Items related to Sekret

Reshetina M. Sekret ISBN 13: 9785367034110

Sekret - Hardcover

9785367034110: Sekret

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Assotciatcii s legendarnoi liverpulskoi chetverkoi vyzyvali ne tolko stcenicheskii obraz bit-kvarteta "Sekret" i vziatyi imi kurs na "mersi saund", no i mnogomillionnaia armiia poklonnikov - v seredine 80-kh malchiki i devochki v belykh rubashkakh i krasnykh galstukakh raspevali "Privet" i "Alisu" po vsei territorii neobiatnoi rodiny... A eshche "sekrety" smogli sdelat to, chto ne suzhdeno bylo bitlam, - 30 let spustia oni snova vmeste.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAmfora.
  • Publication date2015
  • ISBN 10 536703411X
  • ISBN 13 9785367034110
  • BindingHardcover
  • Number of pages94

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