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Video Companion
Meet the dealers & collector
Get to know Lisbet, Obadiah, Rebecca, and Walter as they take you through their passion, their collection, and their guidance for the fledgling collector.
Lisbet is an Oakland, California-based archivist, collector, and curator. Her archives and collections focus on late 20th century African Americana.
Rebecca is the co-founder of Type Punch Matrix, a rare book firm in the Washington, D.C. area selling a mixture of beloved classics and innovative texts from throughout print history.
Obadiah specializes in rare and collectible science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and runs The Book Bin’s two large general interest shops in Salem and Corvallis, Oregon.
Walter specializes in the history of film, television, and theater, and has handled many important and desirable pieces through his storefront, Walter Reuben, Inc.
Looking for a crash course to start your own collection? Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA) President Alexander Akin shares the guidance and tips to get started.
The new generation of collectibles
Explore genuine, one-of-a-kind items from some of the ABAA’s curated themes.
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Promoting an interest in rare and antiquarian books and book collecting