Donald Featherstone's Lost Tales including Wargaming Rules 300 BC to 1945

Curry, John; Featherstone, Donald

ISBN 10: 1409294315 ISBN 13: 9781409294313
Published by, 2009
New Soft cover

From GF Books, Inc., Hawthorne, CA, U.S.A. Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Book is in NEW condition. 0.87. Seller Inventory # 1409294315-2-1


'Donald Featherstone was one of the dozen or so people who, in the 20th century, turned wargaming into both a hobby and a more useful tool for military professionals.' James F. Dunnigan Through forty books on wargaming and military history, literally thousands of magazine articles and countless talks, Don's energetic efforts made wargaming widely available, even respectable. However, despite this proliferation of writing, some areas remained hidden. 'Lost Tales' covers some of these omissions. This book covers diverse material from a lifetime's experience of wargaming including: 'My War - Sergeant Featherstone 7893763' 'Modern Wargaming - How it all Began in the 1960's.' No less than twelve sets of Don's favourite rules from ancients to World War II, including two unpublished sets. The History of Don's unit, the 51st Tank Battalion The Royal Tank Regiment. This History of Wargaming Project is edited by John Curry and aims to bring classic wargaming books and rules to a modern audience.

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Donald Featherstone's Lost Tales including ...
Publication Date: 2009
Binding: Soft cover
Condition: New

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