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  • Soft cover. Condition: Fine. Bloom, E.D.; Coward, D.H.; DeStaebler, H; Drees, J.; Miller, G.; Mo, L. W.; Taylor, R. E. AND WITH: Breidenback, M.; Friedman, J., L.; Hartmann, G. C.; Kendall, H.W. "High-Energy Inelastic e-p Scattering at 6(degrees) and 10(degrees). In the same issue: Breidenback, M.; Friedman, J., L.; Hartmann, G. C.; Kendall, H.W. "Observed Behavior of Highly Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering" pp 930-934, and 935-939, respectively. Both in Physical Review Letters, New York, The American Physical Society, vol 23, 1969, pp 907-946 in the issue. First empirical evidence of the existence of quarks, cited 1700+ times. The issue, extracted from a larger bound volume, with a newly-supplied (plain brown) cloth spine cover. Fine copy. "Partons (internal constituents of hadrons) observed in deep inelastic scattering experiments between protons and electrons at SLAC;[[referencing the tow papers offered here]  this was eventually associated with the quark model (predicted by Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964) and thus constitutes the discovery of the up quark, down quark, and strange quark."--Timeline of particle discoveries [++] "Scattering of particles by molecules, atoms and nuclei has long been used to elicit information about the internal structure of those entities. A beam of particles is directed at a sample of the objects under study; measurement of the angular distribution of the particles and their energy after the collisions, as well as other particles produced by the collisions, gives information about the internal structure of the objects. The first, and most famous, example was the experiment in Ernest Rutherford's laboratory in which alpha particles were directed at a foil. The surprising result that occasionally one of the alpha particles was scattered directly back at the source led to the planetary model of the atom, with electrons surrounding a small nucleus. In more recent times experiments by Robert Hofstadter using electrons of up to 1 GeV from an accelerator gave information about the size of the proton and of other atomic nuclei. (Hofstadter shared the 1961 Nobel Prize in physics for his experiments). With the completion of the two-mile-long 20 GeV Stanford Linear Accelerator various energy electron beams were turned on a hydrogen target, as described in these Letters, with the object of determining the internal structure of the proton, using deep inelastic scattering. The results inspired a number of different explanations, but eventually the combination of inelastic electron and neutrino scattering demonstrated the reality of quarks as part of the proton structure. For their role in this research Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall, and Richard Taylor shared the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics (see also the Nobel press release for this award). --Letters from the Past - A PRL Retrospective, Gene D. Sprouse, Editor-in-Chief, APS. [++] "The 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Jerome Friedman and Henry Kendall of MIT and Richard Taylor of SLAC "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics."--Nobel Prize Foundation.

  • 1st Edition. FULL VOLUME 1969 FIRST EDITION OF TWO PAPERS PRESENTING THE FIRST EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF QUARKS WITHIN THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS. Quarks had been predicted in 1964 by Murray Gell-Mann but until these experiments, no one had produced convincing experimental evidence for the existence of quarks inside the proton or neutron ("Friedman, Kendall and Taylor Win Nobel Prize for First Quark Evidence", Physics Today, Vol. 44, 1, pp. 17). In demonstrating that quarks are real particles, the lead scientists on these two papers, Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall, and Richard Taylor confirmed Murray Gell-Mann's hypothesis of their existence and for their discovery, the trio were awarded the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics. Taylor passed away in early 2018 a further note about his import appears below. The first paper, "High-Energy Inelastic e-p Scattering at 6(deg) and 10(deg)" "describes the experiment that identified the point-like centers within protons that were later identified as quarks" (The History of Science: Wenner Collection). The second, "Observed Behavior of Highly Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering" "explains the significance of the experiment in terms of theory" (ibid). Gell-Mann's seminal 1964 work positing the 'idea' of quarks was based on the assumption that strongly interacting particles he classified (called hadrons) were all "built up from more elementary constituents" that he famously called 'quarks' (Levinovitz, The Nobel Prize, 44). Few people, however, "believed that quarks were real particles. Despite many searches in accelerators and in cosmic rays, no one had found an isolated quark. As Gell-Mann himself said: 'Such particles [quarks] presumably are not real but we may use them in our field theory anyway'" (Alan Lightman, The Discoveries, pp. 457). In the late 1960s while at the new two-mile electron linear accelerator, the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor proved the existence of quarks by using "high-energy electrons from the then new accelerator, and [showed] that they bounced back in an unexpected way from the protons and neutrons in a gas target" (Quinn, The Mystery of the Missing Antimatter, 97). High-energy collisions â?? such as those enabled by SLAC â?? "disrupt the target, and the ensuing scattering is called inelastic. When high-energy electrons are used for this purpose, their wavelengths are small enough to probe within protons and neutrons inside the nucleusâ??that is, deep within the nucleus (the â??deep' within â??deep inelastic scattering'). In 1969, American theoretical physicist James Bjorken (born 1934) used a form of mathematics called current algebra to predict behavior in deep inelastic scattering (now called "Bjorken scaling") and proposed an experiment to test the theory of hadrons being comprised of smaller, point-like particles" (Wenner). Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor then "conducted the Bjorken scaling experiment using liquid hydrogen as the target the Bjorken scaling experiment using liquid hydrogen as the target" (ibid). "Friedman's group was startled. to observe that the scattering pattern suggested not that the positive charge of the proton was uniformly spread out, but rather that charges were confined to point-like centers within the protons. As the Nobel Prize Committee's presentation speech makes clear, Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor had not anticipated anything fundamentally new: "similar experiments, albeit at lower energies, had found that the proton behaved like a soft gelatinous sphere with many excited states, similar to those of atoms and nuclei. Nevertheless, the Laureates decided to go one step further and study the proton under extreme conditions. They looked for the electron undergoing a large deflection, and where the proton, rather than keeping its identity, seized a lot of the collision energy and broke up into a shower of new particles. This so called "deep inelastic scattering" had generally been considered to be too ra.