Sothebys October 1999 Old Master Paintings



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Sotheby's - New York, Sale title - Old Master Paintingss, Sale date - 14th October 1999, No. of lots - 159, No. of pages - 134, Illustrated in colour, INDEX Albani Circle of Francesco Albani Follower of Francesco Amigoni Attributed to Jacopo Anguisciola Attributed to Sofonisba Appiani Attributed to Andrea Arentsz Arent Baron de Crespy Charles-Edouard Le Prince Belin de Fontenay Jean Baptiste Bemmel Attributed to J***van Berchem Nicolaes Bergognone Ambrodio di Stefano da Fossano called BertinJean Victor Beschey Karel i Bidauld Attributed to Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bison Giuseppe Bernardino Bloemen Pieter van Bloot Pieter de Bocl Pieter Bolognese School Bolognese School circa Bonifazi Attributed to Anton Angelo Bordone Circle of Paris Bossi Francesco Bouikt Attributed to Wilhclm Boudewijns Circle of Adriaen Fralis and Pieter Bout Brakenburg Attributed to Richard Bouquet Henri Canale Canale Follower of Giovanni Antonio Cantarini Simone Caravaggio School of Michelangelo Merisi called Casteels Attributed to Pauwel Chappc Jean I Cignaroli Attributed to Vittorio Amadeo Clyrisseau Charles Louis Coffermans Attributed to Marcellus Coypel Anthonie Coypel Circle of Charles-Antoine Cremonese School Croos Jacob van der Dandini Circle of Cesare Danloux Henri Pierre Desmar˙es Circle of Georg Desportes Attributed to Alexandre-Francois Diziani Antonio Dughet Gaspard Dtirer Follower of Albrecht Dusart Attributed to Cornelis Dyck Circle of Sir Anthony van Edema Gerard van English School Eyck Caspar van Flemish School circa Florentine School Florentine School th Century Fracanzano Attributed to Francesco Fragonard Follower ofJean-Honore Francken the Younger Ambrosius French School French School Gabbiani Antonio Domenico Gael Barent German School Govaerts Abraham and Frans Francken the Younger Guardi Francesco Guercino th Century Follower of Giovanni Francesco Barbieri Hals Manner of Frans Hamilton Franz de Heeremans Thomas Heerschop Hendrick HesseAlexandre-Jean Baptiste Huet Jean-Baptiste Huillot Pierre-Nicolas Huysum Jan van Italian School Italian School Italian School First Quarter Italian School Jacob A*** Juel Jens Lacroix CharlesFrancois Grenier de Lefifvre Robert Jacques Faust Lemoine Attributed toFrancois Lemoine Marie Elisabeth Lippi Manner of Filippino ll Lopez Gasparo Maes Nicolaes Mallet Attributed to Jean Baptiste Mancini Francesco Manglard Adrien Maratta Circle of Carlo Masucci Agostino Matteis Paolo de Mazzuchelli Pier Francesco Mieris the Elder Circle of Frans van Mieris Willem van Mignard Attributed to Pierre MilletJean Francois Moucheron Frederic de Neapolitan School th Century Neapolitan School circa Neck Circle of Jan van Neer Attributed to Aert Nicholls Attributed to Joseph Nom˙ Attributed to Francois North Italian School th Century Ostade Studio of Adriaen Tessier Attributed to Louis Tintoretto Domenico Robusti Palamedesz Attributed to Anthonie ToorenvlietJacob Pater Circle of Jean-Baptiste TroyJean-Francois de PielierJ*** van Portogallo Attributed to Alvaro Pirez d'Evora di Uden Lucas van Uyttenbroeck Moyses Ratti Carlo Giuseppe Valenciennes Attributed to Pierre-Henri de Ribera Attributed to Jusepe de Ribcra Circle of Jusepe de Vaslet Lewis Rigaud Studio of Hyacinthe Verbeeck Pieter Cornelisz Rocca Michele | Vernet Attributed to Joseph Roman School Vigde Le Brun Follower of Elisabeth Louise Romanee Adele A Romney George Vigec Attributed to Louis Rotius Jan Albertsz Vincenzino Giuseppe Rubens Studio of Sir Peter Paul Vollerdt Johann Christian Vrancx Saeys Jacob Ferdinand Saint Aubin Claude Pougin de Wassenbergh Elisabeth Geertruida Scorel Circle of Jan van Weenix Jan Senave Jacques Albert Wissing Willem Spanish School WitJacob de Sperling Johann Christian Wtewael Studio of Joachim Antonisz Stcenwijck Herman van Weight: 504g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day. Seller Inventory # 48242

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Title: Sothebys October 1999 Old Master Paintings
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Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Condition: Good. Sotheby's - London, Sale title - Old Master Paintings, Date - 28th October 1999, No. of lots - 499, No. of pages - 196, Illustrated in colour, , INDEX, Aachen, 298 Dandini 255,446, Aelst, 275 Danloux 458, Albani 237 David, J-L, Amand, 484 David, G. 276, Anglo-Dutch School, 408 Deflans 228, Arthois 353 Demachy, Demarne, Barocci 244 Denis, Bassano, 265 Domenicruno 246, Bastarolo 412 Dou, Beeldermaker 223 Ducreux, Beinaschi, 439 Ducros 494, Bellengé 473,474 Dughet, Bertin, 336 Dumonstier 393, Bicci di Lorenzo, 281 Duplessis 461, Bigot 442 Dupres, Bloemaert 278 Dupuis, Bloemen, 361,366 Dutch School 219,397, Boilly 476, Bolognese School 249,387 Elsheimer, Boselli 227,229 Enzinger, Boucher, Boudewijns, 355 Ferramola 269, Brescianino 426 Fetti, Bril, 311 Fijt 218, Brinkmann, 362 Flemish School 391, Brueghel and Balen, 297 Flinck 400, Florentine School, Cagnacci, 423 Fosse 477, Calvaert, 270 Francken 312, Campi 394 French School, Capelle, Caravaggio, 428 Gascars 405, Caresme 480 Gaulli, Carpioni 266 Gennari, Carracci 386,427 Genoese School, Carrée, 358 German School 280, Casali, 422 GGH 332, Casteels 201,207,209,342 Ghirardini, Caullery, 303 Giordano 433,434, Cavalucci, 436 Gossaert 279, Central European School, 267 Goya 460, Cerruti, 388 Gramatica 414, Ceruti 452,454 Gravelot, Cesari 238 Gresly, Champaigne 392 Greuze, Chimé"nti, 241 Grevenbroeck 377, Claude, 380 Grimou 407, Cleve, 277,293 Guardi 498,499, Clouet 384 Guercino, Corneille, 449 Guérin 456, Correggio 242 Gysbrechts, Coypel 406 Güte, Crespi 250, Hals 337 Neapolitan School 415 Soutman, Hansen, 338 Neer 344 Spanish Colonial School 235, Heemskerck, 323,327,328,330 Netscher 398 Spanish School 230,231, Herp, 305 North Italian School 212,431 233,418,472, Holzer 451 Stella 417, Hondius 226 Oosterhoudt, 339 Stoop 349, Horemans, 322 Ostade 326 Stooter 368, Hulsman, 308 Strozzi 239, Huysmans 346 Palma 263 Sustermans, Hüber 430 Panini 491,494,495, Pascucci 447 Teniers 320,321,325, Italian School, 206,260,429 Patel 364 Terwesten 288, 432,443,455 Paudiss 399 Thielen 200, Pereda 232 Tintoretto, Janson 356 Petrini 416 Titian 262, Pfeiler 471 Tito, Kalf, 314 Pignoni 256,258,259 Toorenvliet 318,319, Key 313 Pillement 487,488, Kick 203 Poel, 333 Ugolino di Nerio 282, Koninck, 292 Pompe 381, Porcellis 378 Vaillant, Laer, 316 Prevost 470 Valdés Leal 234, Lagoor 345 Pseudo-Simons 213 Vanmour 475, Lauri 261 Vasari, Lavagna, 211 Quellinus 299 Vassallo 402, LeMoyne 370,448 Vecchia, Lefčbvre, 396 Raphael 424 Veen 302, Leprince 482,483 Regnault 462 Velâzquez, Leyden 295,296 Rembrandt 290,401,409 Venetian School, Locatelli, 348,360 Reni 247 Verbrugghen 208, Lombard School, 252 Reschi 382 Verendael 205, Loo, 395 Roestraten 335 Veronese 272, Loth, 425 Roman School 435,438 Vien 464, Lundens, 324 Romanelli 420 Viso 379, Luttichuys, 283 Rombouts 329 Voille 453, Rosa 367,371 Volaire 490, Maes 404 Rubens 289,304 Vos 215,222,294, Magnasco, 369 306,309,310 Vrancx 350, Maratta, 243,413 Ruthardt 221 Vries 317, Marchigian School 375, Marieschi 497 Salviati 450 Weenix 220, Massys 301 Saraceni 245 Wittel 492, Meer, 216 Sassoferrato 410,411, Micker, 334 Scacciati 210 Zick 421, Mierevelt 284 Scarcellino 271, Mola, 363,372 Schedoni 253, Molenaer, 331 Schiavone 254, Monogrammist S.B. 217 School of Avignon 274, Monnoyer, 202 Schônfeld 373, Morales 287 Schütz 354,359, Mostaert and Grimmer 307 Seybold 465, Moucheron, 347 Siberechts 343, Mura 437 Simonini 376, Murant 351 Solario 273, Murillo 236 Solimena 419, Soreau 204,   Weight: 678g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 11054

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Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Condition: Good. Sotheby's - New York, Sale title - Old Master Paintingss, Sale date - 14th October 1999, No. of lots - 159, No. of pages - 134, Illustrated in colour, INDEX Albani Circle of Francesco Albani Follower of Francesco Amigoni Attributed to Jacopo Anguisciola Attributed to Sofonisba Appiani Attributed to Andrea Arentsz Arent Baron de Crespy Charles-Edouard Le Prince Belin de Fontenay Jean Baptiste Bemmel Attributed to J***van Berchem Nicolaes Bergognone Ambrodio di Stefano da Fossano called BertinJean Victor Beschey Karel i Bidauld Attributed to Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bison Giuseppe Bernardino Bloemen Pieter van Bloot Pieter de Bocl Pieter Bolognese School Bolognese School circa Bonifazi Attributed to Anton Angelo Bordone Circle of Paris Bossi Francesco Bouikt Attributed to Wilhclm Boudewijns Circle of Adriaen Fralis and Pieter Bout Brakenburg Attributed to Richard Bouquet Henri Canale Canale Follower of Giovanni Antonio Cantarini Simone Caravaggio School of Michelangelo Merisi called Casteels Attributed to Pauwel Chappc Jean I Cignaroli Attributed to Vittorio Amadeo Clyrisseau Charles Louis Coffermans Attributed to Marcellus Coypel Anthonie Coypel Circle of Charles-Antoine Cremonese School Croos Jacob van der Dandini Circle of Cesare Danloux Henri Pierre Desmar˙es Circle of Georg Desportes Attributed to Alexandre-Francois Diziani Antonio Dughet Gaspard Dtirer Follower of Albrecht Dusart Attributed to Cornelis Dyck Circle of Sir Anthony van Edema Gerard van English School Eyck Caspar van Flemish School circa Florentine School Florentine School th Century Fracanzano Attributed to Francesco Fragonard Follower ofJean-Honore Francken the Younger Ambrosius French School French School Gabbiani Antonio Domenico Gael Barent German School Govaerts Abraham and Frans Francken the Younger Guardi Francesco Guercino th Century Follower of Giovanni Francesco Barbieri Hals Manner of Frans Hamilton Franz de Heeremans Thomas Heerschop Hendrick HesseAlexandre-Jean Baptiste Huet Jean-Baptiste Huillot Pierre-Nicolas Huysum Jan van Italian School Italian School Italian School First Quarter Italian School Jacob A*** Juel Jens Lacroix CharlesFrancois Grenier de Lefifvre Robert Jacques Faust Lemoine Attributed toFrancois Lemoine Marie Elisabeth Lippi Manner of Filippino ll Lopez Gasparo Maes Nicolaes Mallet Attributed to Jean Baptiste Mancini Francesco Manglard Adrien Maratta Circle of Carlo Masucci Agostino Matteis Paolo de Mazzuchelli Pier Francesco Mieris the Elder Circle of Frans van Mieris Willem van Mignard Attributed to Pierre MilletJean Francois Moucheron Frederic de Neapolitan School th Century Neapolitan School circa Neck Circle of Jan van Neer Attributed to Aert Nicholls Attributed to Joseph Nom˙ Attributed to Francois North Italian School th Century Ostade Studio of Adriaen Tessier Attributed to Louis Tintoretto Domenico Robusti Palamedesz Attributed to Anthonie ToorenvlietJacob Pater Circle of Jean-Baptiste TroyJean-Francois de PielierJ*** van Portogallo Attributed to Alvaro Pirez d'Evora di Uden Lucas van Uyttenbroeck Moyses Ratti Carlo Giuseppe Valenciennes Attributed to Pierre-Henri de Ribera Attributed to Jusepe de Ribcra Circle of Jusepe de Vaslet Lewis Rigaud Studio of Hyacinthe Verbeeck Pieter Cornelisz Rocca Michele | Vernet Attributed to Joseph Roman School Vigde Le Brun Follower of Elisabeth Louise Romanee Adele A Romney George Vigec Attributed to Louis Rotius Jan Albertsz Vincenzino Giuseppe Rubens Studio of Sir Peter Paul Vollerdt Johann Christian Vrancx Saeys Jacob Ferdinand Saint Aubin Claude Pougin de Wassenbergh Elisabeth Geertruida Scorel Circle of Jan van Weenix Jan Senave Jacques Albert Wissing Willem Spanish School WitJacob de Sperling Johann Christian Wtewael Studio of Joachim Antonisz Stcenwijck Herman van Weight: 504g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 36359

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