Der Moderne Stil; Eine Sammlung naturalistischer Motive mit Rücksicht auf die Praktische Verwendung...

Der Moderne Stil; Eine Sammlung naturalistischer Motive mit Rücksicht auf die Praktische Verwendung im Kunstgewerbe

Lyongrun, Arnold

Published by Friedr. Voight, Leipsig, 1898
Used Hardcover

From Royoung Bookseller, Inc. ABAA, Ardsley, NY, U.S.A. Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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About this Item


Elephant folio, 54 x 42 cm. Twenty full page color lithographs of Art Nouveau designs printed recto only. Born in East Prussia he studied in France, where he was inspired by the Art Nouveau movement exemplified by the Nancy School. He published a number of patterns for decorative arts and crafts, some are held by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Ex-library, perforated library stamps in margins not affecting images. Lacks plate no. 1. A few fore-edge margins nicked, plates bright and clean, backstrip rubbed at extremities. Seller Inventory # 21586

Bibliographic Details

Title: Der Moderne Stil; Eine Sammlung ...
Publisher: Friedr. Voight, Leipsig
Publication Date: 1898
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Dark gray cloth. Very good
Edition: First edition.

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