Items related to Terminal Policy

Liam McCurry Terminal Policy ISBN 13: 9780982551301

Terminal Policy - Hardcover

  • 4.62 out of 5 stars
    8 ratings by Goodreads
9780982551301: Terminal Policy

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Preparations have been made. Every imaginable misadventure covered. At precisely 0400 local time, any person or property named on any insurance policy, worldwide, becomes a target for violent termination. Can one man stop the devastation? Is Martin Raker a savior or maniac? Both terrorism and insurance sell fear, he says and business is business. From Manhattan executive offices to Haiti, Paris, Baltimore, Mexico City, Rome, New Orleans, Geneva, and London. . . . Lightning-paced terror and romance romp throughout Terminal Policy. The fun lies in the reading, as our tale races toward its cataclysmic finale.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Liam McCurry is a Marine combat veteran with a highly-varied background in insurance, real state, securities, land development and advertising. He s written for publications throughout America - and also been a carnival wrestler/boxer, oil-town dance-hall cooler, bartender, done highway and bridge construction, been an actor, radio, television and broadcast newsman, talk-show host, weatherman, and sports play-by-play announcer, including network football. He s lectured in psychology and history for a university, teaching adult education classes for State Penitentiary inmates. An avowed vagabond, his writing shows delightful knowledge of back-roads and byways as well as tourist spots and an intimate acquaintance with the people, moods, color, odors and geography of his locales. McCurry resides on the Monterey Peninsula in California.


Terminal Policy is as good as any fiction I ve ever read . . . and I am really a bookworm! I just finished Raker s childhood . . . my kudos to McCurry for creating a nerve-tingling tale! --Lori Taylor, University of Arizona

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAshleigh Publishing Group
  • Publication date2009
  • ISBN 10 0982551304
  • ISBN 13 9780982551301
  • BindingHardcover
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages536
  • Rating
    • 4.62 out of 5 stars
      8 ratings by Goodreads

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