A doctor's unsettling phone call in May, 2007, plunged an ordinary man named Ben Morrell into an extraordinary journey. Each step of his all-out battle with a rare cancer became an opportunity to wrestle through fundamental questions of suffering, purpose, and a story greater than our own. Ben didn't hide or settle for easy answers. Instead, he invited us into each raw, unflinching moment through hundreds of blog posts tinged with his razor-sharp humor. "Maybe I am going through this for you as much as I am for me," he wrote. "Maybe my struggles, pain, and suffering serve to encourage you, lift you up, or make you think about something you hadn't thought about before." Amid the fog of chemotherapy sessions and derailed dreams, Ben found purpose, even hope, that spanned far beyond days confined to bed. "There are a hundred things that can happen to steer us in a new direction," he wrote. "BUT, all of them are going to be something YOU never planned. To follow Jesus, really and honestly, IS salvation. To follow Christ on this Earth IS death to your own plans." Ben believed in a God bigger than grim statistics. Bigger than his plans. Bigger than a disease. Bigger than this life.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Benjamin Michael Morrell was born to Paul and Jenifer Morrell in Long Beach, California in 1982. Soon, he was joined by siblings Adam and Beth. The Morrells moved to Bothell, Washington in 1991, and started attending Crossroads Bible Church. Growing up, Ben enjoyed playing in the backyard woods, as well as putting on plays for his family. His love of technology was fostered by his dad. He quietly observed his mom cooking and became an excellent chef later in life. Ben’s loyalty and commitment contributed to friendships that lasted the rest of his life.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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