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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Dit boek geeft antwoord op de meest gestelde vragen rondom de zorgverzekeringswet in de huisartsenpraktijk. Het gaat in op de laatste ontwikkelingen in de wet- en regelgeving. 53 pp. Niederländisch.

  • D&

    Published by SPRINGER NATURE Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 1484212134ISBN 13: 9781484212134

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Accelerate your development of PHP applications using the popular CakePHP web application development framework and unit testing. This short book shows you how to carry out test-driven development with fixtures, model tests, controller tests, mocks, and test suites. Learn CakePHP contains all you need to get started with the CakePHP framework to build faster, better PHP-based web applications.You'll learn about unit testing and how to implement it in CakePHP. This approach to coding leads to better code, better applications, and better programming habits. With this knowledge your PHP skills will go from strength to strength allowing you to write more and improved code. What you'll learn What is unit testing and CakePHP and how to put the two togetherWhat is clean codingWhat is TDD and the development cycle using this approachHow to work with fixtures, model tests, text callbacks, controller tests, and moreHow to do mocks, test suites, testing from the command line and moreHow to work with code coverage, fixtures data, and private methods Who this book is for This book is for experienced PHP programmers and web developers who have little or no experience using CakePHP and/or unit testing. 114 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Door maatschappelijke veranderingen kent Nederland een steeds groter aantal thuiswonende kwetsbare ouderen, die een verhoogd risico hebben op bijvoorbeeld ziekenhuisopname en overlijden. Het opsporen, herkennen, behandelen of ondersteunen van kwetsbare ouderen blijkt moeilijk. Het boek Werken met thuiswonende kwetsbare ouderen geeft inzicht in de complexiteit omtrent de herkenning en behandeling van deze doelgroep. Daarnaast worden veel gebruikte definities van kwetsbaarheid in kaart gebracht, alsook de veelheid aan meetinstrumenten, projecten en interventies die in het verleden zijn ingezet.Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden - meestal uitgevoerd in het kader van het Nationaal Programma Ouderenzorg - aangevuld met theoretische inzichten en wetenschappelijke onderbouwing, wordt inzicht gegeven in deze complexe onderwerpen. De diversiteit aan programma's en interventies voor kwetsbare ouderen wordt op een rij gezet. Vervolgens wordt de effectiviteit van interventies besproken en waar mogelijk, de rode draad uit de bevindingen gehaald. Als laatste komen kwetsbare ouderen zelf aan het woord om het contrast van hun perceptie met die van professionals aan te geven.Eva van der Ploeg en Robbert Gobbens zijn beiden gepromoveerd op het onderwerp 'Kwetsbare ouderen'. Met dit boek beogen zij dit complexe werkveld meer inzichtelijk te maken voor professionals die in hun dagelijkse praktijk met ouderen werken en voor HBO-studenten Zorg en Welzijn. 182 pp. Niederländisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -In dit boek staan de kennis, vaardigheden en competenties van doktersassistenten centraal die vereist zijn in de specifieke settings van poliklinieken, jeugdgezondheidszorg en bij arbodiensten. In de bedrijfsgeneeskunde (arbo) maar vooral in de jeugdgezondheidszorg is sinds de vorige druk (2006) veel veranderd. In Poliklinieken, jeugdgezondheidszorg en arbodienst komt de nieuwe zogenoemde `jeugdhulp¿ uitgebreid aan bod, evenals belangrijke onderwerpen als autismespectrumstoornissen, psychiatrie, verslaving, onbegrepen (lichamelijke) klachten en pesten. Deze vierde druk is voor een groot deel nieuw geschreven. De inhoud is actueel gemaakt en aanzienlijk uitgebreid. Er is ook in deze nieuwe druk aandacht voor onderwerpen uit vakgebieden als chirurgie, cardiologie, interne geneeskunde, neurologie, longziekten, oogheelkunde, verloskunde/gynaecologie, KNO, urologie, dermatologie en orthopedie. Aan aanvullend onderzoek, waar doktersassistenten een belangrijke rol kunnen spelen, wordt veel aandacht besteed om zo inzicht te geven in het doel van dit soort onderzoeken, maar vooral ook wat deze voor patiënten betekenen qua belasting. De vele voorbeelden, zoals longfunctieonderzoek, inspanningsECG, beeldvormend onderzoek, `ruggenprik¿ en gastroscopie maken het boek nog toegankelijker. Poliklinieken, jeugdgezondheidszorg en arbodienst is bedoeld voor doktersassistenten (in opleiding). De auteur heeft jaren ervaring in de medische beroepspraktijk en het medisch beroepsonderwijs 333 pp. Niederländisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Nederland kent internationaal gezien een laag suïcidecijfer, namelijk 1500 suïcides per jaar. Toch is elke suïcide er een te veel. Met dit boek willen de auteurs een bijdrage leveren aan de terugdringing van suïcides. Behandeling van suïcidaal gedrag in de praktijk richt zich primair op wat je als hulpverlener moet doen: welke vragen stel je, hoe stel je ze, wanneer en aan wie, hoe zorg je voor continuïteit, waar moet je op letten enzovoort. De onderwerpen variëren van de onderkenning van suïcidale jongeren op school tot de behandeling van de chronisch suïcidale patiënt. Er worden preventief georiënteerde programma's beschreven, handvatten geboden voor de opvang van suïcidepogers in het ziekenhuis en crisisinterventie, maar ook de hulp aan nabestaanden van een suïcide komt aan bod. Ook besteden de auteurs aandacht aan specifieke groepen zoals verslaafden, mensen met een persoonlijkheidsstoornis en ouderen met een doodswens. Daarnaast behandelen zij praktische methoden als cognitief-gedragstherapeutische interventies, interventies vanuit de dialectische gedragstherapie en de aanpak van dwangmatig piekeren over zelfdoding. De praktische benadering wordt kracht bijgezet door de vele gedragsbeschrijvingen en schema's. Dit boek is bedoeld voor hulpverleners in de GGZ, zoals sociaal-psychiatrisch verpleegkundigen, verpleegkundig specialisten, artsen, psychiaters, GZ-psychologen en klinisch psychologen. Het is ook geschikt voor opleiding en nascholing, cursussen en trainingen. 331 pp. Niederländisch.

  • Simon E. Skalicky

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811013004ISBN 13: 9789811013003

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book meets the growing demand among ophthalmologists, optometrists and orthoptists, in training and in practice, as well as visual neuroscientists, to have a clear, succinct and well-written textbook to objectively cover the subject of ocular and visual physiology. Ocular and visual physiology is a core knowledge component for these disciplines, and yet is often difficult to understand. However, this book clearly conveys the simple elegance of the relationship between structure and function that is the hallmark of understanding the physiology of the eye and visual system. Ocular and Visual Physiology - Clinical Application is essential reading for any one hoping to have a clear understanding of the subject. Students will find it a great resource to pass their exams. Each of the chapters has been independently reviewed and edited by an expert in the field with a clinical or visual scientific academic background. The text is based on the latest publications in peer-reviewed journals that are closely referenced within the body of the text. 388 pp. Englisch.

  • Michael Carroll

    Published by SPRINGER NATURE Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 1493942123ISBN 13: 9781493942121

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Oceans were long thought to exist in all corners of the Solar System, from carbonated seas percolating beneath the clouds of Venus to features on the Moon's surface given names such as 'the Bay of Rainbows' and the 'Ocean of Storms.' With the advent of modern telescopes and spacecraft exploration these ancient concepts of planetary seas have, for the most part, evaporated. But they have been replaced by the reality of something even more exotic. For example, although it is still uncertain whether Mars ever had actual oceans, it now seems that a web of waterways did indeed at one time spread across its surface. The 'water' in many places in our Solar System is a poisoned brew mixed with ammonia or methane. Even that found on Jupiter's watery satellite Europa is believed similar to battery acid. Beyond the Galilean satellites may lie even more 'alien oceans.' Saturn's planet-sized moon Titan seems to be subject to methane or ethane rainfall. This creates methane pools that, in turn, become vast lakes and, perhaps, seasonal oceans. Titan has other seas in a sense, as large shifting areas of sand covering vast plains have been discovered. Mars also has these sand seas, and Venus may as well, along with oceans of frozen lava. Do super-chilled concoctions of ammonia, liquid nitrogen, and water percolate beneath the surfaces of Enceladus and Triton For now we can only guess at the possibilities. 'Alien Seas' serves up part history, part current research, and part theory as it offers a rich buffet of 'seas' on other worlds. It is organized by location and by the material of which various oceans consist, with guest authors penning specific chapters. Each chapter features new original art depicting alien seas, as well as the latest ground-based and spacecraft images. Original diagrams presents details of planetary oceans and related processes. 119 pp. Englisch.

  • Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Pedagogiek in beeld biedt een kijkje in de wetenschappelijke keuken van de pedagogiek en is daarmee een inleiding in de studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. Het boek geeft een helder beeld van enkele belangrijke uitkomsten van pedagogisch onderzoek in Nederland en laat zien hoe die resultaten tot stand zijn gekomen. Daarbij komen de belangrijkste werkvelden aan bod: algemene pedagogiek, gezinspedagogiek, orthopedagogiek, leerproblemen en onderwijspedagogiek. Concrete voorbeelden van onderzoek maken duidelijk wat de pedagogiek heeft gepresteerd en wat in de toekomst van deze discipline mag worden verwacht. 440 pp. Niederländisch.

  • Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book highlights the challenges in sustainable wet processing of textiles, natural dyes, enzymatic textiles and sustainable textile finishes. Textile industry is known for its chemical processing issues and many NGO's are behind the textile sector to streamline its chemical processing, which is the black face of clothing and fashion sector. Sustainable textile chemical processes are crucial for attaining sustainability in the clothing sector. Seven comprehensive chapters are aimed to highlight these issues in the book. 131 pp. Englisch.

  • Yijie Tang

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811018685ISBN 13: 9789811018688

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This bookargues that a general understanding of traditional Chinese philosophy can be achieved by a concise elaboration of its truth, goodness and beauty; that goodness and beauty in Chinese philosophy, combined with the integration of man and heaven, knowledge and practice, scenery and feeling, reflect a pursuit of an ideal goal in traditional Chinese philosophy characterized by the thought mode uniting man and nature.This book also discusses the anti-traditionalism of the May Fourth Movement, explaining that the true value of 'sagacity theory' in traditional Chinese philosophy, especially in Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties, lies in its insights into universal life.In addition, existing ideas, issues, terminologies, concepts, and logic of Chinese philosophical thought were actually shaped by Western philosophy. It is necessary to be alienated from traditional status for the creation of a viable 'Chinese philosophy.' 'Modern Chinese philosophy' in the 1930s and 1940s was comprised of scholarly work that characteristically continued rather than followed the traditional discourse of Chinese philosophy. That is to say, in the process of studying and adapting Western philosophy, Chinese philosophers transformed Chinese philosophy from traditional to modern.In the end of the book, the author puts forward the idea of a 'New Axial Age.' He emphasizes that the rejuvenation of Chinese culture we endeavor to pursue has to be deeply rooted in our mainstream culture with universal values incorporating cultures of other nations, especially the cultural essence of the West. 252 pp. Englisch.

  • Qiongqiong Chen

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 981287884XISBN 13: 9789812878847

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book examines the way Chinese academics returning from the US re-establish their academic identities and professional practices at China's research universities in the context of higher education internationalization in China. It goes beyond economic accounts of academic mobility based on the notions of brain drain, brain gain, and brain circulation. Instead, it uses a cultural approach to explore the everyday experiences of the returning scholars concerning the issues of their sense of identity, as well as their ways of connecting and bringing about changes in their work communities. It will appeal anyone interested in 1) globalization and academic mobility; 2) China's talent policies and strategies; and 3) the internationalization of Chinese universities. 160 pp. Englisch.

  • Matthew D Dewar

    Published by SPRINGER NATURE Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 1137602759ISBN 13: 9781137602756

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book explores how contemporary educational research and curriculum occlude the vitaland enduring relationship between education and well-being. Beginning with the consequencesof the reductive tendencies of educational research and moving through the consequencesof the technical and instrumental tendencies of curriculum, this bookchallenges how contemporary education as a whole reduces human beings to'things' and funnels and stamps them according to predetermined knowledge formsrepresentative of the dominant socioeconomic ideology. Through a philosophicalexploration of original conceptions of education and well-being, this bookattempts to recover an understanding of education that embodies how we learn touncover and relate to our own possibilities for a more meaningful life which isa life of well-being. This book explores how contemporary educational research and curriculum occlude the vital and enduring relationship between education and well-being. Beginning with the consequences of the reductive tendencies of educational research and moving through the consequences of the technical and instrumental tendencies of curriculum, this book challenges how contemporary education as a whole reduces human beings to 'things' and funnels them according to predetermined knowledge forms representative of the dominant socioeconomic ideology. Through a philosophical exploration of original conceptions of education and well-being, this book attempts to recover an understanding of education that embodies how we learn to uncover and relate to our own possibilities for a more meaningful life which is a life of well-being. 116 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The book mainly investigates the challenges that confront France's unique dual system of higher education in facing internationalization and the recruitment of international students. This book focuses on the development of the institutional strategies in two groups of higher education institutions: University and Grande École in responding to the opportunities and stresses of both Europe's Bologna process and globalization.The research data presents in this book was collected from four local institutions, two Grandes Écoles and two universities, one of each focusing on the social sciences and the other on natural sciences and technology. Interviews with major stakeholders in the institutions, including personnel from international offices, faculty/researchers and international students were adopted as principal methods for data collection. The thematic organization of the findings in each chapter covers views from three levels of stakeholders' and interprets the results within theoretical frames, such as institutional theories, world-system theory, international academic relationship theory and branding theory.Readers will find this book both practical and innovative in four key ways. Firstly, in knowledge diffusion, revealing the mysterious veil of the unique French dual higher education system. Secondly, in new knowledge production, exploring a new subject of research and filling the blanks from previous studies of the two groups of institutions. Thirdly, in presenting new interesting sights into current reforms in Frances's higher education and how far principles of path dependency will ensure strong continuities with the past as against a tendency to homogenization in response to pressures from Europeanization and global ranking systems. Finally, in exploring the dimension of interculturality and the interplay between researcher's identity and research process. 284 pp. Englisch.

  • Jun Li

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811008353ISBN 13: 9789811008351

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Utilizing a case study method and a Multiperspectival Approach, this volume presents a pioneering, in-depth study about China's teacher education policy since the 1990s. It critically investigates the rational, dynamic and complex implementation process taking place at the micro institutional level for the transformations of teacher education institutions. The book first introduces the sociopolitical and cultural background of China's teacher education system and its challenges under the condition of globalization, and illustrates major national initiatives for nurturing highly qualified teachers. It then explores new teachers' identities in an era of enhanced professionalism, uncovers the ways they reflect China's teacher education reform, and distills the rationales behind these policy actions. This is followed by an analytic presentation of the findings of the case study of a provincial normal university, with a particular focus on such core pieces of the implementation jigsaw as policy flow, the dynamism of implementation, sociopolitical and cultural confluence, and institutional barriers in the complex process. Lastly, the book unravels key recommendations and implications for policy implementation studies from the China policy case, and constructs a Chinese Zhong-Yong Model of policy implementation, and sheds new light on policy studies of teacher education reform in particular and public policy in general, which may be transferable to other sociopolitical contexts seeking to nurture world-class teachers and achieve educational excellence in a global age. 276 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book uses a mixed-method approach to address the topic of personal epistemology among Chinese engineering doctoral students from U.S. institutions.--It presents a broad view of the epistemological development among Chinese engineering students from five U.S. Midwestern doctoral programs. Meanwhile, it provides practical examples from students' academic experiences to showcase their thinking development and behavioral patterns.It allows readers to gain an understanding of Chinese engineering students' academic lives in U.S. institutions through a cognitive theoretical lens. It also highlights a number of factors that can potentially facilitate adult students' cognitive development, and extends the discussion on the benefits of study-abroad and cross-cultural education to the epistemological domain. 208 pp. Englisch.

  • Yuh-Yin Wu

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811013306ISBN 13: 9789811013300

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Given the increasing global interest in Chinese culture, this book uses case studies to describe and interpret Chinese cultivation in contemporary Taiwanese schools. Cultivation is a concept unique to Chinese culture and is characterized by different attitudes towards teaching and learning compared to Western models of education. The book starts with a discussion of human nature in Chinese schools of philosophy and levels of goodness. Following the philosophical background is a presentation of how cultivation is practiced in Chinese culture from prenatal through high school education. The case studies focus both on how students are cultivated as they become members of Chinese society, and on what role teachers play in cultivating the children in school. In addition, supports from Chinese educational institutions, including public schools, families, and organizations such as private cram schools, are introduced and explained. In closing, the book presents a critique of the modern school reform movement and the conflicts between the reform proposals and traditional practices. Based on the collective work of Taiwanese researchers in the fields of education, history and anthropology, the book identifies the purpose of education as cultivating virtue in a process of creating an ideal person who serves society, and describes the way teachers have carried on this tradition despite its faltering status in contemporary educational discourse and in the face of reform movements. 296 pp. Englisch.

  • Zhenghong Dong

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811019436ISBN 13: 9789811019432

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book focuses on developing methods for constructing learning paths in terms of 'learning resources' (learning contents), 'learning approaches' (learning method), and 'learning quality' (learning performance) to support learning. This book defines different teaching approaches for learning activities and organizes them into a learning path which indicates the learning sequence. This book introduces how to automatically generate well-structured learning resources for different students. Also, this book introduces a method about how to generate adaptive learning approach to learn learning resources for different students. Finally, this book introduces a method to monitor and control learning quality. The adaptive learning path expresses well-structured learning contents, using which approach to access those learning contents, and in which sequence to carry out the learning process. The learning path comes with a monitoring tool to control the learning progress, which helps to make students having a balanced development on different knowledge and abilities. Researchers who worked in E-learning area, both education and computer sciences people.Educators who worked in educational institutes, such as Universities, Schools, etc. They would like to use or study E-learning tools/technologies/methods in their own work.And technicians who run/design educational websites will understand the appeal of this work. 168 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book investigates first language (L1) and second language (L2) use in Chinese university classrooms, focusing on the experiences of four Chinese EFL teachers who were teaching non-English major students at four different proficiency levels. It examines these four teachers' actual use of L1 and L2, including the distribution of their L1 and L2 use; the circumstances, functions and grammatical patterns of their language use; and their language use across different frames of classroom discourse. It also explores their attitudes and beliefs regarding this issue in depth, as well as their own perceptions of and reasons for their language use and possible influencing factors. Through its detailed analysis of the teachers' language use, as well as their respective beliefs and decision-making techniques, this book contributes to L2 teachers' professional development and L2 teaching in general, especially with regard to establishing a pedagogically principled approach to L1 and L2 use. 276 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Professor Stephen Lerman has been a leader in the field of mathematics education for thirty years. His work is extensive, making many significant contributions to a number of key areas of research. Stephen retired from South Bank University in 2012, where he had worked for over 20 years, though he continues to work at Loughborough University. In this book several of his long standing colleagues and collaborators reflect on his contribution to mathematics education, and in so doing illustrate how some of Steve's ideas and interventions have resulted in significant shifts in the domain. 260 pp. Englisch.

  • Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book is based upon three interrelated open naturalistic studies conducted to better characterise the motivational orientation of students in higher education. Open semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with undergraduates, students at community colleges and students in taught postgraduate courses in Hong Kong. The analysis used an exploratory grounded theory approach and resulted in a motivational orientation framework with six continua with positive and negative poles. On enrolment students had positions on the six facets of motivation, which shifted as they progressed through their degree according to their perceptions of the teaching and learning environment. The framework can, therefore, be used to explain both initial decisions to enrol and motivation to continue studying. The interviews included descriptions of teaching approaches and learning activities and their effects on motivation. This made it possible to describe a teaching and learning environment conducive to motivation, with eight supportive conditions. Each facet of the teaching and learning environment is illustrated with quotations from the three groups of students, resulting in a guide to configuring a teaching and learning environment conducive to motivating students. The emerging community-college sector in Hong Kong is used as a case study of the effects on student motivation of the expansion of the higher education sector through private colleges. Cultural issues are discussed, particularly the performance of Asian students relative to those in the West. 168 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book proposes a new theory on children's thinking (cognitive) development. According to this theory, the stages of said development should be divided into four stages: first, the stage of animalistic thinking (birth-before possessing basic language ability); second, the stage of elementary thinking (beginning to possess basic language ability-beginning to possess proficient oral ability); third, the stage of intermediate thinking (beginning to possess proficient oral ability-before the formation of comprehensive cognitive ability); and fourth, the stage of advanced thinking (after the formation of comprehensive cognitive ability). In this context, thinking includes logical thinking, visual thinking and intuitive thinking. Based on the new theory, the author points out the serious negative impact that Piaget's stage theory of children's cognitive development has had on Chinese language education in China. The book also offers a number of practical principles, such as five teaching activities for language teaching of extension, typing, writing, passage, and thinking. 260 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book addresses various 21st century questions and challenges, especially the role of technology in upgrading teaching and learning in today's society, and the role of higher education institutions in improving standards of living, economics, society and sustainability. It shares with readers the challenges of globalization to higher institutions concerning the issues relating to value creation management, branding and the impact on leadership in higher institutions. 224 pp. Englisch.

  • Yin Cheong Cheng

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811012822ISBN 13: 9789811012822

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book reviews and analyses the issues and policies of internationalization and exportation of higher education and investigates the strategies and models of education hub development in the context of globalization, with Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific region as a case study. It examines the close relationship between education hubs and higher education, as well as the strategic functions of an education hub in the future development of a society in a competitive global environment. It also analyses the major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Hong Kong's higher education in relation to its potential for exporting higher education to Asian markets. In particular, it reviews the current state of higher education services offered by Hong Kong in three target markets and their segmentation and proposes the most appropriate market entry strategies for education service providers. 220 pp. Englisch.

  • Shaun Rawolle

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 981101261XISBN 13: 9789811012617

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This unique book explores school improvement policy - from its translation into national contexts and school networks to its implementation in leader and teacher practices in individual schools and classrooms within this network of schools and its impact on students' learning. It draws on multiple conceptual and theoretical resources to explore the complexities attached to a school improvement process in a network of schools in Australia. These conceptual and theoretical resources include discourse, practice, representation and network, concepts common to both policy research as well as studies of leadership and classroom practice. They lead to a more detailed understanding of the intersections between educational policy and intervention processes, and the complex reality of school processes and teaching practices. In the book we trace the implementation of school improvement policies through its multiple phases, levels and contexts. Our data-collection and analysis methods draw on a variety of perspectives in the way different players perceive their roles and the nature of the initiative and the ways in which these intersect. The research findings are used to seek productive approaches to school improvement that combine policy integrity with local flexibility. The book contributes to the school improvement literature through its exploration of tensions between global and systemic settings and local practices and histories. 160 pp. Englisch.

  • Margaret Marshman

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811012180ISBN 13: 9789811012181

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book examines the beliefs, attitudes, values and emotions of students in Years 5 to 8 (aged 10 to 14 years) about mathematics and mathematics education. Fundamentally, this book focuses on the development of affective views and responses towards mathematics and mathematics learning. Furthermore, it seems that students develop their more negative views of mathematics during the middle school years (Years 5 to 8), and so here we concentrate on students in this critical period. The book is based on a number of empirical studies, including an enquiry undertaken with 45 children in Years 5 and 6 in one school; a large-scale quantitative study undertaken with students from a range of schools across diverse communities in New Zealand; and two related small-scale studies with junior secondary students in Australia. This book brings substantial, empirically-based evidence to the widely held perception that many students have negative views of mathematics, and these affective responses develop during the middle years of school. The data for this book were collected with school students, and students who were actually engaged in learning mathematics in their crucial middle school years. The findings reported and discussed here are relevant for researchers and mathematics educators, policy makers and curriculum developers, and teachers and school principals engaged in the teaching of mathematics. 156 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Teachers of Chinese as a foreign language in many international contexts are searching for pedagogic solutions to promote effective learning. Models of innovative and successful approaches are urgently needed. This volume presents a collection of compelling and empirically rich research studies that showcases innovative developments in the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The studies focus on three interrelated areas: learners, teachers, and applications of new technologies. Specifically, the studies explore methods for fostering learner-centred classrooms, autonomous learners, intercultural learning, the role of teacher views and identities, the nature of a 'middle ground' approach, and technologies that accommodate the unique aspects of the Chinese language, with new options for mobile and interactive learners. Providing both inspiration and practical models for language practitioners and researchers, it offers a vital resource for teachers' professional development, and for pre-service teacher education. 284 pp. Englisch.

  • Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book comprehensively covers the topic of sustainability in the clothing and fashion sector. Sustainability is applied under different industrial sectors and there has to be a distinction in every industrial sector when it comes to sustainability in its application. Though the definition is common for sustainability, sustainability in the clothing sector has its unique objectives, principles, and limitations, which this book highlights. 107 pp. Englisch.

  • Zdravko Galic

    Published by SPRINGER NATURE Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 1493965735ISBN 13: 9781493965731

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This SpringerBrief presents the fundamental concepts of a specialized class of data stream, spatio-temporal data streams, and demonstrates their distributed processing using Big Data frameworks and platforms. It explores a consistent framework which facilitates a thorough understanding of all different facets of the technology, from basic definitions to state-of-the-art techniques. Key topics include spatio-temporal continuous queries, distributed stream processing, SQL-like language embedding, and trajectory stream clustering.Over the course of the book, the reader will become familiar with spatio-temporal data streams management and data flow processing, which enables the analysis of huge volumes of location-aware continuous data streams. Applications range from mobile object tracking and real-time intelligent transportation systems to traffic monitoring and complex event processing.Spatio-Temporal Data Streams is a valuable resource for researchers studying spatio-temporal data streams and Big Data analytics, as well as data engineers and data scientists solving data management and analytics problems associated with this class of data. 107 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book approaches the concept of geo-architecture from the perspective of functions of architectures by analyzing the cases of traditional Chinese houses and tombs as well as palaces and places of worship. Houses and tombs, the 'Yang' dwellings and 'Yin' dwellings of human beings in traditional Chinese interpretation, are the two types of architectures that reveal the wisdom with which different ethnic groups adapted to different geographic environments at different times throughout the long history. Palaces are connected with various religious architectures throughout the Chinese history. The connection between imperial power and religion, along with its geographic and cultural connotations, are implicated in the pattern and layout of religious and imperial architectures. This book is the second of a 4-volume book series. The series develops the innovative concept of 'geo-architecture' by exploring the myriad influences of natural, human and historical factors upon architecture. These influences are considered in three categories, namely, interaction between architecture and nature, interaction between architecture and its human users and change in architecture over time--each category serves as a lens. Augmenting these lenses is the Time-Person-Place concept applied different geographic. The analysis ultimately focuses on two aspects: geographic influence on architecture and architectural response to geography. The over 1000 pictures of case architectures enriches the study with stunning and unique visual angles.'This unprecedented work will be a unique and valuable contribution to the literature. Integrating as it does the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and geography, Wang Fang's voice is original, compelling, and will be much appreciated by English-speaking readers (and inside China, too, I can only imagine.)'Stephen M ErvinAssistant DeanGraduate School of Design, Harvard UniversityJuly 2nd, 2013'One reason for why there would be interest is because her research would fill some significant gaps in the literature.What is novel about Dr. Wang's series is that she further extends this intellectual project of looking at Chinese architecture through Chinese eyes, by taking it one provocative step further.'Annette M. KimAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Urban Studies and Planning, M.I.T.July 1st, 2013 284 pp. Englisch.

  • Won Kook Choi

    Published by Springer Nature Singapore Aug 2016, 2016

    ISBN 10: 9811009791ISBN 13: 9789811009792

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book offers a comprehensive overview of ZnO-nano carbon core shell hybrid issues. There is significant interest in metal oxide/nanocarbon hybrid functional materials in the field of energy conversion and storage as electrode materials for supercapacitors, Li ion secondary battery, electrocatalysts for water splitting, and optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes and solar photovoltaic cells. Despite efforts to manipulate more uniform metal oxide-nanocarbon nanocomposite structures, they have shown poor performance because they are randomly scattered and non-uniformly attached to the nanocarbon surface. For higher and more effective performance of the hybrid structure, 3D conformal coating on metal oxides are highly desirable.In the first part of the book, the physical and chemical properties of ZnO and nanocarbons and the state-of-the-art in related research are briefly summarized. In the next part, the 3D conformal coating synthetic processes of ZnO templated nanocarbon hybrid materials such as ZnO-graphene,-C60, single-walled (SWCNT) are introduced with the aid of schematic illustrations. Analysis of their chemical bonding and structure are also presented. In the final section, several applications are presented: UV photovoltaic cells and photoelectrochemical anodes for water splitting using ZnO-C60 and ZnO-graphene, white-light-emitting diodes based on ZnO-graphene quantum dots(GQDs), inverted solar cells using ligand-modified ZnO-graphene QDs, and P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer with mixed with nano-ring SWCNT.The book describes how strong anchoring bonds between a ZnO core and carbon nanomaterial shell will ultimately prevail over the main drawbacks of ZnO with high charge recombination and poor electrochemical stability in liquid solutions. Due to the moderate energy states and excellent electric properties of the nanocarbons, ultrafast charge carrier transport from the ZnO core to the nanocarbon shell is guaranteed with the use of the photoluminescence (PL) lifetime measurement.Given the growing interest and significance of future research in optoelectronic and electrochemical devices applications, the contents are very timely. This book is targeted towards researchers looking for highly efficient metal oxide-nanocarbon hybrid functional materials in the fields of nano-optoelectronics, photoelectrochemistry, energy storage and conversion. 88 pp. Englisch.