This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1864 Excerpt: ...s. A metal recently discovered in ores of yttrium. Eremia, er-e'me-a, s. (eremos, solitary, from the seeds being solitary in their cells, Gr.) A genus of heath-like plants: Order, Ericacjse.--Don. Eriochasma, e-re-o-kas'ma, s. (erion, wool, and chasme, a rent, Gr.) A genus of tender ferns: Order, Polypodiacese.--Smith. Eriopsis, e-re-op'sis, s. (eria, a species of plant, and opsis, resemblance, Gr.) A genus of wool-like flowering plants: Order, Polypodiacese.--Lindley. Eriothrix, e're-o-Ariks, a. (erion, wool, and thix, hair, Gr.) A genus of white flowering plants: Order, Composite.--De Oandulle. Ermined, er'mind, a. Clothed with ermine; adorned with the fir of the ermine. Ermined pride.--Pope. Eeosive, e-ro'sive, a. (erodo, to gnaw, Lat. Having the property of eating away or corroding; corrosive. Eeotectic, e-ro-tek'tik, a. (erolao, to question, Gr.) Interrogatory; inquisitive. Eerand-eoy, er'rand-boy, s. A boy employed to run errands and carry messages. Eerata, er-ra'ta, s. pi. See Erratum, vol. i. Eeraticalness, er-rat'e-kal-nes, s. A wandering of disposition. Eering, er'ring, ppr. or a. Wandering from the truth or the right way; mistaking; irregular. The erring soul.--Milton. Eers, ers, s. A species of plants; the bitter vetch. Eruditely, erVdite-le, ad. With erudition or learning. Eruditeness, er'u-dite-nes, s. Quality of being learned or erudite. Eeupted, e-rup'ted, pp. or a. Forcibly thrown out, as lava from a volcano. Eeyngo, e-rin'go, s. The sea-holly, Eryngium. Erythematic, er-e-tfie-mat'ik, a. Pertaining to erythma. Escalin, es'ka-lin, s. A Dutch and Flemish shilling; a base silver coin and money of account, worth about sixpence. Eschalot, es-cha-lo', s. A species of small onion or garlic. Eschatology, es-ka-tol'o-je, s. (eschatos, the past, or f...
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