This fifth edition has been re-designed to make cognitive neuroscience more accessible and help you with your studies. We have streamlined the structure, with helpful features, to make each chapter more engaging and readable. In addition, every new copy of the book comes with a scratch-off code, providing free access to the e-book, teaching videos and online psychology experiments (see below): - The illustrations and anatomical figures have been re-drawn make the text easier to understand. - Key messages are highlighted in each chapter to reinforce essential concepts. . - Hot Science features showcase the latest research and applications in the field. . - Anatomical Orientation figures open each chapter to highlight the brain anatomy that will be addressed in the chapter. - End of chapter summaries of new concepts, key terms lists, Think About It questions, and suggested reading facilitate study and enable students to self-evaluate their comprehension. - Answers to Think About It questions are provided in the back of the book. In addition to the most current research, the book shows how an understanding of cognitive neuroscience is relevant in real cases: - Chapter openers include patient stories from the start. - Lessons from the Clinic show how theory applies in a clinical setting. They provide humanising stories, for example. The Maine Idea explains how a patient in New York City claimed that she was, in fact, at her house in Freeport, Maine due to a brain lesion. An Unwanted Limb describes a patient who felt as though his left leg was not part of his body and had it voluntarily amputated to relieve his suffering. - Hot Science features showcase current controversies in the field and engage students in discussions about cognitive neuroscience and its future. - Tech Stress (in Ch. 10) links the use of electronic devices that encourage frequent media multitasking with an increase in anxiety disorders. - Bug Brains (in Ch
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