Items related to Politicheskaya karta mira

. Politicheskaya karta mira ISBN 13: 9785170934904

Politicheskaya karta mira - Softcover

9785170934904: Politicheskaya karta mira

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Na Politicheskoi karte mira v masshtabe 1:40 000 000 (v 1 sm 400 km) pokazany vse nezavisimye gosudarstva mira s ikh stolitcami, a takzhe vladeniia i territorii s osobym statusom. Naselennye punkty na karte dany v trekh gradatciiakh chislennosti: bolee 1 mln zhitelei, ot 100 tys. do 1 mln, menee 100 tys. zhitelei.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAST
  • Publication date2020
  • ISBN 10 5170934904
  • ISBN 13 9785170934904
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageRussian
  • Number of pages2

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