480 PER 100 POUNDS, / SOLD FOR P.H. KILPATRICK, OF MADISON COUNTY, N.C. / STILL AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS / ON / BIG AVERAGES AND HIGHEST PRICES OF THE SEASON. / HIGH PRICE LIST No. 5. / JOHN A LEE. J. OTEY TAYLOR. MOSBY H. PAYNE / LEE, TAYLOR & PAYNE, / LEAF TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, [followed by 26 lines of text interspersed with three columns of prices current for June 9, 1879 and three columns of 'high prices for tobacco' listed by the name of the planter]
From Jim Crotts Rare Books, LLC, Clemmons, NC, U.S.A.
Seller rating 2 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 20, 2019