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  • Seller image for Iornandes Episcopus Rauennas de Getarum, siue Gothorum Origine & rebus gestis. ISIDORI Chronicon Gothorum, Vandalorum, Sueuorum, et Wisogothorum. PROCOPII Fragmentum, De priscis sedibus & migrationibus Gothorum, Graecè & Lat. Accessit et temporum successione / Omnia ex Rercognitione, & cum Notis BON.[AVENTURA] VULCANII BRUGENSIS for sale by Librería Miguel Miranda

    Condition: Good / Bien. [PRIMERA EDICION = FIRST EDITION].- Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1597.- Dividido en 2 partes con paginacion independiente: [8 h.], 264 p.; 191 p., [1 p. blanca] / [JUNTO CON:] VULCANIO BRUGENSI, Bon. [editor, Vulcanius, Bonaventura, 1538-1614].- De Literis & Lingua Getarum Siue Gothorum. Item de notis lombardicis. Quibus accesserunt Specimina variarum Linguarum, quarum Indicem pagina quae Praesationem sequitur ostendit / Editore Bon. Vulcanio Brugense.- Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1597.- [8 h.], 109, [1] p.: Ilustrado con un alfabeto gótico y diversos textos escritos en caracteres góticos primitivos / [JUNTO CON:] WARNEFRIDI, Pauli [Paulus "Diaconus" 720-799] Pauli Warnefridi Langobardi filii, Diaconi Foroiuliensis, De gestis Langobardorum Libri VI. Ad Ms. et veterum codicum fidem editi.- Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1595.- [6 h.], 337, [1] p.; SE TRATA DE TRES OBRAS EN UN SOLO VOLUMEN en 8º menor (15,8 x 10 cm); Van juntas en un tomo encuadernado (siglo XVII o XVIII) en Plena Piel, lomo dorado. La encuadernación restaurada de varias faltas en el lomo, agrietada la junta de la tapa anterior con el lomo, las esquinas restauradas de rozaduras. Las dos primeras obras muy cortas de margen superior, llegando en algunas hojas a seccionar la numeración de las páginas. El primero de los libros tiene algunas notas marginales de la época manuscritas a tinta. BONAVENTURA VULCANIUS (30 June 1538, Bruges 9 October 1614, Leiden) was a leading personality in Dutch humanism of the 16th and 17th century. His father, Pieter de Smet, who already was known by the Latinized version of his name, Petrus Vulcanius ("the blacksmith"), was attorney-general of the Grand Council of Mechlin and counted Erasmus among his friends. He gave his son a thorough education, and Bonaventura studied first in Ghent, then for two years medicine at the University of Leuven, and finally philosophy and literature at Cologne with George Cassander. In 1559 he went to Spain to become the secretary to Francisco Mendoza de Bobadilla, bishop of Burgos, until the latter's death in 1566. He then became the secretary to the bishop's brother in Toledo until he died in 1570. Hereafter Vulcanius obtained a professorship of Greek in Cologne (though he never got to teach), then worked for the printer Henri Estienne in Geneva, and for the publisher Froben in Basel. In 1575, while in Geneva, he published (through Estienne) a scholarly edition of the Historia Alexandri of Arrian, incorporating a new Latin translation. In 1577 he returned to his native Flanders, and became secretary and family tutor of Marnix van Sint Aldegonde, diplomat, burgomaster of Antwerp and friend of William the Silent. In 1578 he was appointed professor in Latin and Greek at Leiden University, where in 1581 he (finally) arrived and where for 30 years he 'taught the future elite of the Dutch Republic', among them Daniel Heinsius and Hugo Grotius. Vulcanius had access to the silver-on-purple codex containing the surviving portion of the ancient Gothic translation of the Bible by Bishop Wulfila or Ulphilas. IN 1597 HE PUBLISHED THE TEXT, THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF A GOTHIC TEXT ALTOGETHER. HE GAVE THE MANUSCRIPT THE NAME BY WHICH IT IS STILL KNOWN, CODEX ARGENTEUS, FROM THE LATIN WORD FOR SILVER. Libro en latín EDAD MEDIA EUROPEA.