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Power vs. Force (Large Print 16pt) - Softcover

  • 4.15 out of 5 stars
    12,822 ratings by Goodreads
9781459609945: Power vs. Force (Large Print 16pt)

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Building on the accumulated wisdom of applied kinesiology (diagnostic muscle-testing to determine the causes of allergies and ailments) and behavioral kinesiology (muscle-testing to determine emotional responses to stimuli), David R. Hawkins, M.D. has taken muscle-testing to the next level, in an effort to determine what makes people and systems strong, healthy, effective, and spiritually sound.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

From the Publisher

Power vs Force is the culmination of a lifetime's work and study, a brilliant fusion of the mystical and the scientific, and the most thorough exposition yet of the art of kinesiology and its connections with both the new physics and ancient Eastern philosophy.

From the Author

All human endeavor has the common goal of understanding or influencing human experience. To this end, man has developed numerous descriptive and analytical disciplines: Morality, Philosophy, Psychology, and so on....Regardless what branch of inquiry one starts from-philosophy, political theory, theology-all avenues of investigation eventually converge at a common meeting point: the quest for an organized understanding of the nature of pure consciousness....To explain that which is simple can be difficult indeed. Much of this book is devoted to the process of making the simple obvious. If we can understand even one simple thing in depth, we will have greatly expanded our capacity for comprehending the nature of the universe and life itself.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherReadHowYouWant
  • Publication date2011
  • ISBN 10 1459609948
  • ISBN 13 9781459609945
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Number of pages420
  • Rating
    • 4.15 out of 5 stars
      12,822 ratings by Goodreads

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