Items related to Snowboarding to Nirvana

Lenz, Frederick Snowboarding to Nirvana ISBN 13: 9781947811072

Snowboarding to Nirvana - Softcover

  • 3.74 out of 5 stars
    199 ratings by Goodreads
9781947811072: Snowboarding to Nirvana

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A mysterious voice heard while flying down a mountain on a snowboard. A crazed and enlightened monk known as the Oracle of Nepal. The timeless wisdom of the aged Master Fwap. A striking and spiritual Danish woman named Nadia... A profound adventure takes a young American snowboarder from the high mountain passes of the Himalayas to an intimate encounter in Kathmandu, a dark night of the soul in Los Angeles, and then back to the Annapurna range for the ultimate peak experience: snowboarding directly into nirvana itself. Snowboarding to Nirvana takes you on a wild ride on the razor’s edge of the deepest teachings and mysteries of Tantric Buddhism and serves as a guide for reaching your own enlightenment.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherLiving Buddha Press
  • Publication date2019
  • ISBN 10 194781107X
  • ISBN 13 9781947811072
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages280
  • Rating
    • 3.74 out of 5 stars
      199 ratings by Goodreads

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