Molly Moon, reunited with her parents, is hypnotized by a mysterious turbaned gardener and eventually transported to India, where she meets not only a maharajah with a speech defect but also former versions of herself.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 31.38
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Seller: LibroUsado | TikBooks, Madrid, Spain
Encuadernación de tapa dura. Condition: Bien. Dust Jacket Condition: Regular. L305914. Ed. SM - 350pp Tercer libro de la colección Molly Moon.P-BD. Seller Inventory # 1122485
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Seller: Iridium_Books, DH, SE, Spain
Condition: Muy Bueno / Very Good. Seller Inventory # 100000000168279
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Seller: Iridium_Books, DH, SE, Spain
Condition: Used - Good. Seller Inventory # 9788467547160
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Seller: Zilis Select Books, Madrid, M, Spain
Cartoné. Condition: Very Good. 01/02/2011. Seller Inventory # 978788301
Quantity: 1 available