American First Editions, Art Books, and more. Most of our older stock has been packed in storage for over twenty years.
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Seller's business information
Nilbog Books
ME, U.S.A.
Terms of Sale:
We're an exclusively online bookstore.
Email is the best way to reach us: We'll respond to your email inquiry within 24 hours.
Most of our books are in storage, and will have to be retrieved before they can be shipped (or described/photographed if additional details are requested). While this may occasionally slow down responses, it also means these books aren't as manhandled as they might be in a physical store.
We carry mostly modern firsts, photography, art books, childr...
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Shipping Terms:
Orders will usually ship within 2 business days. Our prices are based around books the size of a novel, so they may need to be increased for larger books. We don't make any money on postage, but we can't afford to subsidize it, either.