These Three Noh Plays were first presented at the Dublin International Theatre Festival (1978) and later at the Open Eye in New York (1980), James Flannery who directed the first production wrote: "In their combination of all the arts of the theatre, these plays are immensely challenging and exciting... By dealing with the compressed, even cinematic, dramaturgical form, and the delicate sensuality of the Japanese Noh, and dealing with what, in a real sense, are contemporary political themes, O'Connor has been bold and imaginitive."
The theme that links the plays is fulfillment of self. "The Grand Inquisitor" refusing to give up Latin liturgy for he knows the power of God embodied in ancient rites; the ghost of Casement in "Submarine" recognizing abstract political ideologies can be destructive of individual freedom; "Deirdre" atoning for the great evil she brought on Naoise through her insistent desire to completely possess him.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Ulick O'Connor, biographer, playwright, poet and actor, has had a number of successes in the Dublin theater world. The Abbey Theatre has produced his verse plays, and his play The Dark Lovers ran to full houses for four weeks at the Project Theatre in 1975. He has presented highly acclaimed one-man shows on Brendan Behan and Oliver ST. John Gogarty and his published work includes biographies of both Behan and Gogarty.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 10.68
From Ireland to U.S.A.
Seller: Dublin Bookbrowsers, Dublin, NONE, Ireland
Hardcover. Condition: Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Good. First Edition. Pp.47. Illustrated by Christopher Casson. Ex-lib with usual lib.marks, stamps & labels. Seller Inventory # 015171
Quantity: 1 available