Thompson Rare Books specializes in fine, rare and interesting books in many fields. Our specialties include literary first editions, fantasy, mythology and folklore, detective fiction and mysteries, illustrated books, children's books, and fine printing and bindings.
Established in 1983.
Member of:
The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Canada
The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
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Association Member
Members of these associations are committed to maintaining the highest standards. They vouch for the authenticity of all items offered for sale. They provide expert and detailed descriptions, disclose all significant defects and/or restorations, provide clear and accurate pricing, and operate with fairness and honesty during the purchase experience.
Seller's business information
Thompson Rare Books - ABAC / ILAB
BC, Canada
Terms of Sale:
TERMS: Prices are net to all. E-mail or telephone to reserve.
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All books are returnable within 10 days.
Shipping Terms:
Items are returnable for refund within 14 days if not as described.