A mystic of the mountains and an acclaimed artist pool their visionary insights into a refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you want some clarity in your life. -- A book for all seasons, full of visionary insights and wholesome common sense. A refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you need some clarity in your life. Soul Space is a guide to that lovely place where mind and body thrive in harmony. -- Charles Agnes is a follower of the old ways, the earth wisdom of both the Druidic and the Vedic traditions. He is a physician of the psyche and a fairy folklorist. He lives in a remote glan in the northwest of Ireland, where he tends to a flock of geese and a herd of black-faced mountain sheep. Ian Hyland is an artist and an organic farmer who has settled with his family in an Irish-speaking area of County Donegal. He uses music and mantras to induce growth in vegetables. He also composes "elemental soundscapes", music inspired by the wild terrain on his doorstep.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Seller: PBShop.store US, Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A.
PAP. Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). New Book. Shipped from UK. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000. Seller Inventory # L0-9781782010739
Quantity: Over 20 available
Seller: Lucky's Textbooks, Dallas, TX, U.S.A.
Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). Seller Inventory # ABLIING23Mar2912160157710
Quantity: Over 20 available
Seller: PBShop.store UK, Fairford, GLOS, United Kingdom
PAP. Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). New Book. Delivered from our UK warehouse in 4 to 14 business days. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000. Seller Inventory # L0-9781782010739
Quantity: Over 20 available
Seller: THE SAINT BOOKSTORE, Southport, United Kingdom
Paperback / softback. Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). This item is printed on demand. New copy - Usually dispatched within 5-9 working days 195. Seller Inventory # C9781782010739
Quantity: Over 20 available
Seller: Ria Christie Collections, Uxbridge, United Kingdom
Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). In. Seller Inventory # ria9781782010739_new
Quantity: Over 20 available
Seller: Chiron Media, Wallingford, United Kingdom
PF. Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). Seller Inventory # 6666-IUK-9781782010739
Quantity: 10 available
Seller: moluna, Greven, Germany
Condition: New. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). KlappentextrnrnA mystic of the mountains and an acclaimed artist pool their visionary insights into a refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you want some clarity in your life. -- nnA book for all seasons, full of visionary insights and. Seller Inventory # 4276449
Quantity: Over 20 available
Seller: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany
Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. Hyland, Ian (illustrator). nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - A mystic of the mountains and an acclaimed artist pool their visionary insights into a refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you want some clarity in your life. -- A book for all seasons, full of visionary insights and wholesome common sense. A refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you need some clarity in your life. Soul Space is a guide to that lovely place where mind and body thrive in harmony. -- Charles Agnes is a follower of the old ways, the earth wisdom of both the Druidic and the Vedic traditions. He is a physician of the psyche and a fairy folklorist. He lives in a remote glan in the northwest of Ireland, where he tends to a flock of geese and a herd of black-faced mountain sheep. Ian Hyland is an artist and an organic farmer who has settled with his family in an Irish-speaking area of County Donegal. He uses music and mantras to induce growth in vegetables. He also composes 'elemental soundscapes', music inspired by the wild terrain on his doorstep. Seller Inventory # 9781782010739
Quantity: 1 available