His adoption of classical ideals was combined with a vigorous interest in contemporary life and a strong faith in native idiom. Within the urbane elegance of his verse forms he contrived a directness and energy of statement clearly related to colloquial speech, and this characteristic fusion of restraint and vitality gave to the seventeenth-century lyric its most distinctive quality. As well as the entire body of Jonson's non-dramatic verse, extensively annotated, this edition contains many of the songs from his plays and masques and his translation of 'Horace, of the Art of Poetry'. His 'Conversations with Drummond', which adds much to our sense of the man, appears as an Appendix, as does 'Discoveries'; together they shed valuable light on Jonson's poetic theory and practice.
For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Ben Jonson was born in 1572, the posthumous son of a minister, and, thanks to an unknown patron, was educated at Westminster. After this he was for a brief time apprenticed to his stepfather as a bricklayer. He served as a soldier in the Low Countries and married sometime between 1592 and 1595. In 1597 he began to work for Henslowe’s company as player and playwright and during the following two years the first truly Jonsonian comedies, Everyman in his Humour and Everyman out of his Humour, were produced. These were followed by Cynthia’s Revels (1600) and The Poetaster (1601). Jonson’s great run of comedies consist of Volpone (1606), The Silent Woman (1609), The Alchemist (1610) and Bartholomew Fair (1614). His two Roman tragedies, Sejanus his Fall (1603) and Catiline his Conspiracy (1611), were failures on the stage and his later comedies show a sad falling-off. From 1605 onwards he was constantly producing masques for the court, a form of entertainment that reached its highest elaboration in Jonson’s hands. In 1616 he was granted a royal pension and made, in effect, Poet Laureate. He was also an honorary graduate of both Oxford and Cambridge. Between 1618 and 1619 Jonson walked to Edinburgh, where he was made an honorary burgess and lavishly entertained at a civic banquet. There he made a long stay with the poet William Drummond. His last years were unhappy: under King Charles I he lost favor and was replaced as masque writer after quarrelling with Inigo Jones, the designer of the masques. He also became paralyzed and was unable to publish the second volume of his Workes. Ben Jonson died on August 6, 1637.
(a Poem Sent Me By Sir William Burlase)
Against Jealousy
And Must I Sing? What Subject Shall I Choose?
Another To Thomas Lord Ellesmere
Another. In Defence Of Their Inconstancy. A Song
Author Ad Librum
Bartholomew Fair: Nightingale's Song
Ben Jonson's Grace Before King James
Bid All Profane Away
Bow Both Your Heads At Once, And Hearts
Buzz, Quoth The Blue-fly
A Celebration Of Charis: 1. His Excuse For Loving
A Celebration Of Charis: 10. Another Lady's Exception
A Celebration Of Charis: 2. How He Saw Her
A Celebration Of Charis: 3. What He Suffered
A Celebration Of Charis: 4. Her Triumph
A Celebration Of Charis: 5. His Discourse With Cupid
A Celebration Of Charis: 6. Claiming A Second Kiss By Desert
A Celebration Of Charis: 7. Begging Another Kiss ...
A Celebration Of Charis: 8. Urging Her Of A Promise
A Celebration Of Charis: 9. Her Man Described ... Dictamen
Charles Cavendish To His Posterity
Chloridia: Song Of Zephyrus And Spring
Christmas His Masque, Sels.
A Crown, A Crown For Love's Bright Head
Daughters Of The Subtle Flood
The Dedication Of He King's New Cellar. To Bacchus
The Dream
Echo's Lament For [of] Narcissus [or, Song Of Echo]
An Elegy (1)
An Elegy (2)
An Elegy (3)
An Elegy (4)
An Elegy (5)
An Elegy (6)
An Elegy (7)
An Elegy On The Lady Jane Pawlet, Marchioness Of Winton
An Epigram
An Epigram On Sir Edward Coke When He Was Lord Chief Justice
An Epigram On The Court Pucell
An Epigram On The Prince's Birth
An Epigram On William, Lord Burleigh, Lord High Treasurer
Epigram To My Bookseller
An Epigram To My Jovial Good Friend Mr Robert Dover
An Epigram To My Muse, The Lady Digby, On Her Husband
An Epigram To The Councillor That Pleaded And Carried The Cause
An Epigram To The Queen, Then Lying In
Epigram. To A Friend And Son
An Epigram. To King Charles For A Hundred Pounds He Sent Me
An Epigram. To Our Great And Good King Charles On His Anniversary Day
An Epigram. To The Honoured --, Countess Of --
An Epigram. To The Household
An Epigram. To The Small-pox
An Epigram. To Thomas Lord Ellesmere, Last Term He Sat Chancellor
An Epigram. To William, Earl Of Newcastle (1)
An Epigram. To William, Earl Of Newcastle (2)
Epigram: On Bank The Usurer
Epigram: On Captain Hazard The Cheater
Epigram: On Cashiered Captain Surly
Epigram: On Court - Parrot
Epigram: On Lippe, The Teacher
Epigram: On Mill, My Lady's Woman
Epigram: On Sir John Roe (1)
Epigram: On Sir Voluptuous Beast
Epigram: To A Friend
Epigram: To Courtling
Epigram: To Fool, Or Knave
Epigram: To Groom Idiot
Epigram: To Hornet
Epigram: To My Muse
Epigram: To One That Desired Me Not To Name Him
Epigram: To Pertinax Cob
Epigram: To Prowl The Plagiary
Epigram: To Robert, Earl Of Salisbury (2)
Epigram: To Sir Cod
Epigram: To Sir Sir Henry Goodyere
Epigram: To Thomas, Earl Of Suffolk
Epigram: To Thomas, Lord Chnacellor (egerton)
Epigram: To William Roe
Epigram: To William, Lord Monteagle
Epistle Answering To One That Asked To Be Sealed Of The Tribe Of Ben
Epistle To A Friend
An Epistle To A Friend (1)
An Epistle To A Friend (2)
An Epistle To A Friend, To Persuade Him To The Wars
Epistle To Elizabeth, Countess Rutland
Epistle To Katherine, Lady Aubigny
An Epistle To Master Arthur Squib
An Epistle To Master John Selden
Epistle To Mr Arthur Squib
An Epistle To Sir Edward Sackville, Now Earl Of Dorset
Epistle. To My Lady Covell
An Epitaph
Epitaph On Elizabeth, L.h.
Epitaph On Katherine, Lady Ogle
Epitaph On Master Philip Gray
An Epitaph On Master Vincent Corbet
Epitaph On S. P., A Child Of Queen Elizabeth's Chapel
An Epitaph, On Henry Lord Laware. To The Passerby
Epithalamion: Or, A Song Celebrating Nuptials Of Hierome Weston
Eupheme, Or The Fair Fame Of Lady Venetia Digby
An Execration Upon Vulcan
An Expostulation With Inigo Jones
Fair Friend, 'tis True, Your Beauties Move
Fantasy [or, Song Of Night]
A Fit Of Rhyme Against Rhyme [or, Rime]
Freedom In Dress [or, Clerimont's Song, Or, Sweet Neglect]
The Garland Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Gentle Knights %know Some Measure Of Your Nights
Gentle Love, Be Not Dismayed
Give End Unto Thy Pastimes, Love
The Gypsies Metamorphosed: Gipsy Song (1)
The Gypsies Metamorphosed: Gipsy Song (2)
The Gypsies Metamorphosed: Jackman's Song (1)
The Gypsies Metamorphosed: Jackman's Song (2)
Had Those That Dwell In Error Foul
The Haddington Masque: Epithalamion
Have Men Beheld The Graces Dance
Help, Help All Tongues To Celebrate This Wonder
Here Follow Certain Other Verses, As Charms, To Unlock .. Crudities
Hesperus' Song [or, Song To Cynthia]
The Hour-glass
Howe'er The Brightness May Amaze
Hum Drum
The Humble Petition Of Poor Ben To .. King Charles
A Hymn On The Nativity Of My Saviour
A Hymn To God The Father
If All These Cupids Now Were Blind
In Authorem
In The Person Of Womankind (in Defense Of Their Inconstancy)
It Was A Beauty That I Saw (from The New Inn)
Karolin's Song [or, Love And Death]
Life And Death
A Little Shrub Growing By
Lord Bacon's Birthday
Love's Triumph Through Callipolis: Euclia's Hymn
The Masque Of Augurs: Apollo's Song
The Masque Of Augurs: Ballad
Melt Earth To Sea, Sea Flow To Air
Mercury Vindicated: Nature
Mercury Vinicated, Sels.
The Mind Of The Frontispiece To A Book
The Musical Strife; In A Pastoral Dialogue
My Picture Left In Scotland
Nano's Song
Nay, Nay %you Must Not Stay
Neptune's Triumph For The Return Of Albion, Sels.
The New Cry
A New Year's Gift Sung To King Charles
New Years, Expect New Gifts: Sister, Your Harp
Nor Yet, Nor Yet, O You In This Night Blessed
Now Dian, With Her Burning Face
Now Look And See In Yonder Throne
Now, My Cunning Lady Moon
Now, Now Begin To Set
A Nymph's Passion
O How Came Love, That Is Himself A Fire
O Know To End, As To Begin
O Yet How Early, And Before Her Time
O, Do Wanton With Those Eyes
An Ode
An Ode
Ode Allegoric
Ode Enthusiastic
An Ode To Himself
Ode To Himself
An Ode To James, Earl Of Desmond
Ode To Sir William Sidney, On His Birthday
Ode, Or Song, By All The Muses, Celebration Of Her Majesty's Birthday
Of Death
On A Robbery
On Bawds And Usurers
On Cheveril
On Cheveril The Lawyer
On Chuff, Banks The Usurer's Kinsman
On Court-worm
On Don Surly
On English Monsieur
On Giles And Joan
On Groin
On Gut
On Gypsy
On Honoured Poems Of His Honoured Friend Sir John Beaumont
On Lieutenant Shift
On Lucy, Countess Of Bedford
On Margaret Ratcliffe
On Mongrel Esquire
On My First Daughter
On My First Son
On Old Colt
On Playwright (1)
On Playwright (2)
On Poet-ape
On Reformed Gamester
On Sir Cod The Perfumed
On Sir John Roe
On Something That Walks Somewhere
On Spies
On The Author, Work, And Translator
On The Famous Voyage
On The King's Birthday
On The Magnetic Lady
On The New Hot-house
On The New Motion
On The Right Honourable And Virtuous Lord Weston, High Treasurer
On The Same Beast
On The Town's Honest Man
On The Union
Over The Door At The Entrance Into The Apollo
A Panegyre, On Happy Entrance Of James, Our Sovereign To Parliament
The Phoenix Analysed
Pleasure Reconciled To Virtue, Sels.
Pleasure Reconciled To Virtue, Sels.
Pleasure Reconciled To Virtue, Sels.
Pleasure Reconciled To Virtue: Hymn To Comus
Poetaster: Song (1)
Poetaster: Song (2)
Poetaster: Song (3)
Poetaster: Song (4)
The Reverse On The Back Side
A Satirical Shrub
The Sinner's Sacrifice (to The Holy Trinity)
So Beauty On The Waters Stood
So Breaks The Sun Earth's Rugged Chains
The Solemn Rites Are Well Begun
A Song
A Song Of The Moon
A Song Of Welcome To King Charles
Song To A Glove
Song. To Celia
Song: That Women Are But Men's Shadows
Song: To Celia
A Sonnet, To The Noble Lady, The Lady Mary Wroth
Sound, Sound Aloud
A Speech According To Horace
A Speech Out Of Lucan
A Speech Presented Unto King James At A Tilting
Stay, View This Stone: And, If Thou Beest Not Such
Still Turn, And Imitate The Heaven
Swell Me A Bowl With Lusty Wine
These, These Are They
Think Yet How Night Doth Waste
This Motion Was Of Love Begot
Those That In Blood Such Violent Pleasure Have
To A Weak Gamester In Poetry
To Alchemists
To All To Whom I Write
To Alphonso [alfonso] Ferrabosco, On His Book
To Benjamin Rudyerd
To Brain-hardy
To Captain Hungry
To Celia
To Censorious Courtling
To Clement Edmonds, On His Caesar's Commentaries Observed (2)
To Clement Edwards, On His Caesar's Commentaries Observed (1)
To Doctor Empiric
To Edward Allen (alleyne)
To Elizabeth, Countess Of Rutland
To Esme, Lord Aubigny
To Fine Grand
To Fine Lady Would-be
To Francis Beaumont
To He London Reader, On Odcombian Writer, Polytopian Thomas
To Heaven
To His Friend The Author Upon His Richard
To His Lady, Then Mistress Cary
To His Much And Worthily Esteemed Friend The Author
To Inigo, Marquess Would Be, A Corollary
To John Donne (1)
To John Donne (2)
To King Charles And Queen Mary For Loss Of Their First-born
To King James
To King James
To King James
To Lucy, Countess Of Bedford
To Lucy, Countess Of Bedford, With Mr. Donne's Satires
To Mary, Lady Wroth (1)
To Mary, Lady Wroth (2)
To Master John Burges
To Mime
To Mistress Philip Sidney
To Most Noble, And Above His Titles, Robert, Earl Somerset
To Mr Ben Jonson In His Journey, By Mr Craven
To Mr John Burges
To Mr Jonson Upon These Verses
To Mr. Joshua Sylvester
To Mrs Alice Sutcliffe, On Her Divine Meditations
To My Book
To My Bookseller
To My Chosen Friend, Learned Translator Of Lucan, Thomas May
To My Dear Son, Right-learned Friend, Master Joseph Rutter
To My Lord Ignorant
To My Lord The King, On The Christening His Second Son James
To My Mere English Censurer
To My Old Faithful Servant, And My Loving Friend Richard Brome
To My Truly-beloved Friend, Mr. Browne: On His Pastorals
To My Worthy And Honoured Friend, Mr. George Chapman
To My Worthy Friend, Edward Filmer, On His Work Published
To Old-end Gatherer
To Penshurst
To Person Guilty
To Person Guilty
To Playwright
To Robert, Earl Of Salisbury
To Sickness
To Sir Annual Tilter
To Sir Edward Herbert
To Sir Henry Cary
To Sir Henry Nevil
To Sir Henry Savile [upon His Translation Of Tacitus]
To Sir Horace Vere
To Sir John Radcliffe
To Sir Luckless Woo-all
To Sir Ralph Shelton
To Sir Robert Wroth
To Sir Thomas Overbury
To Sir Thomas Roe (1)
To Sir Thomas Roe (2)
To Sir William Jephson
To Susan, Countess Of Montgomery
To The Author
To The Ghost Of Martial
To The Immortal Memory ... Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Cary And Sir Henry M
To The King On Is Birthday. An Epigram. November 19, 1632
To The Learned Critic
To The Memory Of My Beloved Master William Shakespeare
To The Memory Of That Most Honoured Lady Jane, Countess Of Shrewsbury
To The Parliament
To The Reader
To The Reader
To The Right Hon. Hierome, Lord Weston; Return From His Embassy
To The Right Honourable, The Lord High Treasurer Of England
To The Right Honourable, The Lord Treasurer Of England
To The Right Noble Tom, Tell-troth Of His Travels, Coriat
To The Same
To The Same
To The Same
To The Same
To The Same
To The Same Sir Cod
To The Same [benjamin Rudyerd] (2)
To The Same [benjamin Rudyerd] (3)
To The World
To The Worthy Author Mr John Fletcher
To The Worthy Author On The Husband
To Thomas Palmer On His Book 'the Sprite Of Trees And Herbs'
To True Soldiers
To William Camden
To William Roe
To William, Earl Of Pembroke
The Touchstone Of Truth
Vision Of Ben Jonson, On Muses Of His Friend M. Drayton
Volpone: Fools
Volpone: Song
Volpone: Song
What Just Excuse Had Aged Time
Who, Virtue, Can Thy Power Forget
Why I Write Not Of Love
Martial. Epigram 47, Book 10
To A Friend, An Epigram Of Him
Epode: 2. The Praises Of A Country Life
Odes Iv, 1. To Venus
Of The Art Of Poetry
To Lydia. Dialogue Of Horace And Lydia
Keeping Endless Holiday
-- Table of Poems from Poem Finder®
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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