Album De Cinelandia, Biografias Y Retratos Autenticos (Photogravure Portrait Plates)

Villegas, Lucio A.

Published by Publicado En Hollywood, 1928
Used Soft cover

From MW Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since July 12, 2005

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About this Item


A fair copy in the original stiff-card wrappers, with color-pictorial, tipped-in to front; edges slightly nicked and dust-dulled as with age. Leaves loose from binding, but in fine condition. Remains well-preserved overall; bright and clean. ; 0 pages; Signed and inscribed by the editor. A collection of 17 photogravure portrait plates (with brief career description opposite) , of which there were 200. Of real curiosity value. Subjects: Hollywood - Actors. Motion pictures - History - Hollywood. 2 Kg. 0 pp. Seller Inventory # 86409

Bibliographic Details

Title: Album De Cinelandia, Biografias Y Retratos ...
Publisher: Publicado En Hollywood
Publication Date: 1928
Binding: Soft cover
Signed: Signed by Author(s)
Edition: 1928 Edition.

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