Sothebys 1992 Victorian Pictures
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
About this Item
Sotheby's - London, Sale title - Victorian Pictures, Date - 12th November 1992, No. of lots - 235, No. of pages - 165, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , Index of Artists, Aff1eck, W. 92 Glendening, AA 27, Allingham, H. 93-94 Glindoni, H.G. 51, Anderson, S. 77,88 Godward,].W. 180, Andrews, H. 47 Goodall, F. 109, Apperley, G.O.W. 192 Green, AH. 52, Grimshaw,jA 127-129, Barker, W. 221, 223, Barnes, E.C. 68 Haddon, A.T. 120, Bates, D. 32 Hall, T.P. 74, Beardsley, A 189 Halswelle, K. 116, Bennett F.M. 181 Hardy, AG. 55, Blacklock, W.K. 194 Hardy, F.D. 53-54, Brett,]. 130-133 Hardy, H. 211, Brett, R. 134-139 Hayllar,]. 75, Bright, H. 16 Hedley, R. 49, Bromley, W. 64 Herbert,j.R. 85, Brooke, E.A. 14 Herberte, E.B. 220, Brooker, H. 210 Hicks, G.E. 76, Brooks, T. 80 Hill,j]. 81, Brown, F.M. 147 Horne, H.P. 161, Brownlow, E. 66 Howard, G. 115, Bulleid, G.L. 171,179 Hughes, W. 24, Burne-jones, Sir E.c. 158, 160, 166 Hunt, C. 72, Hunt, W.H. 145, 163-164, Caffieri, H. 108 Hurt, L.B. 41, Caffyn, W.W. 3411, Calderon, P.H. 121 Jones, C. 40, Clare, G. 23, Clare, O. 21 Kendrick, S. 198, Clark,]. 199 Kilburne jnr., G.G. 219, Cobbett, EJ. 69 King, HJ.Y. 205, Cockerell, C.A 187 Knewstub, W.H. 140, Cole, G.V. 26,31, Collinson,]. 60 Ladell, E. 22, Cooke, E.W. 103-104 Leader, B.W. 28, Cooper, T.S. 4, 7, 16, 38 Lear, E. 100-102, Corbould, E.H. 119,172 Leggett, A 67, Crosby, W. 33 Leighton, Lord F. 112-114,168,170, Crowe, E. 48 Lidderdale, C.S. 62,71, Linnell, W. 39, Davis, H.W.B. 141, Davis, W. 73 MacCallum, A 125-126, de Breanski, A 29 Mander, W.H. 10,17, Draper, HJ. 183 Meadows, AJ. III, Dury, T. 61 Midgley, W. 176, Millais, ].E. 159, Elmore, AW. 122 Millais, Sir].E. 151, Moira, G.E. 200, Farrier, R. 59 Mole,j.H. 95, Fildes, Sir S.L. 79 Montalba, C. 107, Flameng, F. 235 Moore, H. 142, Foster, M.B. 89,91 Morgan, F. 195-197, Francis, ].D. 70 Morley, R. 213, Frith, W.P. 43,45 Mulready, AE. 56, Murray, G. 50, Garland, Y.T. 218, Glendening, A 188,208 Netherwood, A 201, Niemann, EJ. 8, 2, O'Kelly, AO. 118 Solomon, A 78,86, O'Neil, H.N. 65 Spencelayh, C. 230-233, Oakes,].W. 123-124 Stone, M. 44, Oliver, W. 178 Syer,]. 11, Symons, W.G. 204, Palmer, H.S. 202, Parsons, B.E. 96 Tennant,].F. 15, Paton, Sir ].N. 162, 165 Thorburn, A 226-229, Peele,].T. 84 Thors,]. 30, Percy, S.R. 5, 12-13 Topham, F.W.W. 117, Perugini, K. 193 Turner, G. 36-37, Pollard,]. 1, Poole, P.F. 146 Vickers Snr., A 6-7, Prinsep, YC. 87 von Herkomer, Sir H. 191, Pritchett, E. 105-106, Provis, A 83 Waite, H. 207, Waite, R.T. 97, Walbourn, E. 203, Redgrave, R. 57-58 Ward, E.M. 42, Reid, G.O. 46 Wardle, A 214-215, Richards R.P. 82 Waterhouse,].W. 173-175,209, Richardson, T.M. 110 Watts, F.W. 25, Rossetti, D.G. 148-150 Watts, G.F. 167, 169, 182, 190, Rossi, AM. 90 Weekes, H.W. 216, Wheelwright, R. 222, Saltmer, F.A 206 Williams, E.C. 2, Sandys, AFA 152-157 Williams, GA 35, Schafer, H.T. 177 Williams, W.H. 3, Schott, C. 169 Wills, w.G. 184, Scott,]. 217 Wilmer, ].R. 186, Shannon, G.H. 185 Winterhalter, F.X. 234, Sherrin,]. 19-20 Worsey, T. 18, Smetham,]. 143-144 Wright, G. 212, 224-225, Smith, C.A. 98-99 Wright, R.w. 63, Smith,].B. Weight: 573g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 18259
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Title: Sothebys 1992 Victorian Pictures
Condition: Good
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