- Wertvolle, bibliophile Bücher aus verschiedenen Wissensgebieten.
- Kunst wie: Graphiken, Zeichnung, Aquarelle, Oelgemälde und andere Bilder
- Schätzungen, Expertisen, Beratung
- Wir sind spezialisiert in Naturgeschichte, Medizin, Helvetica, Kunst, Musik,
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Association Member
Members of these associations are committed to maintaining the highest standards. They vouch for the authenticity of all items offered for sale. They provide expert and detailed descriptions, disclose all significant defects and/or restorations, provide clear and accurate pricing, and operate with fairness and honesty during the purchase experience.
Seller's business information
EOS Buchantiquariat Benz AG
EOS Buchantiquariat Benz AG, Kirchgasse 17, Zürich, 8001, Switzerland
Terms of Sale:
All major credit cards
Invoice in $,£, DM and CHF
We have accounts in US ($), UK (£), Germany (Euro)
If you are a consumer you can cancel the contract in accordance with the following. Consumer means any natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business, craft or profession.
Statutory Right to cancel
You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
The cancellation period will ...
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Shipping Terms:
Versand ab** deutscher Poststelle** nach Deutschland und in den restlichen EU-Raum alle alle 14 Tage. Alle Objekte werden verzollt und die deutsche EUSt. wird entrichtet. in der Schweiz und nach Übersee erfolgt der Versan innerhalb von zwei Werktagen. Die Versandkostenpauschalen basieren auf Durchschnittswerten für 1 kg schwere Bücher. Über abweichende Kosten werden Sie gegebenenfalls vom Verkäufer informiert.
Shipment to Germany and other countries of the EU Community will be effectuated within 14 days. Within
Switzerland and the rest of the world we ship within two working days. The freight charges are based on a
average weight of 1 kilo. Alterations will be communicated by the seller.