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Warder Cresson The Key of David ISBN 13: 9781610330893

The Key of David - Softcover

9781610330893: The Key of David

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First published in 1852, this TGS reprint is for any Christian or Jew questioning the validity or authenticity of thier own religion. This book tackles problems between Judaism and Christianity, and between the Old Testament and the New Testament, in a straight forward, common sense approach. Cresson challenges many of the doctrines of Christianity that are in direct contradiction to the religion of the man they call their God and Savior, and proves his points from Old Testament Scripture.

The Key Of David
David The True Messiah
The Anointed of The G-D of Jacob

The Two Women
Who Came To King Solomon
Were Designed,
In the Greatest Depth of Wisdom,
To Represent
The True and False Churches,
and The Living and Dead Child,

Reasons For Becoming A Jew;
With A Revision of the Late Lawsuit
For Lunacy On That Account
Together With An Appendix

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Warder Cresson (1799-1860), or Michael Boaz Israel ben-Avraham, belonged to a prominent Philadelphia Quaker family. His polemical autobiography, THE KEY OF DAVID, describes his conversion to Judaism in 1844 and gives his reason for doing so. A proto-Zionist and messianic visionary, Warder Cresson spent the last years of his life in Jerusalem.

Cresson's conversion to "ultra-Orthodox" Judaism was considered so eccentric and bizarre that his non-Jewish family had him brought up on charges of insanity. Cresson was aquitted at his trial in Philadelphia and returned to Palestine. In Jerusalem, he married a Sephardic woman, Rachel Moledano, and had two children, David Benzion, and Abigail Ruth. While there are non-Jewish descendants of the Cresson family (from his first wife, Elizabeth), it is not known if there are any Jewish descendants.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherTGS Publishing
  • Publication date2006
  • ISBN 10 1610330897
  • ISBN 13 9781610330893
  • BindingPerfect Paperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Number of pages372

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