Astronomy chart diagrams c. 1770-90's map climate longitude latitude zones globe Astronomy chart diagrams c. 1770-90's map climate longitude latitude zones globe

Astronomy chart diagrams c. 1770-90's map climate longitude latitude zones globe

Publication Date: 1770

From RareMapsandBooks, Dover, NH, U.S.A. Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Division Astronomique Du Globe Terrestre. (French Astronomy, Terrestrial, Longitude and latitude, Dissected Earth, Equatorial diagrams, spheres, antipodes). Issued c.1770-90's, likely Paris. Anonymous engraver/ maker. Two small maps engraved on a single sheet. Ten small detailed diagrams sit atop two columns of descriptive text relating to the globes and circles. Subjects include climate zones, longitude, latitude, axis and rotation of planets, inhabitants by region, etc. Interesting little didactic mid to late 18th century engraved map, with very attractive hand color. A pleasing visual example. Remains a nice looking example with a gentle age patina. Any age flaws minor and easy to overlook or forgive. Sheet Measures c. "7 5/8 x "9 15/16. Engraved Area Measures c. "6 13/16 x "9. Cartographic Reference (s):Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, vol.[R26558]. Seller Inventory # 124847539365

Bibliographic Details

Title: Astronomy chart diagrams c. 1770-90's map ...
Publication Date: 1770
Condition: good

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