Napoleon's Army - The Military Memoirs of Charles Parquin (Historical Books (Greenhill Books))

Charles Parquin, B. T. Jones

Published by Greenhill Books, 1999
Used Hardcover

From Noble Knight Games, Fitchburg, WI, U.S.A. Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Greenhill Books Historical Books (Greenhill Books) Napoleon's Army - The Military Memoirs of Charles Parquin (VG+) (former library copy)Manufacturer: Greenhill BooksProduct Line: Historical Books (Greenhill Books)Type: HardcoverCopyright Date: 1987Author: Charles Parquin, B. T. JonesPage Count: 222Please review the condition and any condition notes for the exact condition of this item. All pictures are stock photos. The condition of the item you will receive is VG+ - former library copy. Our grading system is explained in the terms of sale section of our bookseller page. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Product Description:Comparatively few memoirs of the Napoleonic period from the French side have bene published in English. These memoirs of an officer in Napoleon's army provide a fascinating picture of that army in action in victory and defeatā at Eylau and Jena, at Wagram, in the Peninsula and at Leipzig; of the army's organization and morale; and of the life and view of the class from which the writer came, the bourgeoise. Seller Inventory # 2149564433

Bibliographic Details

Title: Napoleon's Army - The Military Memoirs of ...
Publisher: Greenhill Books
Publication Date: 1999
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good

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