In Home, with additional storage building. Located on Route 100, Readsboro Falls, Vermont.
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Falls Bookstore
VT, U.S.A.
Terms of Sale:
Please e-mail or call to reserve. Shipping & Handling rates as follows:
Domestic U.S.A. Mimimum $4.50 for up to 2lbs.; $5.50 for up to 5lbs: For non-domestic shipment, or over 5 lbs., and shipment other than USPS media rate, will quote. Will accept checks, money orders and purchase through ABE's credit card program. Vermont residents please add 6% sales tax. We will accept returns, if the book is not as stated, within 30 days of receipt of item.
UPDATE DETAILS; Falls Bookstore, P.O. Box 233; Rea...
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Shipping Terms:
Shipping per conditions as listed. If other desired please contact.