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Pages: 672 p. Illustrations:142 b/w, 38 tables b/w. Language(s):Italian, English, German. Publication Year:2024. Brepols. ISBN: 979-12-5471-335-8. Paperback --- TABLE OF CONTENTS Articoli Das Volk Israel und der Beginn seiner Gesellschaftsordnung: Ex 1 18 (David Volgger) Textual Development of the Bronze Basin (Exod 38:8) among the Textual Witnesses (Domenico Lo Sardo) «La gloria di Yhwh risplende su di te» (Is 60,1).Is 56,9 64,11 nel libro di Isaia e centralitŕ di Is 60,1-22 (Guido Benzi) The Eschatological Jerusalem in Zechariah 14 (Vincenzo Lopasso) Planting Salvation and Raining Resurrection in Ancient Judaism (Marc Grenier) Gerusalemme in Mt. La cittŕ del gran re (Matteo Munari) The Palestinian Geography of Luke in its Context (Piotr Blajer) Questa generazione non durerŕ… παρέρχομαι in Mc 13,30 / Mt 24,34 / Lc 21,32 (Elisa Chiorrini) καὶ ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο… Riscontri profetici a partire da Gv 1,14a (Marco Maria Baldacci & Alessandro Cavicchia) Jesus, Foreign Women, and the Expanding Mission in the Synoptics and John (Eric John Wyckoff) Il participio nella peroratio di Col 4,2-6: valore sintattico e funzione retorica (Leonardo Giuliano) «If I may»: בבעו in the corpus of Targum Neofiti (Paolo Messina) Genisat Germania: Sefer Mizwot gadol, Sefer Avi ha-ʿEzri und weitere hebräische Fragmente in Bucheinbänden aus bayerischen Franziskanerklöstern (Gregor Geiger) Il testo greco ed ebraico della Scrittura giudaica negli scritti cristiani del II e III secolo d.C. (Maurizio Girolami) The Greek Inscriptions from The Church of St. Peter at Bethsaida (el- Araj) (Leah Di Segni, Jacob Ashkenazi, Mordechai Aviam & R. Steven Notley) Archaeological excavations in the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: 2023 preliminary report (Francesca Romana Stasolla et al.) Early Byzantine Two-zoned Bowl Capitals in Churches and Monasteries of the Holy Land as Local Artistic Phenomenon (Svetlana Tarkhanova) Galilee during the Bar Kokhba Revolt: Ancient Testimonies and Modern Evidence Based on the Hiding Complexes (Yinon Shivtiel) Archaeological Evidence for Samaritan Expansion after the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (132-136 CE) (Shimon Dar) Qumran Caves in Context: Lamps Q43 and Q44 from Cave 1Q as a Case Study (Maura Sala) The Peristyle Courtyard of Alexandrium/Sartaba in the Light of the Herodian Royal Palace in Machaerus: A Comparative Architectural and Archaeological Analysis, 40 Years After the Excavations and Surveys in 1981 and 1983 (Győző Vörös) Lamps and Lighting Devices in Late Antique Funerary Liturgies of the Levantine Provinces of the Later Roman Empire (Ádám Bollók & Ayelet Dayan). Seller Inventory # 03255
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