Rosas. [A Poem.]
Masefield, John.
From Franz Kühne Antiquariat und Kunsthandel, Affoltern am Albis, Switzerland
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since April 1, 2015
From Franz Kühne Antiquariat und Kunsthandel, Affoltern am Albis, Switzerland
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since April 1, 2015
About this Item
Kl.-8° (17.8 x 13 x 1.3 cm). 65 SS. Titel in rotem Linien-Satzspiegel. Typographisch sorgfältiger, bibliophilerer Schriftsatz in 7-Punkt Antiqua, Druck a. 'Alexandra'-Bütten (Wasserzeichen). OHperg. mit vergold. (R-) Titel u. Kopfgoldschnitt / bound in blue boards, with parchment back, lettered in gold, top edge cut, other edges uncut, with private transparent dust jacket. Erste (einzige Einzel-) Ausgabe, nummeriert und von Masefield signiert / First (only Original-) separate Edition; with the author's signature on the fly-leaf. Leichte Alters- u. Gebrauchsspuren, 3 div Exlibris a. Vorsatzspiegel u. fl. Vorsatz / some light traces of age and use, 3 div. bookplates on front endpapers. Over all well preserved copy with remarkable provenance(s) / gesamthaft sauberes, recht gutes Exemplar mit bemerkenswerter Provenienzenfolge. - - Simmons 39 ('published April 25, 1918, in an edition of 960 [sic] copies' - 'Copyright, 1918, by John Masefield, set up and printed; Published April 1918' (title page verso) - 'Of this edition nine hundred and fifty copies have been printed and the type distributed, of which seven hundred and fifty, numbered and signed by the author, are for sale' (second fly-leaf) - PROVENANCE / PROVENIENZ (Exlibris / Bookplates) : 1. Charles Archibald Stonehill (in oval frame, surrounded by renaissance ornament frame with putti in the corners); 2. Albert M. [prob. Mayer] Cohn (arms: shield with lion and torches, above a tornament helmet; below banderole with motto: 'Lux dei, ibi salus'); 3. Oliver Brett (i.e. later 3rd Viscount Esher; arms: shield parted in four fields, with lions and prob. dogs with kind of headgears (bridle, muzzle), above a tornament helmet, and, in a banderole, motto : 'Vicimus'). Supposedly, Stonehill was the first, Cohn the last owner. -- 'Rosas' ist der Name einer argentinischen Familie, deren Oberhaupt, General Rosas, aus altem spanischem Adel stammt. Als Inspiration zur künstlerisch freien Umsetzung diente Masefield die historische Figur des Juan od. Jean Manuel de Rosas (1793-1877), argentinischer Diktator, Politiker und Militär : "There was an old lord in the Argentine / Named Rosas, of the oldest blood in Spain / His wife was the proud last of a proud line / She ruled his house for him and farmed his plain / They had one child, a tameless boy called John / Who was a little lad a century gone." (p. 9). - In Südamerika u. insbesondere in Argentinien findet daher Masefields 'Rosas' besondere Beachtung: "Hay que incluir al poeta 'laureado' de Inglaterra, John Masefield (1878-1967), hombre de mar en sus origenes y poeta siempre, quien murio sin revelar jamás cómo habia escrito el poema 'Rosas' (1913 [sic!]) y 'Los campos de narcisos' (The Daffodil Fields) (1912 [recte: 1913]), este ultimo inspirado en un cuento islandés, pero emplazado en la Argentina." (A. Graham-Yooll, in: Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercados No. 53, Octubre 2010, p. 79; cf. J.L. Munos Azpiri, El poema Rosas de John Masefield. Buenos Aires 1955; resp. J. Mackenzie Ross, An Elusive Identity: Versions of South America in English Literature [etc.]. PhD Thesis, Univ. of Edinburgh 1990, ch. 6: 'Masefield and the Quest'). -- Die (spärliche) zeitgenössische englische Literaturkritik ist in ihren Rezensionen zurückhaltend : "Since the publication of 'Rosas', many of Mr. Masefield's admirers have felt, somewhat sadly, that they must not expect another 'Everlasting Mercy' or 'Dauber' from his pen, that the poet had done his best work and that what was likely to follow would probably not add much to his fame. 'Reynard the Fox' is not another 'Dauber'; but neither, thank Fortune, is it another 'Rosas'." (Amy Lowell, Poetry and Poets. Essays. New York, Reprint 1971, p. 187). Ähnlich J.G. Fletcher: "When we turn from 'Reynard' to 'Enslaved', [.] we are struck with a certain amount of bewilderment. 'Enslaved' is, like 'Rosas', essentially a reversion to a more primitive type of romantic poetry than that contained in 'The Everlasting Me. Seller Inventory # Lt041511
Bibliographic Details
Title: Rosas. [A Poem.]
Publisher: New York, The Macmillan Company / Printed in the United States of America [by] : Norwood Mass., U.S.A., Norwood Press: J. S. Cushing Company - Berwick & Smith Co. 1918 -
Publication Date: 1918
Binding: Hardcover
Dust Jacket Condition: Dust Jacket Included
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