Apeiron Book Service

Apeiron Book Service

Località Pantano 35
Sant'Oreste, Italy 00060

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

+39 3314359737

Joined December 14, 2010

About this seller

Tutti i titoli proposti dalla Libreria on-line di Apeiron Book Service sono immediamente disponibili. I volumi sono nuovi, alcuni remainders e una modesta quantità di usato. Tipologie: Archeologia, Arte e fotografia; Architettura, moda e design; Cucina; Spettacolo e cinema; Letteratura; Saggistica; Botanica: piante e giardini; Libri per ragazzi. In italiano e in lingua. Se volete passare da noi per vedere i libri di persona siete benvenuti, il ns orario è dalle 9.00-13.00 e dalle 14.30-17.00, lunedì-venerdì. Vi consigliamo comunque di contattarci per essere sicuri che c'è qualcuno di noi. Tel: 0761 597 008. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENGLISH. The Apeiron Book Service on-line book store offers only titles available in our warehouse. We sell books on: Archeology, art, photography, architecture, fashion, design, home and garden, literature, cooking, the performing arts, children's books. ALL books are new. We offer a few remainders, and some used books. Books are in the following languages: Italian, English, French, German and Dutch. If you like to visit us please do, but make sure we are in the warehouse: call 0761 597 008. Opening hours Monday-Friday: 9.00-13.00 and 14.30-17.00.

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Terms of Sale

Shipping Terms

CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE ITALY. If you would need info before ordering, please ask.
We ship by Italian post: Standard Delivery Mail. Shipping costs calculated according to weight class. For each item, the net weight is indicated in the book description.

  1. Up to 350 gram, Europe, UK included, = euro 7.50 (Standard International mail).
  2. Up to 350 gram, U.S.A. and Canada, = euro 9.90 (Standard International mail).
  3. Up to 1 KG.: Europe, UK included, = euro 9.70 (Standard International mail).
  4. Europe, UK included: up to 2 KG = euro 15.85 (Standard International mail. For the countries not excepting Economy Mail-Bags: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malta, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary.
  5. Europe: from 1 to 4 KG = euro 10.50. Ships Economy Mail-Bag. SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES: SEE POINT 4
  6. World: from 351 gram to 4 KG. = euro 11.90 Ships Economy Mail-Bag. SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE FOR: Bhutan, Canada, Georgia, Japan, French Polinesia, Vanuatu.
  7. As to 4 and 5: Ordering more books shipping with M-BAGS does not require extra shipping if the delivery remains within the 4 KG range. ATTENTION: for each KG over 4 KG (the limit is 12 KG per Bag) we’ll ask you euro 2.60 extra.