Antique Print-VIOLA CANINA-HEATH DOG-VIOLET-Sepp-Flora Batava-1800

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Antique print, titled: ''Uitgave 68, Viola canina. 877. - Honds-viooltje.'.' - Heath Dog-Violet, Heath Violet Handcoloured engraving on hand laid (verge) paper. Description: Includes a description sheet (in Dutch) and a dispersion map for this plant in the Netherlands. One of the plates from the mammoth publication titled 'Flora Batava, of Afbeelding en beschrijving van Nederlandsche Gewassen', published from 1800-1934 by several Dutch publishers, including Loosjes and Nijhoff). In total the 461 periodic issues contained 2240 prints. The initial publisher was J.C. Sepp. The long publication period reflects the change in the technique of its illustrations. Hand coloured copper engravings were initially used, followed by hand coloured lithographs, and finally chromolithography was introduced. Initially the texts and editing work were done by Jan Kops, although several other would follow during the 134-year span in which this work was published. Artists and Engravers: Made by 'J.C. Sepp'. Jan Christiaan Sepp (Amsterdam, 1739 1811) was a Dutch draughtsman, engraver, natural historian and publisher, from a notable family of artists and publishers. Jan Kops (1765-1849) is the author of this work. He was an Anabaptist Dutch agronomist and botanist. His most notable contribution to botany was the founding of the long-lived journal "Flora Batava" in 1800 and contributing text for the first 10 volumes. Condition: Very good, given age. General age-related toning and/or occasional minor defects from handling. Please study scan carefully. Storage location: TPCRC-A7-09 The overall size is ca. 9.8 x 12.2 inch. The image size is ca. 5.1 x 7.3 inch. The overall size is ca. 25 x 31 cm. The image size is ca. 13 x 18.5 cm. Seller Inventory # 49286

Bibliographic Details

Title: Antique Print-VIOLA CANINA-HEATH ...
Binding: Soft cover

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