A broad selection of British and American poetry from 1200 to the present illustrates the development of poetic movements and styles
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
The Coming Forth Of Osiris Jones: The Things by Conrad Aiken
Doctors' Row by Conrad Aiken
The Constant by Archie Randolph Ammons
Cut The Grass by Archie Randolph Ammons
Life In The Boondocks by Archie Randolph Ammons
Mechanism by Archie Randolph Ammons
Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold
The Scholar Gipsy by Matthew Arnold
As One Put Drunk Into The Packet-boat by John Ashbery
The Instruction Manual by John Ashbery
Mixed Feelings by John Ashbery
At First I Was Given by Margaret Atwood
Siren Song by Margaret Atwood
You Take My Hand And by Margaret Atwood
In Memory Of Sigmund Freud by Wystan Hugh Auden
In Memory Of W.b. Yeats by Wystan Hugh Auden
In Praise Of Limestone by Wystan Hugh Auden
Lullaby by Wystan Hugh Auden
Musee Des Beaux Arts by Wystan Hugh Auden
Ode To Terminus by Wystan Hugh Auden
The Shield Of Achilles by Wystan Hugh Auden
Hiatus by Margaret Avison
A Lament by Margaret Avison
Water And Worship: An Open-air Service On The Gatineau River by Margaret Avison
Musings by William Barnes
The Wife A-lost by William Barnes
A Memento For Mortality by William Basse
Aspatia's Song by Francis Beaumont
Dream-pedlary by Thomas Lovell Beddoes
The Dream Songs: 14 by John Berryman
The Dream Songs: 219. So Long? Stevens by John Berryman
The Dream Songs: 29 by John Berryman
The Dream Songs: 4 by John Berryman
Lauds by John Berryman
Sonnet: 37 by John Berryman
A Subaltern's Love-song by John Betjeman
At The Fishhouses by Elizabeth Bishop
Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop
One Art by Elizabeth Bishop
London, Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake
Mock On, Mock On! Voltaire, Rousseau by William Blake
The New [or, Building Of] Jerusalem [or, To The Christians] by William Blake
A Poison Tree, Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake
The Sick Rose, Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake
Songs Of Experience: Introduction by William Blake
The Sunflower, Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake
To The Accuser Who Is The God Of This World: Epilogue by William Blake
To The Muses by William Blake
The Tyger [tiger], Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake
Cassandra by Louise Bogan
Old Countryside by Louise Bogan
Sonnet: Cupid And Venus by Mark Alexander Boyd
A Letter To Her Husband, Absent Upon Public Employment by Anne Bradstreet
To My Dear And Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet
The Evening Darkens Over by Robert Seymour Bridges
Remembrance by Emily Jane Bronte
Song by Emily Jane Bronte
The Bean Eaters by Gwendolyn Brooks
The Rites For Cousin Vit by Gwendolyn Brooks
We Real Cool; The Pool Players. Seven At The Golden Shovel by Gwendolyn Brooks
On The Countess Of Pembroke by William (1591-1643) Browne
Lord Walter's Wife by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets From The Portuguese: 18 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets From The Portuguese: 28 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Bishop Orders His Tomb At Saint Praxed's Church by Robert Browning
Love Among The Ruins by Robert Browning
My Last Duchess by Robert Browning
Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning
A Toccata Of Galuppi's by Robert Browning
Address To A Lady by Robert Burns
A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns
To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough by Robert Burns
104 by George Gordon Byron
105. by George Gordon Byron
106. by George Gordon Byron
108. by George Gordon Byron
112. by George Gordon Byron
113. by George Gordon Byron
115. by George Gordon Byron
116. by George Gordon Byron
118. by George Gordon Byron
120. by George Gordon Byron
121. by George Gordon Byron
123. by George Gordon Byron
124. by George Gordon Byron
125. by George Gordon Byron
128. by George Gordon Byron
129. by George Gordon Byron
136. by George Gordon Byron
137. by George Gordon Byron
138. by George Gordon Byron
142. by George Gordon Byron
143. by George Gordon Byron
144. by George Gordon Byron
145. by George Gordon Byron
158. by George Gordon Byron
159. by George Gordon Byron
160. by George Gordon Byron
161. by George Gordon Byron
162. by George Gordon Byron
163. by George Gordon Byron
164. by George Gordon Byron
165. by George Gordon Byron
167. by George Gordon Byron
168. by George Gordon Byron
169. by George Gordon Byron
171. by George Gordon Byron
172. by George Gordon Byron
173. by George Gordon Byron
176. by George Gordon Byron
177. by George Gordon Byron
178. by George Gordon Byron
179. by George Gordon Byron
181. by George Gordon Byron
183. by George Gordon Byron
185. by George Gordon Byron
186. by George Gordon Byron
187. by George Gordon Byron
188. by George Gordon Byron
189. by George Gordon Byron
190. by George Gordon Byron
191. by George Gordon Byron
192. by George Gordon Byron
193. by George Gordon Byron
194. by George Gordon Byron
195. by George Gordon Byron
196. by George Gordon Byron
197. by George Gordon Byron
198. by George Gordon Byron
199. by George Gordon Byron
200. by George Gordon Byron
201. by George Gordon Byron
202. by George Gordon Byron
204. by George Gordon Byron
The Destruction Of Sennacherib by George Gordon Byron
Song by George Gordon Byron
Stanzas For Music (1) by George Gordon Byron
Amaryllis by Thomas Campion
The Charm by Thomas Campion
The Dying Fall [or, Devotion (2), Or, Song From Lute Books] by Thomas Campion
Song: A Lover's Plea by Thomas Campion
Song by Thomas Carew
On A Virtuous Young Gentlewoman That Died Suddenly by William Cartwright
To Lesbia by Gaius (caius) Valerius Catullus
Mynstrelles Songe by Thomas Chatterton
In Flanders by Geoffrey Chaucer
Merciles Beaute; A Triple Roundel: 1. Captivity by Geoffrey Chaucer
Merciles Beaute; A Triple Roundel: 2. Rejection by Geoffrey Chaucer
Merciles Beaute; A Triple Roundel: 3. Escape by Geoffrey Chaucer
Roundel [of The Small Foules] [or, A St. Valentine Rondel] by Geoffrey Chaucer
Autumn (2) by John Clare
Badger by John Clare
First Love by John Clare
I Am by John Clare
She Tied Up Her Few Things by John Clare
On The Memory Of Mr. Edward King, Drowned In The Irish Seas by John Cleveland
The Latest Decalogue by Arthur Hugh Clough
Natura Naturans by Arthur Hugh Clough
Songs In Absence: 3 [later Version] by Arthur Hugh Clough
Frost At Midnight by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Ode To Evening by William (1721-1759) Collins
Ode Written In [the Beginning Of The Year] 1746 by William (1721-1759) Collins
The Spring by Abraham Cowley
Epitaph On A Hare by William Cowper
The Poplar Field by William Cowper
At Melville's Tomb by Harold Hart Crane
Praise For An Urn; In Memoriam: Ernest Nelson by Harold Hart Crane
To Brooklyn Bridge by Harold Hart Crane
Voyages: 2 by Harold Hart Crane
Conclusion: Upon The Book And Picture Of The Seraphical Saint Teresa by Richard Crashaw
Hymn Of The Nativity by Richard Crashaw
In The Temple by Richard Crashaw
On The Blessed Virgin's Bashfulness by Richard Crashaw
Sole Lord by Richard Crashaw
The Act Of Love by Robert Creeley
A Wicker Basket by Robert Creeley
Simon The Cyrenian Speaks by Countee Cullen
50 Poems: 26 by Edward Estlin Cummings
50 Poems: 29 by Edward Estlin Cummings
50 Poems: 34 by Edward Estlin Cummings
95 Poems: 94 by Edward Estlin Cummings
One: 28 by Edward Estlin Cummings
Xaipe: 57 by Edward Estlin Cummings
A Century Of Epigrams: 39 by James Vincent Cunningham
A Century Of Epigrams: 53 by James Vincent Cunningham
A Century Of Epigrams: 54 by James Vincent Cunningham
Ulysses And The Siren by Samuel Daniel
Song: Love Prescribed by William Davenant
A Runnable Stag by John Davidson
Two Songs: 1 by Cecil Day Lewis
Two Songs: 2 by Cecil Day Lewis
In The Local Museum by Walter John De La Mare
The Listeners by Walter John De La Mare
Pooh! by Walter John De La Mare
The Happy Heart [or, The Basket-maker's Song] by Thomas Dekker
Cherrylog Road by James Dickey
Pursuit From Under by James Dickey
After Great Pain A Formal Feeling Comes by Emily Dickinson
By The Sea by Emily Dickinson
The Chariot by Emily Dickinson
Disenchantment by Emily Dickinson
Dying by Emily Dickinson
Emigrants by Emily Dickinson
How Many Times These Low Feet Staggered by Emily Dickinson
In Shadow by Emily Dickinson
My Life Had Stood - A Loaded Gun by Emily Dickinson
Post-mortem by Emily Dickinson
She Dealt Her Pretty Words Like Blades by Emily Dickinson
The Snake by Emily Dickinson
There's A Certain Slant Of Light by Emily Dickinson
A Thunder-storm (1st Version) by Emily Dickinson
What Soft, Cherubic Creatures by Emily Dickinson
The White Knight's Ballad by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
The Anniversary [anniversarie] by John Donne
The Canonization by John Donne
The Ecstasy [extasie] by John Donne
Holy Sonnet: 10 by John Donne
Holy Sonnet: 14 by John Donne
Holy Sonnet: 7 by John Donne
A Hymn To God The Father by John Donne
The Relic by John Donne
Song by John Donne
The Sun Rising by John Donne
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning by John Donne
A Valediction: Of Weeping by John Donne
Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson
Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare by Ernest Dowson
To The Virginian Voyage by Michael Drayton
Chorus On The New Years [or, Chorus To The Gods, Or, Song] by John Dryden
Macflecknoe; Or, A Satire Upon The True-blue-protestant Poet by John Dryden
A Song For St. Cecilia's Day by John Dryden
The Spanish Friar: 1-3. Love's Despair by John Dryden
To The Memory Of Mr. Oldham by John Dryden
Funeral Oration For A Mouse by Alan Dugan
A Hymn Of The Resurrection by William Dunbar
Lament For The Makaris [when He Was Seik] by William Dunbar
The Cancer Cells by Richard Ghormley Eberhart
Four Quartets: East Coker by Thomas Stearns Eliot
Gerontion by Thomas Stearns Eliot
Journey Of The Magi by Thomas Stearns Eliot
The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock by Thomas Stearns Eliot
Sweeney Among The Nightingales by Thomas Stearns Eliot
The Waste Land (1-5, Complete) by Thomas Stearns Eliot
Brahma by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Concord Hymn; Sung At Completion Of Concord Monument, 1836 by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Days by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ode Inscribed To W.h. Channing by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Missing Dates by William Empson
Love 20 Cents The First Quarter Mile by Kenneth Fearing
Cobb Would Have Caught It by Robert Stuart Fitzgerald
An Appeal To Cats In The Business Of Love by Thomas Flatman
The Indian Burying Ground by Philip Freneau
Acquainted With The Night by Robert Frost
Directive by Robert Frost
The Hill Wife: House Fear by Robert Frost
The Hill Wife: Loneliness by Robert Frost
The Hill Wife: The Impulse by Robert Frost
The Hill Wife: The Oft-repeated Dream by Robert Frost
The Hill Wife: The Smile by Robert Frost
In Hardwood Groves by Robert Frost
Mending Wall by Robert Frost
The Most Of It by Robert Frost
Neither Out Far Nor In Deep by Robert Frost
Never Again Would Birds' Song Be The Same by Robert Frost
An Old Man's Winter Night by Robert Frost
Once By The Pacific by Robert Frost
'out, Out -' by Robert Frost
Provide, Provide by Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
The Subverted Flower by Robert Frost
A Farewell by George Gascoigne
Lullaby Of A Lover by George Gascoigne
A Ballad by John Gay
The Catch by Brewster Ghiselin
Rattler, Alert by Brewster Ghiselin
Cafe In Warsaw by Allen Ginsberg
A Supermarket In California by Allen Ginsberg
Hymn by Sidney Godolphin
Leda And The Swan by Oliver St. John Gogarty
Song by Oliver Goldsmith
Counting The Beats by Robert Ranke Graves
Sick Love by Robert Ranke Graves
Spoils by Robert Ranke Graves
Theseus And Ariadne by Robert Ranke Graves
Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray
The Shepherd's Wife's Song by Robert Greene
Caelica: 100 by Fulke Greville
Caelica: 22 by Fulke Greville
Chorus Sacerdotum, Or Chorus Of Priests by Fulke Greville
The Bonnie Broukit Bairn by Christopher Murray Grieve
Cattle Show by Christopher Murray Grieve
Crystals Like Blood by Christopher Murray Grieve
On The Ocean Floor by Christopher Murray Grieve
Wheesht, Wheesht, My Foolish Hert by Christopher Murray Grieve
Moly by Thomson William Gunn
On The Move by Thomson William Gunn
Names Of Horses by Donald Hall
Channel Firing by Thomas Hardy
The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy
During Wind And Rain by Thomas Hardy
The Garden Seat by Thomas Hardy
In Time Of 'the Breaking Of Nations' by Thomas Hardy
The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy
Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy
The Oxen by Thomas Hardy
The Self-unseeing by Thomas Hardy
The Voice by Thomas Hardy
O Daedalus, Fly Away Home by Robert Earl Hayden
Those Winter Sundays by Robert Earl Hayden
The Barn by Seamus Heaney
Death Of A Naturalist by Seamus Heaney
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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