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Sarah Dessen Truth About Forever ISBN 13: 9781422363324

Truth About Forever - Hardcover

  • 4.12 out of 5 stars
    224,170 ratings by Goodreads
9781422363324: Truth About Forever

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On the outside, Macy Queen is cool and calm. On the inside, she's breaking. Silently struggling with her Dad's death, and spending the summer apart from her oh-so-perfect boyfriend, Macy is smiling her way through - she's 'fine'. It's only when she meets a group of new friends - and artistic, sexy Wes catches her eye - she realizes she can wear her heart on her sleeve sometimes. Because life doesn't stop when someone disappears - and even though she's lost so much, can Macy see what she has to gain? Hugely engaging and with great emotional depth, Sarah Dessen's rich, warm, atmospheric writing makes this the perfect summer read for teenage girls.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


With her sixth novel, award-winning author Sarah Dessen offers up another generous helping of finely crafted storytelling about real teens dealing with real life. In The Truth About Forever, when asked how she is coping with her father's death, invariably seventeen year old Macy Queen's answer is "fine," when nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, she is drowning in grief while maintaining a flawless façade of good grades and unblemished behavior. Though she feels lost when her boyfriend heads to "Brain Camp" for the summer, she finds herself a job with the quirky Wish Catering crew, and meets "sa-woon"-worthy Wes, whose chaotic lifestyle is in direct opposition to her own. As the two share their stories over the summer, Macy realizes she can no longer keep her feelings on ice. Though it feels like her future endedwith her dad's death, Macy's learns that forever is all about beginnings. Dessen charts Macy's navigation of grief in such an honest way it will touch every reader who meets her. All of the Dessen trademarks are here: a girl in transition, a wonderfully fleshed out cast of secondary characters, and of course, the luminous, powerful writing itself. The Truth About Forever will more than satisfy Dessen's legion of fans, and will win her countless more as well. Highly recommended. (Ages 12 and up) --Jennifer Hubert

About the Author

Sarah Dessen is one of America's most successful writers of teenage fiction. Her books have won various awards, many of them spending several weeks on The New York Times bestseller list. Sarah lives in the countryside in North Carolina with her husband, some lizards and two very spoilt dogs. This is her second novel for Puffin, following the brilliant Just Listen.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherViking/Penguin
  • Publication date2004
  • ISBN 10 1422363325
  • ISBN 13 9781422363324
  • BindingHardcover
  • Number of pages374
  • Rating
    • 4.12 out of 5 stars
      224,170 ratings by Goodreads

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