Items related to Psycho-Phone Messages

Grierson, Francis Psycho-Phone Messages ISBN 13: 9781542785877

Psycho-Phone Messages - Softcover

9781542785877: Psycho-Phone Messages

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These messages were begun in September, 1920, and the last was recorded in May, 1921. I little dreamed that many of the predictions set forth would be verified so soon. For names, in themselves, count for nothing. The subliminal mind may assume different names on different occasions. A message is of value exactly in proportion to the information imparted.

The first communication from General Grant was recorded September ninth. It is peremptory in tone, and contains a warning touching the insecurity of the Panama Canal. In November Mr. Harding made a tour of inspection and found the fortifications of the Canal inadequate. I then decided on the publication of these messages.

They deal with the actual. Take, for example, John Marshall’s documents, which are filled with warnings no reader with intelligence will attempt to refute, Disraeli’s indictment of English statesmanship in recent times, Lincoln’s utterances on affairs in Europe and Mexico, General Grant on Preparation, Benjamin Franklin on the Privilege of Liberty, Bishop Phillips Brooks on the Coming Ordeals, to name but a few.

As a Judge sums up, regardless of who may or may not agree, a decision is rendered according to the vision of the one who delivers the message. Principle, not Party, is the basis of judgment.

Witness Disraeli’s remark that the blunders committed by the British Parliament would have been impossible in an Irish Parliament in Dublin. In a series of articles in “Nash’s Magazine” Mr. Basil King suggests that “the means of communication with the plane next above us may be through the everlasting doors which the subliminal opens upward. Through these doors the mind may go up and out; through these doors the light may come in and down.”

In our group of investigators we have had the perseverence essential for serious development, and, as in all demonstrations, whether physical or psychical, everything depends on conditions, so we have had periods of weeks when no message of any kind was received.

A striking feature of these communications is their freedom from restraint imposed by popular opinion. They contain neither theories nor appeals. Warnings are uttered concerning events and their inevitable reactions.

The psycho-phonic waves, by which the messages are imparted, are as definite as those received by wireless methods.


Los Angeles, California

“To Francis Grierson belongs the honor of having first attained to prophetic vision of the common goal. In his first volume, published in Paris in 1889, he suggested every idea which since then has become recognized as essential not only to Bergson and Maeterlinck but to the constantly increasing number of writers engaged in making the time conscious of its own spirit. As we read essay after essay it is as if we beheld the globe of life revolving slowly between us and some unknown source of light.” -Edwin Bjorkman, "Voices of Tomorrow"

“He presents a unique combination of thinker, writer, artist and musician who owes nothing to any school or any master or system of training; and his experience is without a parallel in the intellectual world of our day.” -Current Opinion

"My own experiences as a student in this sphere of psychic research in Europe and America, covering a period of thirty years, convince me that we have here a revelation of a new mode of spiritual communication unlike anything heretofore given to the world, not only different in quality but different in purpose." -Lawrence Waldemar Tonner

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About the Author

Benjamin Henry Jesse Francis Shepard was a composer and pianist, who also wrote under the pen name of Francis Grierson. He was born in Birkenhead, England, but his family migrated to Illinois, United States while Jesse was still a baby. (Wikipedia)

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

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