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VERY FINE GUARANTEED. A wonderful bright clean copy free of any markings, writings, or stamps. Sharp corners that are not bumped. Tight and square spine. Unread book. No attached bookplates or indication of any removed. Easton Press, Norwalk CT. 1970 Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls: Chichikov's Journeys; or, Home Life in Old Russia" Limited Edition Aristophanes (c.448 B.C.-c.388 B.C), Greek playwright and comic poet, whose surviving plays are the only extant examples of Greek Old Comedy. Exact details of his birthplace and life are not known, but most likely he was educated in and lived in Athens. Besides his many dramatic works, much poetry is attributed to him. The eleven surviving plays by Aristophanes are: (Greek, then Latin titles are given in brackets. Reader, whosoever or wheresoever you be, and whatsoever be your station--whether that of a member of the higher ranks of society or that of a member of the plainer walks of life--I beg of you, if God shall have given you any skill in letters, and my book shall fall into your hands, to extend to me your assistance. For in the book which lies before you, and which, probably, you have read in its first edition, there is portrayed a man who is a type taken from our Russian Empire. This man travels about the Russian land and meets with folk of every condition--from the nobly-born to the humble toiler. Him I have taken as a type to show forth the vices and the failings, rather than the merits and the virtues, of the commonplace Russian individual; and the characters which revolve around him have also been selected for the purpose of demonstrating our national weaknesses and shortcomings. As for men and women of the better sort, I propose to portray them in subsequent volumes. Seller Inventory # 130-105
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