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Andrews, Cecil Try The Spirits ISBN 13: 9780954720551

Try The Spirits - Softcover

9780954720551: Try The Spirits

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Almost five hundred years ago the Roman Catholic domination of professing Christendom was broken as God, by His Spirit, moved in the hearts, minds and understanding of many who had found no peace with God through their adherence to, and reliance upon, priestly Roman Catholic ritual. The rediscovery of the great biblical truth of 'justification through faith alone in Christ alone' became central to what is known as The Reformation. Today, many appear to have forgotten the spiritual lessons of that crucial period and for a number of decades now Romanism has once more been rising to a position of dominance like the proverbial Phoenix from the ashes. This bodes ill for the eternal well-being of countless souls. May the One who alone has saved His people from their sins be pleased to use this little volume to counter the claims of a false anti-Christian system that is so loved by the world today. Cecil Andrews 'Take Heed' Ministries 29 December 2004

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherTwoedged Sword Pubns
  • ISBN 10 0954720555
  • ISBN 13 9780954720551
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Number of pages100

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