That an enemy force of at least one pocket battleship, one heavy cruiser and six destroyers, with all the advantage of surprise and concentration, should be held off for four hours by five destroyers and driven from the area by two six-inch cruisers, without any loss to the convoy, is most creditable and satisfactory. Thus was the opinion of the Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet, Admiral Tovey of the action that has become known as the battle of the Barents Sea. It was a naval engagement that had far reaching consequences and resulted in many capital ships of the Kriegsmarine being decommissioned for the rest of World War II. The Arctic convoys that sailed through the cold malevolent waters of the Barents Sea ran the gauntlet of German air and sea attack as they struggled to transport vital supplies to Britain's Russian allies. Convoy JW51B sailed in December 1942 with a small escort of five destroyers and a reserve of two light cruisers shadowed the main convoy at a distance of seventy miles. The convoy was attacked on 31 December by a powerful German force that included the heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper, the pocket battleship Lutzow and six destroyers. The ensuing engagement proved the worth of the British destroyers and the bravery of the men who sailed in them.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Michael Pearson worked in the shipping industry in London for over twenty years. He has had a lifelong interest in maritime history and shipping and now researches it full-time.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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Hardcover. Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. 1st Edition. Th Arctic convoys that sailed through the cold malevolent waters of the Barents Sea ran the gauntlet of german air and sea attack as they struggled to transport vital supplies to Britain's Russian allies. The convoy was attacked 31 December1942 with a small close escort of five destroyers, pus to light cruisers which shadowed seventy miles away. The ensuing engagement proved the worth of the British destroyers and the bravery of the men who sailed them. The black boards has a small bump to the top corner. A good, tight clean copy. Seller Inventory # 06096
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