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Because You Loved Me and Never Let Go: A Fathers Love for His Daughter - Softcover

9781683333517: Because You Loved Me and Never Let Go: A Fathers Love for His Daughter

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God created you and made plans for your life. He knows all about you and calls you by name. Like me you were born and placed in the hands of others to form you and teach you things that either led you toward the path the Father laid out for you or further away. We are fashioned by our culture, religion, beliefs, and people. We walk a path of uncertainty, pain, pressure, habits, loneliness, lies, defeat, torment, despair, and that pretty much leads us to dark places filled with fear. We search for security, love, strength, hope, happiness, and freedom in all the wrong people, books, fables, religion, horoscopes, drugs, and sex. These are lies that we believe. So are we ready to leave the dark side and come to the lighted path that leads you back home to your loving Father? There is a way out!

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About the Author

Shamara Rainforest currently lives in Arkansas with her husband; they have been happily married for more than seven years. Between them they have seven children and fourteen grandchildren. They attend church and serve at a Non Denomination Spirit Filled Church, and they are members of the Christian Motorcycle Association.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherTate Pub & Enterprises Llc
  • Publication date2016
  • ISBN 10 1683333519
  • ISBN 13 9781683333517
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Number of pages212

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