I. On the estimation of uric acid in urine: a new process by means of saturation with ammonium chloride. - II. On the estimation of uric acid in urine.

Hopkins, Frederick Gowland


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Orig.-Umschläge. I. Sonderdruck aus Proc. Roy. Soc. LII, 93-98. London 1892. - Garrison/Morton 718. - II. Sonderdruck aus J. path. bac. I, 451-59. Edinburgh und London 1893. "The founder of biochemistry in England and Nobel laureate for the discovery of vitamins (1929). Hopkins developed his method of estimating uric acid in urine while a medical student at Guy's Hospital . - Both of thes papers were INSCRIBED BY HOPKINS on the upper covers to the legendary physiologist, Carl LUDWIG (1816-95), whose diverse achievements included a theory of urinary secretion (see G-M 1232). The pamphlets later passed to the neuroanatomist Lewis H. WEED (1886-1952, see G-M 1439-40), whose stamp is also on the covers" (J. Norman Cat. 14, 744). - Umschläge brüchig (teils geklebt) und etw. fleckig. Aufbewahrt in einer blauen Leinenmappe mit rotem Lederschild auf dem Vorderdeckel mit goldgepr. Titel. - Kelly, Encyclopedia of medical sources, 203 f. Seller Inventory # 1599

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Title: I. On the estimation of uric acid in urine: ...

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