Antiquariat Uhlmann

Antiquariat Uhlmann

Josefstrasse 106
Zürich, Switzerland 8005

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Joined February 21, 2023

About this seller

Gegründet Anfang 2023, vorerst als Versandantiquariat im Stadtzürcher Kreis 5 betrieben. Der Inhaber: Dr. phil. Matthias Uhlmann, an der Universität Zürich promovierter Filmwissenschafter, gelernter Sortimentsbuchhändler, ehedem als Werkstudent und in Festanstellung während rund 20 Jahren in einem Stadtzürcher Antiquariat tätig.

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Terms of Sale

The offers are subject to change; minor defects are not always stated explicitly, but are always taken into account in the sales price. Delivery after advance payment remains reserved. Place of jurisdiction is Zurich.

Shipping Terms

Shipment will be made at the buyer's expense within two days. Only average shipping costs are indicated; if a concretely incurred postage (due to the weight and/or the dimensions of the package) deviates significantly from this, the buyer will be informed immediately; in any case, an amicable solution will be sought.