Items related to Macrobiotics for Life

June Ka Lim Macrobiotics for Life ISBN 13: 9789675114663

Macrobiotics for Life - Softcover

9789675114663: Macrobiotics for Life

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Macrobiotics stand for a "long life diet", a concept based on achieving holistic health of the body, mind and spirit. This traditional concept has been around for over 5,000 years. In this book, nutritionist and founder of Woods Macrobiotics, June Ka Lim, presents 50 meticulously prepared macrobiotic recipes that are specially designed based on individual physique, age, health status and gender. Isn't it time for everybody to eat healthily and happily? June Ka Lim is a leading authority in the macrobiotics diet. She is serious about macrobiotics. How do we know this? She was willing to risk her personal savings and career in order to start a macrobiotic business to educate her community about the benefits of following a macrobiotic diet. Such passion cannot be forged. After a few years of hard work, she successfully founded woods Bio Marche, a chain of macrobiotic cafes in Malaysia. She is also a graduate of the Kushi Institute, USA and holds a B.Sc in Nutrition. Her carefully designed recipe shows in her Macrobiotic cookbook.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • Publication date2009
  • ISBN 10 9675114665
  • ISBN 13 9789675114663
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages154

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