you will continue submitting. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system devel- ment process, including speci cation, design, implementation, analysis and impro- ment. The languages, methodologies and tools which support these activities are all well within its scope. Di erent blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on the one hand and soundly based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in software design apply to systems in general, including hardware systems, and the emphasis on software is not intended to be exclusive. 540 pp. Englisch.

  • Subhash Bhalla

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540253610ISBN 13: 9783540253617

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Information systems in healthcare and public utility services depend on comp- ing infrastructures. Many research e orts are being made in related areas, such as wireless computing (e. g. , Auto-ID Laboratories, and projects at MIT), W- based computing, and information accesses by Web users. Government agencies in many countries plan to launch facilities in education, healthcare and infor- tion support as a part of e-government initiatives. In this context, information interchange management has become an active research eld. A number of new opportunities have evolved in design and modeling based on new computing needs of users. Database systems play a central role in supporting networked information systems for access and storage management aspects. The4thInternationalWorkshoponDatabasesinNetworkedInformationS- tems (DNIS 2005) was held on March 28 30, 2005 at the University of Aizu in Japan. The workshop program included research contributions, and invited c- tributions. A view of research activity in Information Interchange Management and related research issues was provided by the session on this topic. The invited contribution was contributed by Dr. Umeshwar Dayal. The workshop session on Web Data Management Systems had invited papers by Prof. Elisa Bertino, Prof. Masahito Hirakawa, and Prof. William I. Grosky. The two sessions on Networked Information Systems included invited contributions by Prof. Sushil Jajodia, Dr. Cyrus Shahabi, Prof. Divyakant Agrawal and Dr. Harumi Kuno. I would like to thank the members of the Program Committee for their support and all authors who considered DNIS 2005 in making research contributions. 332 pp. Englisch.

  • Paul Davidsson

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540252622ISBN 13: 9783540252627

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This volume presents revised and extended versions of selected papers presented at the Joint Workshop on Multi-Agent and Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, a workshop federated with the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2004), which was held in New York City, USA, July 19-23, 2004. The workshop was in part a continuation of the International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) series. - vised versions of papers presented at the four previous MABS workshops have been published as volumes 1534, 1979, 2581, and 2927 in the Lecture Notes in Arti cial Intelligence series. The aim of the workshop was to provide a forum for work in both appli- tions of multi-agent-based simulation and the technical challenges of simulating large multi-agent systems (MAS). There has been considerable recent progress in modelling and analyzing multi-agent systems, and in techniques that apply MAS models to complex real-world systems such as social systems and organi- tions. Simulation is an increasingly important strand that weaves together this work. In high-risk, high-cost situations, simulations provide critical cost/bene t leverage, and make possible explorations that cannot be carried out in situ: - Multi-agentapproachestosimulatingcomplexsystemsarekeytoolsinint- disciplinary studies of social systems. Agent-based social simulation (ABSS) researchsimulatesandsynthesizessocialbehaviorinordertounderstandreal social systems with properties of self-organization, scalability, robustness, and openness. - IntheMAScommunity,simulationhasbeenappliedtoawiderangeofMAS research and design problems, from models of complex individual agents - ploying sophisticated internal mechanisms to models of large-scale societies of relatively simple agents which focus more on the interactions between agents. 280 pp. Englisch.

  • Daniel Kudenko

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540252606ISBN 13: 9783540252603

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Adaptive agents and multi-agent systems is an emerging and exciting interdisciplinary area of research and development involving artificial intelligence, software engineering, and developmental biology, as well as cognitive and social science.This book presents 17 revised and carefully reviewed papers taken from two workshops on the topic as well as 2 invited papers by leading researchers in the area. The papers deal with various aspects of machine learning, adaptation, and evolution in the context of agent systems and autonomous agents. 328 pp. Englisch.

  • Anne König

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540235612ISBN 13: 9783540235613

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Theshipshears onthrough billowing seas Carried on tempest's wings with ease A cry of joy goes up from fore and aft: 'Our destination is within our grasp!' But the helmsman's words are lost in the throng: 'We've been sailing in circles all along.' Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach This book has been written as an aid to anyone in the print media industry, be they managers or customers, who is looking to steer their business into calmer waters in what are stormy times. New technologies offer tremendous opportunities for innovation and process improvement - but only if we understand the fundamental principles behind them. This is the goal of this book. To this end, we will be looking at how best to network the print media industry with its customers, production partners and suppliers. This networking process covers the production data that can be transferred entirely digitally as far as the press stage, i. e. the digital page to be printed (referred to below as the 'technical work ow'), but also the information, communication and interaction processes which take place before, during and after production, e. g. details of the print run or the planned delivery date (referred to below as the 'business management work ow'). Inter-company networking of the various market players using Internet technology is known as 'e-business' in commercial and management circles. Customers Print media Suppliers companies Production partners Figure 1 Persons involved in a production process Preface V 136 pp. Englisch.

  • Boi Faltings

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540251766ISBN 13: 9783540251767

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Constraint programming is a very successful fth-generation software techn- ogy with a wide range of applications. It has attracted a large community of researchers that is particularly strong in Europe. In particular, constraint programming is the focus of the Working Group on Constraints of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mat- matics (ERCIM) as well as a major interest of the European Network on C- putational Logic (CoLogNET). These groups jointly sponsored a workshop on Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint Logic Programming (CSCLP 2004) held June23 25attheEcolePolytechniqueF ed eraledeLausanne(EPFL)inSwitz- land. It was hosted by the Arti cial Intelligence Laboratory of the EPFL, which is also a member of both groups. Thisbookpresentsacollectionofpapersthatareeitherrevisedandextended versions of papers accepted at the workshop, or were submitted in response to theopencallforpapersthatfollowed.The15papersinthisvolumewereselected from 30 submissions by rigorous peer review. The editors would like to take the opportunity to thank all authors and reviewers for the hard work they contributed to producing this volume. We also thank ERCIM and CoLogNET for their support of the workshop and the eld of constraint programming in general. We hope the reader will nd this volume helpful for advancing their understanding of issues in constraint programming. December 2004 Boi Faltings Adrian Petcu Francois Fages Francesca Rossi Organization This workshopwas jointly organized as the 9th Meeting of the ERCIM Working GrouponConstraints,coordinatedbyFrancois Fages,andthe2ndAnnualWo- shop of the CoLogNET area on Constraint Logic Programming, coordinated by Francesca Rossi. OrganizingInstitutes TheorganizationwashandledbytheEPFL,INRIAandtheUniversityofPadua. 232 pp. Englisch.

  • Constantinos Dovrolis

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540255206ISBN 13: 9783540255208

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 392 pp. Englisch.

  • Nuno Jardim Nunes

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540250816ISBN 13: 9783540250814

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The UML 2004 conference was held in Lisbon (Portugal) from October 11 through October 15, 2004. It was the seventh conference in a series of annual events that started in 1998. UML has rapidly become one of the leading venues to present and discuss the development of object-oriented modeling. In order to re ect the changes in the eld, the UML conference series will be continued from 2005 onwards under the name MODELS (Model Driven En- neering, Languages and Systems). Inane orttomakethisyear'sconferencemoreusefulande ectiveforawider community, including academics and practitioners working in areas related to UML and modeling in general, a set of satellite events was organized, including workshopsdedicatedtospeci cresearchtopics,anindustrytrack,aposter/demo session, and a tools exhibit. This volume is a compilation of the contributions presented at these satellite events. Workshops at UML 2004 took place during the rst three days of the conference(fromOctober10to12). Followingthetraditionofprevious UML conferences, UML 2004workshopsprovidedacollaborativeforumforgroups of (typically 15 to 30) participants to exchange recent or preliminary results, to conduct intensive discussions on a particular topic, or to coordinate e orts between representatives of a technical community. Ten workshops were held, covering a variety of hot topics, which have been covered in the workshop - ports contained in this volume. Each workshop lasted for a full day. A novelty with respect to previous UML conferences was the inclusion of a Doctoral Symposium, which was well received, to provide an explicit space for young - searchers developing their thesis on some aspect related to UML. 316 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The keychallengeforfuture computersystemis dealingwithcomplexity.Onone hand this involves internal system complexity which has increased exponentially over recent years. Here the main objectives are to maintain system reliability and to keep the design and maintenance e ort manageable, while at the same timecontinuingtoprovidenewfunctionalityandincreasingsystemperformance. This hasbeenthe focus ofso-calledautonomouscomputing, whichaimsto bring self-con guration and repair to a wide range of computing systems. On the other hand future computer systems are more and more becoming integrated into the fabric of everyday life and thus have to deal with the c- plexities of the real world. They will become smaller, more appropriate for their use, integrated into everyday objects, and often virtually or physically invisible to the users.They will alsobe deployedin a muchhigher quantity andpenetrate many moreapplicationareasthan traditional notionsof computer systems.This requirescomputersystemstobeadaptablewithinamuchwiderrangeofpossible tasks, subjected to much harsher conditions. To provide such features and functionality, computer devices will become tinieryetstillincreaseinsystemcomplexity;theymustconsumelesspower,while still supporting advanced computation and communications, such that they are highlyconnectedyetstilloperateasautonomousunits.Pervasiveandubiquitous computing researchaddressessuchissues by developingconcepts and technology for interweaving computers into our everyday life. The principal approach is to enhance system functionality and adaptability by recognizing context and situations in the environment. 278 pp. Englisch.

  • Maura Cerioli

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 354025420XISBN 13: 9783540254201

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -ETAPS 2005 was the eighth instance of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that was established in 1998 by combining a number of existing and new conf- ences. This year it comprised ve conferences (CC, ESOP, FASE, FOSSACS, TACAS), 17 satellite workshops (AVIS, BYTECODE, CEES, CLASE, CMSB, COCV, FAC, FESCA, FINCO, GCW-DSE, GLPL, LDTA, QAPL, SC, SLAP, TGC, UITP), seven invited lectures (not including those that were speci c to the satellite events), and several tutorials. We received over 550 submissions to the ve conferences this year, giving acceptance rates below 30% for each one. Congratulations to all the authors who made it to the nal program! I hope that most of the other authors still found a way of participating in this exciting event and I hope you will continue submitting. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system - velopment process, including speci cation, design, implementation, analysis and improvement. The languages, methodologies and tools which support these - tivities are all well within its scope. Di erent blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on the one hand and soundly based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in software design apply to systems in general, including hardware s- tems,andtheemphasisonsoftwareisnotintendedtobeexclusive. 396 pp. Englisch.

  • Akihiko Konagaya

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540252088ISBN 13: 9783540252085

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Researchers in the eld of life sciences rely increasingly on information te- nology to extract and manage relevant knowledge. The complex computational and data management needs of life science research make Grid technologies an attractive support solution. However, many important issues must be addressed before the Life Science Grid becomes commonplace. The 1st International Life Science Grid Workshop (LSGRID 2004) was held in Kanazawa Japan, May 31-June 1, 2004. This workshop focused on life s- ence applications of grid systems especially for bionetwork research and systems biology which require heterogeneous data integration from genome to phenome, mathematical modeling and simulation from molecular to population levels, and high-performance computing including parallel processing, special hardware and grid computing. Fruitful discussions took place through 18 oral presentations, including a keynote address and ve invited talks, and 16 poster and demonstration p- sentations in the elds of grid infrastructure for life sciences, systems biology, massive data processing, databases and data grids, grid portals and pipelines for functional annotation, parallel and distributed applications, and life science grid projects. The workshop emphasized the practical aspects of grid techno- gies in terms of improving grid-enabled data/information/knowledge sharing, high-performance computing, and collaborative projects. There was agreement among the participants that the advancement of grid technologies for life science research requires further concerted actions and promotion of grid applications. We therefore concluded the workshop with the announcement of LSGRID 2005. 200 pp. Englisch.

  • Ming-Chien Shan

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540250492ISBN 13: 9783540250494

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The 2004 VLDB workshop on Technologies on E-Services (VLDB-TES 2004) was the fth workshop in a series of annual workshops endorsed by the VLDB Conference.Itservedasaforumfortheexchangeofideas,resultsandexperiences in the area of e-services and e-business. VLDB-TES 2004 took place in Toronto, Canada. It featured the presen- tion of 12 regular papers, focused on major aspects of e-business solutions. In addition, the workshop invited 2 industrial speakers to share their vision, insight and experience with the audience. The workshop would not have been a success without help from so many people. Special thanks go to Fabio Casati, who organized the program agenda and the proceedings publication, and Chandra Srivastava, who served as the publicity chair. We also thank the members of the program committee and the additional reviewers for their thorough work, which greatly contributed to the quality of the nal program. We hope that the participants found the workshop interesting and stimul- ing, and we thank them for attending the workshop and for contributing to the discussions. 184 pp. Englisch.

  • Brian Nielsen

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 354025109XISBN 13: 9783540251095

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Testing often accounts for more than 50% of the required e ort during system development.Thechallengeforresearchistoreducethesecostsbyprovidingnew methods for the speci cation and generation of high-quality tests. Experience has shown that the use of formal methods in testing represents a very important means for improving the testing process. Formal methods allow for the analysis andinterpretationofmodelsinarigorousandprecisemathematicalmanner.The use of formal methods is not restricted to system models only. Test models may alsobeexamined.Analyzingsystemmodelsprovidesthepossibilityofgenerating complete test suites in a systematic and possibly automated manner whereas examining test models allows for the detection of design errors in test suites and their optimization with respect to readability or compilation and execution time. Due to the numerous possibilities for their application, formal methods have become more and more popular in recent years. The Formal Approaches in Software Testing (FATES) workshop series also bene ts from the growing popularity of formal methods. After the workshops in Aalborg (Denmark, 2001), Brno (Czech Republic, 2002) and Montr eal (Canada, 2003), FATES 2004 in Linz (Austria) was the fourth workshop of this series. Similar to the workshop in 2003, FATES 2004 was organized in a liation with the IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2004). FATES 2004 received 41 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least three independent reviewers from the Program Committee with the help of some additional reviewers. Based on their evaluations, 14 full papers and one wo- in-progress paper from 11 di erent countries were selected for presentation. 244 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This volume contains selected papers from WADT 2004, the 17th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques. Like its predecessors, WADT 2004 focussed on the algebraic approach to the speci cation and development of systems, an area that was born around the algebraic speci cation of abstract data types and encompasses today the formal design of software systems, new speci cation frameworks and a wide range of application areas. WADT 2004 took place at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, on 27 29 March 2004, and was organized by Fernando Orejas and Jordi Cortadella. The program consisted of invited talks by Luis Caires (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) and Reiko Heckel (University of Paderborn, Germany), and 33 presentations describing ongoing research on main topics of the workshop: formal methods for system development, speci cation languages and methods, systems and techniques for reasoning about speci cations, speci cation devel- ment systems, methods and techniques for concurrent, distributed and mobile systems, and algebraic and co-algebraic foundations. 288 pp. Englisch.

  • Giancarlo Mauri

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540250808ISBN 13: 9783540250807

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This volume is based on papers presented at the5thWorkshoponM- brane Computing, WMC5, which took place in Milan, Italy, in the period June 14 16, 2004, as a satellite event of DNA10 (10th International Workshop on DNA-Based Computing). The rst three workshops were organized in Curtea de Arge s, Romania they took place in August 2000 (with the proceedings p- lished in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2235), in August 2001 (with a selection of papers published as a special issue ofFundamenta Inform- icae, volume 49, numbers 1 3, 2002), and in August 2002 (with the proceedings publishedinLectureNotesinComputerScience,volume2597).Thefourt hwo- shop took place in Tarragona, Spain, in July 2003 (the proceedings appeared as volume 2933 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Like the previous two meetings, also WMC5 was an o cial workshop of the Molecular Computing Network (MolCoNet) funded by the EU Commission in theFifthFrameworkprogramInformationSocietyTechnologies(projectnumber IST-2001-32008). The preproceedings of WMC5 were published as a MolCoNet report, and they were available during the workshop. This volume contains only a selection of the papers from the preproceedings. 432 pp. Englisch.

  • Peter Van Roy

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540250794ISBN 13: 9783540250791

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -To many readers, Mozart/Oz represents a new addition to the pantheon of p- gramming systems. One way of evaluating a newcomer is through the eyes of the classics, for example Kernighan and Pike s The Practice of Programming, a bookthatconcludeswithsix lastingconcepts :simplicityandclarity,generality, evolution,interfaces,automation,andnotation.KernighanandPikeconcentrate on using standard languages such as C and Java to implement these concepts, but it is instructive to see how a multiparadigm language such as Oz changes the outlook. Oz s concurrency model yields simplicity and clarity (because Oz makes it easier to express complex programs with many interacting components), g- erality, and better interfaces (because the data ow model automatically makes interfaces more lightweight). Constraint programming in Oz again yields simplicity and clarity (because theprogrammercanexpresswhatneedstobetrueratherthanthemorecomplex issue of how to make it true), and o ers a powerful mathematical notation that is di cult to implement on top of languages that do not support it natively. Mozart s distributed computing model makes for improved interfaces and eases the evolution of systems. In my own work, one of the most important concernsistobeabletoquicklyscaleupaprototypeimplementationintoalar- scale service that can run reliably on thousands of computers, serving millions of users. The eld of computer science needs more research to discover the best ways of facilitating this, but Mozart provides one powerful approach. Altogether,Mozart/Ozhelpswithallthelastingconceptsexceptautomation, and it plays a particularly strong role in notation, which Kernighan and Pike pointoutisanunderappreciatedarea.Ibelievethatprovidingtherightnotation isthemostimportantofthesixconcepts,onethatsupportsalltheothers.Mul- paradigm systems such as Oz provide more choices for notation than sing- paradigm languages. 352 pp. Englisch.

  • Ricardo Choren

    Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mrz 2005, 2005

    ISBN 10: 3540248439ISBN 13: 9783540248439

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book presents a coherent and well-balanced survey of recent advances in software engineering approaches to the design and analysis of realistic large-scale multi-agent systems (MAS). The chapters included are devoted to various techniques and methods used to cope with the complexity of real-world MAS. The power of agent-based software engineering is illustrated using examples that are representative of successful applications.The 16 thoroughly reviewed and revised full papers are organized in topical sections on agent methodologies and processes, requirements engineering and software architectures, modeling languages, and dependability and coordination. Most of the papers were initially presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-agent Systems, SELMAS 2004, held in Edinburgh, UK in May 2004 in association with ICSE 2004. Other papers were invited to complete coverage of all relevant aspects. 308 pp. Englisch.