Items related to Environment

Environment ISBN 13: 9780030251788

Environment - Softcover

9780030251788: Environment

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Environment, 2/e is a serious science text that is appealing and understandable to students from all disciplines. It takes a solutions-oriented approach to environmental problems by providing students with information and allowing them to make their own conclusions.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

From the Back Cover

Help is on the Web!

There is more to Environment, 4e by Raven and Berg than what you see in this text. An enhanced book-specific Web site will help you further examine critical environmental issues. The Web site offers a variety of activities to help you succeed in your course and additional tools that will help you make environmentally responsible choices.

Online resources include:

  • Environmental Debates provide the opportunity to learn about two sides of a contentious issue affecting the environment.
  • Activity Links identify the most useful Internet links related to the environment and present short exercises that invite you to use these links to increase your understanding of the material.
  • Take a Stand activities encourage you to think critically and carefully weigh the short- and long-term advantages and disadvantages of a particular position relating to an environmental situation.
  • Research Projects provide you with specific suggestions for topics, reading materials, research techniques, and activities.
  • Case Studies highlight key issues in environmental science and lead you to related Web sites for further information.
  • How to Make a Difference shows how to get involved in environmental issues and lists environmental organizations that you can join.
  • Student Lounge offers valuable study tips and writing tips that will help you get a better grade.
  • Quizzes and Essays test your understanding of each chapter with multiple-choice, true/false questions, and short-answer essay questions. You can email your answers and responses directly to your instructor.

About the Author

Peter H. Raven, one of the world's leading botanists, has dedicated nearly three decades to conservation and biodiversity as Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, where he has cultivated a world-class institution of horticultural display, education, and research. Described by Time magazine as "Hero for the Planet," Dr. Raven champions research around the world to preserve endangered species and is a leading advocate for conservation and a sustainable environment.

Dr. Raven is chair of the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration and he is President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the receipient of numerous prizes and awards, including Japan's International Prize for Biology, the Environmental Prize of the Institute de la Vie, the Volvo Environment Prize, the Tyler Prize for Environment Achievement, and the Sasakawa Environment Prize. He also has held Guggenheim and MacArthur fellowships.

Dr. Raven received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, after completitng his undergraduate work at the University of California, Berkeley.

Linda R. Berg is an award-winning teacher and textbook author. She received a B.S. in science education, M.S. in botany, and Ph.D. in plant physiology from the University of Maryland. Her research focused on the evolutionary implications of steriod biosynthetic pathways in various organisms.

Dr. Berg taught at the University of Maryland-College Park, for 17 years, and is presently an Adjunct Professor at St. Petersburg Junior College in Florida. She has taught introductory courses in environmental science, biology, and botany to thousands of students since 1972. At the University of Maryland, she received numerous teaching and service awards. Dr. Berg is also the receipient of many national and regional awards, including the National Science Teachers Association Award for Innovations in College Teaching, the Nation's Capital Area Disabled Student Services Award, and the Washington Academy of Sciences Award in University Science Teaching.

During her career as a professional science writer, Dr. Berg has authored or coauthored several leading college science textbooks. Her writing reflects her teaching style and love of science.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

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