Items related to Jupiter's Dance

Martin Goldsmith Jupiter's Dance ISBN 13: 9780972447614

Jupiter's Dance - Softcover

9780972447614: Jupiter's Dance

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This heavily researched book sets forth detailed and often surprising interpretations for Jupiter in the twelve signs, Jupiter in the twelve houses and Jupiter in its major aspects. The book also presents accurate if unconventional interpretations for Mercury, Venus, Chiron and several other planets.

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About the Author

Martin Goldsmith has studied astrology for more than forty years. He has a Ph.D. in the history of science, with an emphasis on the intersection of science and occultism. His previous two books are Moon Phases, which develops William Butler Yeats' 28-phase system, and The Zodiac by Degrees, which reworks the Sabian symbols. At present, he is writing a book on ancient Egyptian astrology. Martin Goldsmith lives in Santa Fe.


"Martin Goldsmith has always been one of my favorite astrological writers. First he clears his mind--and my own--of tired and often ungrounded assumptions, then he amasses and digests a huge amount of actual data from living human beings, and finally applies his formidable intuition to the synthesis of new, effective interpretations. With Jupiter's Dance, he continues to mine that same rich vein of inquiry." --Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky, Yesterday's Sky, etc

"If you think you know Jupiter, then think again! Martin Goldsmith has unearthed a treasure trove of new insights and packaged them as a very handy handbook. Astrologers will be exploring Jupiter's Dance for years to come!" --Dave Tomlin

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