Seller: Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries Ltd., Galway, GY, Ireland
First Edition
Condition: New. 2004. 01st Edition. Paperback. The love affair between Maurice Bendix and Sarah, flourishing in the turbulent times of the London Blitz, ends when she suddenly and without explanation breaks it off. After a chance meeting rekindles his love and jealousy two years later, Bendix hires a private detective to follow Sarah, and slowly his love for her turns into an obsession. Num Pages: 192 pages. BIC Classification: FA. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 195 x 131 x 14. Weight in Grams: 144. . . . . .
Published by William Heinemann Ltd, 1951
Seller: World of Rare Books, Goring-by-Sea, SXW, United Kingdom
First Edition
Condition: Fair. 1951. First Edition. 237 pages. No dust jacket. This is an ex-Library book. Grey cloth boards with gilt lettering. W.H.Smith ex-library rebind with associated stickers and markings to pages and boards. Clean pages with light tanning and mild foxing throughout. More pronounced to free endpapers, pastedowns and half title page. Hinges are slightly cracked with exposed netting. Binding remains firm. Boards have moderate edge-wear with bumping to corners and rubbing to surfaces. Gilt lettering is darkened. Moderate sunning to spine and edges with crushing to spine ends. Minor splits to spine ends and corners causing cloth to be frayed. Book has a slight forward lean. Visible wear marks to boards.
Published by pocket, new york, 1975
Seller: broken wing books, Blaine, MN, U.S.A.
First Edition
Soft cover. Condition: Very Good. 1st Edition. Number line 10-2, stated first pocket books printing August, 1975 edge wear from storage. UNREAD.
Published by William Heinemann Ltd, 1951
Seller: World of Rare Books, Goring-by-Sea, SXW, United Kingdom
First Edition
Condition: Fair. 1951. First Edition. 237 pages. No dust jacket. This is an ex-Library book. Orange cloth. Boots library rebind with associated stickers and markings to pages and boards. Severe cracking to hinges causing boards to be loose. Pages have light tanning and foxing throughout. Boards have light shelf-wear with corner bumping. Slight crushing to spine ends with splits to spine ends causing cloth to be frayed. Marking to front board.
Published by Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1955
Language: German
Seller: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Germany
First Edition
Condition: Gut. Taschenbucherstausgabe. 170 (12) Seiten. 19 cm. Einbandentwurf: Karl Gröning und Gisela Pferdmenges. Guter Zustand. Das Ende einer Affäre (Originaltitel The End of the Affair) ist ein Roman des britischen Schriftstellers Graham Greene aus dem Jahr 1951. Ausgehend von einer außerehelichen Affäre in London während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wirft Greene Fragen nach der Liebe und dem Glauben auf. Der Roman wurde 1955 und 1999 verfilmt. Inhalt: Im Januar 1946 trifft der aufstrebende Schriftsteller Maurice Bendrix nach über einem Jahr einen alten Bekannten wieder, den Staatsbeamten Henry Miles. Bald dreht sich das Gespräch um Miles' Frau Sarah. Henry fürchtet, dass seine Frau ihn betrügt, weswegen er mit dem Gedanken spielt, einen Privatdetektiv einzuschalten. Die Nachricht reißt in Bendrix alte Wunden auf, denn tatsächlich hatte er ohne Wissen Henrys von 1939 bis 1944 eine Affäre mit Sarah. Die immer wieder durch seine Eifersucht belastete Beziehung endete im Juni 1944 nach einem deutschen Raketenangriff auf London abrupt. Seither hat Bendrix Sarah nicht wieder gesehen, bis er ihr noch am gleichen Abend in Henrys Haus begegnet. Die Vorstellung, Sarah könne einen neuen Liebhaber haben, lässt Bendrix nicht mehr los, und so ist er es, der statt Miles einen Detektiv engagiert. Obwohl sich Mr. Parkis, der bei seinen Observationen stets von seinem 12-jährigen Sohn begleitet wird, eher tollpatschig anstellt, findet er am Ende heraus, dass Sarah regelmäßig einen Mann namens Richard Smythe besucht. Doch dieser ist nicht ihr Liebhaber, sondern ein Atheist, der Lebensberatung gibt. Sarah hofft, er könne sie von der Nichtexistenz Gottes überzeugen, doch all seine Bekehrungsversuche treiben sie bloß mehr und mehr zum Katholizismus. Durch Sarahs Tagebuch erfährt Bendrix vom Konflikt ihres Lebens: Am 16. Juni 1944, dem Tag ihres letzten Rendezvous, schlug eine Rakete in sein Haus ein. Sarah glaubte, der bewusstlose Bendrix sei gestorben, und betete verzweifelt zu einem Gott, an den sie nicht glaubte. Schließlich legte sie das Versprechen ab, ihre Affäre zu beenden, wenn ihr Liebhaber wieder zum Leben erweckt werde. Nachdem Bendrix zu Bewusstsein gekommen war, fühlte sie sich an ihr Gelübde gebunden und verließ ihn noch am gleichen Tag. Ihre Liebe zu ihm verlor sie nie, doch sie fühlte sich an ihren Mann und ihr Versprechen gebunden. Ihrem Dilemma glaubte sie nur durch eine Hinwendung zu Gott und schließlich durch den Tod entrinnen zu können. Nachdem er von ihrer fortdauernden Liebe erfahren hat, hofft Bendrix, Sarah zurückzugewinnen, bis Henry ihm mitteilt, dass sie an einer Lungenentzündung gestorben ist, die sie sich mutwillig am Januarabend ihrer letzten Begegnung zugezogen hat. Obwohl Henry inzwischen von der Affäre seiner Frau weiß, lädt er Bendrix ein, bei ihm zu wohnen. Er, der seine Frau stets geliebt hat, ohne ihr Erfüllung bereiten zu können, möchte ihr wenigstens in gemeinsamen Gesprächen mit ihrem Liebhaber nahe sein. Hadernd mit einem Gott, dem Sarah erst ihre Liebe und dann ihr Leben geopfert hat, verhindert Bendrix gegen ihren letzten Willen eine katholische Bestattung. In den folgenden Tagen reihen sich einige unerklärliche Phänomene aneinander, die die Betroffenen Parkis' genesener Sohn und der bekehrte Smythe auf den Einfluss der Verstorbenen zurückführen. Selbst Bendrix erkennt am Ende die Existenz Gottes an, doch alles, was er ihm nach dem Erlebten entgegenbringen kann, ist nicht Liebe, sondern Hass. Hintergrund: The End of the Affair zählt zu Greenes so genannten katholischen Romanen" (catholic novels"), in denen der zum katholischen Glauben konvertierte Autor moralische Fragen und Konflikte vor einem dezidiert katholischen Glaubens- und Wertesystem untersucht. In diese Reihe gehören auch Brighton Rock (1938, Am Abgrund des Lebens), The Power and the Glory (1940, Die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit) und The Heart of the Matter (1948, Das Herz aller Dinge). Die Dreiecksbeziehung im Roman basiert auf Greenes eigener langjähriger Liebesaffäre mit Catherine Walston, der Ehefrau des britischen Landwirtes und Politikers Henry Walston, die auch durch Erscheinen des Buches nicht beendet wurde. Greene widmete die britische Ausgabe C.", während die amerikanische Ausgabe den Namen Catherine" ausschrieb. The End of the Affair gehört in Greenes eher traditionellem Werk zu seinen experimentellsten Arbeiten und beinhaltet Sprünge zwischen unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und Zeitebenen sowie eine lange Tagebuchpassage, die Sarah direkt an Gott richtet. Allerdings hat die Auflösung des Romans ihm häufig Kritik an der Glaubwürdigkeit und Überanstrengung des Geschehens sowie der Banalität von Sarahs Konversion eingebracht. Adaptionen: Nach Greenes Romanvorlage entstanden zwei Spielfilme. In der Produktion aus dem Jahr 1955 mit dem deutschen Titel Das Ende einer Affaire spielten Deborah Kerr, Van Johnson, John Mills, Peter Cushing und Michael Goodliffe unter der Regie von Edward Dmytryk. 1999 verfilmte Neil Jordan den Roman als Das Ende einer Affäre mit Ralph Fiennes, Stephen Rea, Julianne Moore, Jason Isaacs und Ian Hart. Im Jahr 2004 wurde die Oper The End of the Affair von Jake Heggie an der Houston Grand Opera uraufgeführt. 2012 brachte Audible-com ein Hörbuch des Romans, gelesen von Colin Firth, heraus, das 2013 als Audiobook of the Year ausgezeichnet wurde. -- Graham Greene (* 2. Oktober 1904 in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, Großbritannien; 3. April 1991 in Vevey, Schweiz; eigentlich Henry Graham Greene) war ein britischer Schriftsteller. . . Aus: wikipedia-Graham_Greene. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 120 Taschenbuch mit Leinenrücken. Kartoniert. Laminiert. Glanzfolienkaschierung.
Published by Bantam Books, 1955
Seller: zenosbooks, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
paperback. Condition: Very Good in Wrappers. No Jacket. First Edition. New York. 1955. February 1955. Bantam Books. 1st Bantam Paperback Edition. Very Good in Wrappers. 167 pages. paperback. A1306. keywords: Europe England Literature World Literature. DESCRIPTION - The novelist Maurice Bendrix's love affair with his friend's wife, Sarah, had begun in London during the Blitz. One day, inexplicably and without warning, Sarah had broken off the relationship. It seemed impossible that there could be a rival for her heart. Yet two years later, driven by obsessive jealousy and grief, Bendrix sends Parkis, a private detective, to follow Sarah and find out the truth. '. a tale of adultery and obsessive jealousy. passionately felt and stirringly written.' The Atlantic. inventory #48113.
Published by Bantam Books. New York: Bantam Books, Inc., 1955
Seller: GRAHAM HOLROYD, BOOKS, Webster, NY, U.S.A.
First Edition
Paperback. first edition. A-1306 very good, creases paperback,
Soft cover. Condition: Very Good. 1st Edition. In wraps. Stated 30e Mille (30,000 copies printed). Spine has vertical creasing and curling. Wear/creasing at edges and corners with tanned pages. Deckle edge. French translation. Early Printing.
Published by William Heinemann LTD, 1951
Seller: Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. The boards are faded, marked, edge worn. Internally lightly tanned and minor marks. All text is clear and presentable. Well bound. Good copy. ak. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services.
Published by Heinemann, 1952, 1952
Seller: Rothwell & Dunworth (ABA, ILAB), Dulverton, United Kingdom
First Edition
1st edn 2nd printing. 8vo. Original gilt lettered grey cloth (spine faded and upper board lightly marked - otherwise VG), no dustwrapper. Pp. 237 (previous owner's neat 1954 inscription on front free endpaper; page edges tanned).
Published by London, UK: Heinemann / Bodley Head, 1974, 1st Collected Edition, First Prinitng, London, England, 1974
ISBN 10: 0370014979 ISBN 13: 9780370014975
Language: English
First Edition
Hard Cover. Condition: Near Fine (see desciption). Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good (see description). Michael Harvey Cover Design (illustrator). First Edition. -----------( 1st printing of the First COLLECTED edition ) hardcover, a Near Fine example, pen mark on lower edge of text block, in an attractive Very Good/Very Good+ price clipped dustjacket, Bodley Head £12.95 price sticker laid over a BH £9.95 price sticker on front flap, as this has a BH price sticker I have used the BH ISBN as part of my description (the HEINEMANN ISBN is different - 043430560x ), any image directly beside this listing is the actual book and not a generic photo. ///NOT SIGNED ---GUARANTEED to be AVAILABLE///---sizes are approximate (generally within 1/8 inch)--- Size: 4.75 w x 7.75h Inches. Not Signed. Price Clipped Jacket.
Published by William Heinemann Ltd., 1951
Seller: Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. First Edition. Name of the previous owner. Publication of 237 pages. The boards are a little shelf rubbed. There are light marks around the block of the book and little within the body of the book. The binding is excellent. GK. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services.
Published by William Heinemann, London, 1951
Seller: Riverside Books, Halesworth, United Kingdom
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. No Jacket. First Edition. Tight copy with some browning; neat name to fep; dulling to spine .
Published by William Heinemann Ltd, London, United Kingdom, 1951
Language: English
Seller: PW Books, Andover, HANTS, United Kingdom
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. 1st Edition. True first British printing. No jacket. Grey boards with faded gold lettering to spine are good with a little pushing/bumping to corners, patchy browning (including to spine), a few small marks, the odd small bump/rub to edges, one larger bump to front edge, light crease to spine (book has been read) and a little wear (pushing/rubbing/little fraying to the cloth) to head/tail of spine. Pages are generally clean and the binding is tight. Pages are a bit tanned. Previous owner's name in pencil inside front board. Odd small mark/spot of foxing to page edges, tops and bottoms. Inside boards/end-papers/first and last couple of pages tanned. Small crease to top corner of a few pages. Very occasional small mark/spot of foxing to pages. No other faults. All books described honestly and accurately. Paypal accepted.
Published by William Heinemann Ltd, London, 1951
Seller: Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Fair. No Jacket. First Edition. 237 pages (complete). One of Greene's most popular novels. The cover is worn, marked and scuffed. The contents are neat, tanned, clear, mild-mannered and content. Tightly bound. fk r*30/06/2022. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services.
Published by Paul Zsolnay, Wien, 1951
Seller: Malota, Klosterneuburg, Austria
First Edition
1. Ausgabe. Gebunden. Orig.-Leinen, 12x19, S 347. Solid guter Zustand.
Published by William Heinemann, 1951
Seller: Gallois Books, Bayonne, France
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. 1st Edition. 237pp. Gilt titles to spine. Grey boards are marked with a slight stain to the edge down the length of the book. Half-title page foxed as is its equivalent at rear of book. A previous owner's name in blue ink to page opposite the page detailing year of publication.
Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. original 1951 Heinemann (UK) hard cover - 1st edition 1st printing - some wear to edges of dust jacket (now in mylar cover) binding out of square - some tanning and staining to page edge - owner's name cut out of front end paper - pencil notes on back end paper - otherwise binding strong contents clean - enjoy.
Published by Viking Press
Seller: Magers and Quinn Booksellers, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.
First Edition
Condition: Very Good. Condition: Very Good; Hardcover in dustjacket. First Edition 1951. Condition is Very Good in a Good dustjacket. Book has clean covers and a tight, square binding. Name on title page. Jacket is clean and bright with wrinkles along the top and bottom edges and a couple closed tears. Photos upon request.
Published by William Heinemann Ltd, London, 1951
Language: English
Seller: Edinburgh Books, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
First Edition
Original Grey Cloth Hardback. Condition: Very Good Plus. Dust Jacket Condition: No dust jacket. First Edition. 1951, first edition, 237pp. Publisher's grey cloth with gilt titles to spine. Top edge grey. Offsetting to the half title page and the last, blank, page to rear. The gilt titles to the spine are still quite bright. There is light foxing to the spine and fore edge and one small spot to the top of the title page. No inscriptions. A very nice copy.
Published by Viking Press / Compass Books Edition, New York, 1966
Seller: Brookfield Books, Red Wing, MN, U.S.A.
First Edition
Soft cover. Condition: Fine. 1st Edition. Viking Compass #83. Price Of $1.45 On Cover. Very Excellent Condition. Tight, Bright, No Tears Or Marks. Eighth Printing. Cover Design By Bill English.
Published by Viking Press, New York, 1951
Seller: Monroe Street Books, Middlebury, VT, U.S.A.
First Edition
Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: None. 240 pages. Clean, unmarked copy with only minor wear to covers. No dust jacket. Record # 855893.
First Edition. 230mm x 150mm (9" x 6"). 208pp. 8 b/w plates. VG : in very good condition with dark green slipcase. Cover lightly marked Green boards and black titles with an orange and black design on cover.
Published by William Heinemann Ltd, Melbourne, 1951
Seller: Pulp Fiction Murwillumbah, Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia
First Edition
Hard Cover. Condition: Fair. 1st. No dust jacket, the hard covers are edgeworn, scuffed and chipped. Within, there is a stamp from a previous seller on the endpaper. There is some heavy foxing to the title page where there is also starting to tshake from the spine. The sides of the textblock are tanned. 268.
Published by Viking Press, New York, 1951
Seller: Great Northern Books, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Very Good +. Dust Jacket Condition: very good +. First American edition. First printing. "The End of the Affair" is the fourth and final of Greene's "Catholic novels" tetralogy, It is based on Greene's real life affair with Catherine Walston, to whom the book is dedicated. A bright, clean, unmarked copy with slight shelfwear and a small spot of rubbing.
Published by Heinemann London 1951, 1951
Seller: Andrew Barnes Books / Military Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
First Edition
1st edition hardback in original cloth Very Good octavo 237pp., Half-title heavily browned o/w a very good reading copy in dull grey boards.
Published by Viking, NY, 1951
Seller: curtis paul books, inc., Northridge, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Good+. First Edition. Publisher's gilt-titled cloth. First edition. Topstain faded, some biopredation to bottom edge, slight soil. Firm and square. The DJ is edgeworn with 1" closed tear/creasing and a few chips. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall.
Condition: Fair. First edition copy. . Book Good. No dust jacket. (literature, historical fiction, WWII).
Published by Heinemann, London, 1951
Seller: Tiber Books, Cockeysville, MD, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Good. . . . . First edition 8vo, hardcover. Vg condition in good dj. Dust jacket chipped and edgeworn at spine ends and cover edges; jacket now in a removable mylar protector. Covers and contents clean, unworn, no marking or writing. Binding square and tight. First edition, so stated. British, Editions, English, Fiction, First, Modern,
Published by William Heinemann, London, 1951
Seller: PsychoBabel & Skoob Books, Didcot, United Kingdom
First Edition
hardcover. Condition: Good. Dust Jacket Condition: No Dust Jacket. First Edition. Grey boards showing minor wear; sunned slightly at top and bottom edges; pages a little tanned but clean and sound throughout. First edition, unrevised text. No jacket. Used.