Vol. XXXIII for 1913. Hugh M. Smith Commissioner.
Fish.- Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries.
From Antiquariat MEINDL & SULZMANN OG, Wien - Vienna, Austria
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since March 13, 2015
From Antiquariat MEINDL & SULZMANN OG, Wien - Vienna, Austria
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since March 13, 2015
About this Item
4°. Mit 39 Tafeln u. zahlr. Textabbildungen. 3 Bll., 291 SS. Bibl.-Ln. mit goldgepr. Rsch. (VD gestempelt, etw. angestaubt). Contents: A. KUNTZ: The Embryology and Larval Development of Bairdiella Chrysura and Anchovia Mitchilli. Notes on the Habits, Morphology of the Reproductive Organs, and Embryology of the Viviparous Fish Gambusia Affinis.- Ch. W. GREENE and C. H. GREENE: The Skeletal Musculature of the King Salmon.- G. H. PARKER: The Directive Influence of the Sense of Smell in the Dogfish.- Ch. W. GREENE: The Storage of Fat in the Muscular Tissue of the King Salmon and its Resorption during the Fast of the Spawning Migration. The Fat-Absorbing Function of the Alimentary Tract of the King Salmon.- W. J. CROZIER and Selig HECHT: Correlations of Weight, Length, and other Body Measurements in the Weakfish, Cynoscion Regalis.- C. W. HAHN: Sporozoön Parasites of certain Fishes in the Vicinity of Woods Hole.- J. REIGHARD: An Ecological Reconnoissance of the Fishes of Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, in Midsummer.- Emmeline MOORE: The Potamogetons in Relation to Pond Culture. Seller Inventory # 47451
Bibliographic Details
Title: Vol. XXXIII for 1913. Hugh M. Smith ...
Publisher: Washington, Government Printing, 1915.
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