This Raw Land is a sequel to Wayne Short's The Cheechakoes, and tells the adventurous story of his bringing his bride north to Alaska-and their raising of a family on a lonely island in the Alexander Archipelago.
Short who skippered a commercial fishing boat during the summer season and wrote when the snow closes in on the mountains, tells a fascinating true tale of life known to only to a few.
The book is quick reading from start to finish; an evening haunted by the lonely cry of a loon, of humor and danger in an isolated life that is a part of the Alaskan heritage.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Wayne Short, the author of The Cheechakoes, tells the adventurous story of what happened when he brought his new bride north to Alaska and raised a family in a frontier land.
The Cheechakoes was so popular that my publishers suggested a sequel, and so I began This Raw Land, the story of my marriage to Barbara-and what happened after I brought her back to Alaska to share our isolate lifestyle.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 8.92
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Seller: BoundlessBookstore, Wallingford, United Kingdom
Condition: Good. Light wear to boards. Light toning to pages with some spotting. Good DJ with light toning. Seller Inventory # 9999-9990434123
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