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Wilson, F. Paul The Haunted Air ISBN 13: 9780312878689

The Haunted Air - Hardcover

9780312878689: The Haunted Air
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Jack is back, for 2002. F. Paul Wilson's engaging, self-employed, off-the-books fixer, Repairman Jack, returns for another intense, action-packed adventure just a little over the border into the weird, in The Haunted Air. First introduced years ago in the bestseller The Tomb, Jack has been the hero of a series of exciting novels set in and around New York City including Legacies, Conspiracies, All the Rage, and Hosts. "Repairman Jack is a wonderful character, ultracompetent but still vulnerable. Wilson strolls into X-Files territory and makes it his own, keeping the action brisk and the level of suspense steadily rising," said the San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle.

In Astoria, Queens, the lively ethnic neighborhood just across the river from Manhattan, a house is being haunted by the ghost of a nine-year-old girl in riding clothes. More than two decades before, she'd been abducted from stables in Brooklyn. Now it's up to Jack to uncover the truth of her story and liberate the pretty, blond spirit. Perhaps the answer is in the odd little store called the Shurio Coppe? Ah, but that would be telling.

Jack does things no human being should be able to do, but we watch, in horrified fascination, as the forces of evil seem about to triumph and fill the world with eternal darkness. And then-- but you must read the book.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author:
F. Paul Wilson, a New York Times bestselling author of horror, adventure, medical thrillers, science fiction, and virtually everything in between, is a practicing physician who resides in Wall, New Jersey.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:
The bride wore white.
Only she wasn't a bride and the dress--two sizes too small at least--had faded to beige.
"Can I ask again," Jack said, leaning toward Gia, "why our hostess is wearing her wedding dress?"
Gia, seated next to him on the tattered, thirdhand-store sofa, sipped from her plastic cup of white wine. "You may."
A casual little get-together, Gia had told him. Some of her artist friends were going to gather at a loft in a converted warehouse on the fringe of the old Brooklyn Army Terminal, throw a little party for one of their clan who'd started to make it big. Come on, she'd said. It'll be fun.
Jack wasn't in a fun mood. Hadn't been for some time now. But he'd agreed to go. For Gia.
Maybe twenty people wandering about the space while Pavement's last album pounded from a boom box, echoing off the high ceilings, huge windows, and stripped-to-the-brick walls. The occupants sported hair colors that spanned the visible spectrum, skin that was either pierced or tattooed or both, and clothes that redlined the garishometer.
And Halloween was better than two months away.
Jack took a pull from his bottle of beer. He'd brought his own, opting to forego his usual Rolling Rock long necks for a six-pack of Harp. Good thing, too. The bridal-bedecked hostess had stocked Bud Light. He'd never tasted watered-down cow pee, but he imagined it tasted better than Bud Light.
"All right. Why is our hostess wearing her wedding dress?"
"Gilda's never been married. She's an artist, Jack. She's making a statement."
"What statement? I mean, besides Look at me?"
"I'm sure she'd tell you that it's up to the individual to decide."
"Okay. I've decided she just wants attention."
"Is that so bad? Just because you're frightened to death of attention doesn't make it wrong for other people to court it."
"Not frightened to death of it," Jack grumbled, not wanting to concede the point.
A tall, slim woman passed by then, a dead-white streak running along the side of her frizzy black swept-back hair.
He cocked his head toward her. "I know her statement: her husband's a monster."
"Karyn's not married."
A guy with gelled neon yellow hair slid by, each eyebrow pierced by at least a dozen gold rings.
"Hi, Gia," he said with a wave and kept moving.
"Hi, Nick."
"Let me guess," Jack muttered. "As a child Nick was frightened by a curtain rod."
"My, aren't we the cranky one tonight," Gia said, giving him a look.
Cranky barely touched it. He'd been alternating between bouts of rage and the way-down dumps for a couple of months now. Ever since Kate's death. Couldn't seem to pull himself out. He'd been finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning, and once he was up, there didn't seem to be anything he wanted to do. So he'd drag himself to Abe's or Julio's or Gia's and pretend he was fine. Same old Jack, just not working on anything at the moment.
The angry voice mail messages from his father, ragging on him for not showing up at Kate's wake or funeral, hadn't helped. "Don't tell me you had something more important to do. She was your sister, down it!"
Jack knew that. After fifteen years of separation, Kate had come back into his life for one week during which he'd gotten to know her again, love her again, and now she was gone. Forever.
The facts said it wasn't Jack's fault, but the facts didn't keep Jack from blaming himself. And one other person...
He'd searched for the man he'd suspected of being in some way responsible, a man whose real name he didn't know but who'd called himself Sal Roma once, and maybe Ms. Aralo too. He'd put the word out but no one knew anything. Never heard of him. Jack wound up with a taste of his own medicine--Sal Roma didn't seem to exist.
Kate...she might still be alive if only he'd done things his way instead of listening to...
Stop. No point in traveling that well-worn trail again. He hadn't returned his father's calls. After a while they stopped.
He forced a smile for Gia. "Sorry. Pseudo-weirdos crank me off."
"Can't be much weirder than the people you spend most of your day with."
"Those are different. They're real. Their weirdness comes from inside. They wake up weird. They dress weird because they reach out a hand and whatever it touches first is what they wear that day. These people here spend hours in front of a mirror making themselves look weird. My weirdos have hair that spikes out in twenty directions because that's the way it was when they rolled out of bed this morning; these folks use herbal shampoo, half a gallon of gel, and a special comb to achieve their unwashed bed-head look. My weirdos don't belong; these people seem to want desperately to belong, but don't want anyone to know, so they try to outdo each other to look like outsiders."
Gia's lips twisted. "And the biggest outsider of them all is sitting right here in a short-sleeve plaid shirt, jeans, and work boots."
"And spending the evening watching pretensions collide with affectations. Present company excluded, of course."
One of the many things he loved about Gia was her lack of affectation. Her hair was blond by nature and short for convenience. Tonight she was wearing beige slacks and a sleeveless turquoise top that heightened the blue of her eyes. Her makeup consisted of a touch of lipstick. She didn't need anything more. She looked clean and healthy, a very untrendy look in this subculture.
But the subculture had percolated into the overculture, the fringe had become mainstreamed. Years ago construction workers threw bricks at longhairs and called them faggots, now the building trades were packed with ponytails and earrings.
"Maybe it's time I got myself adorned," Jack said.
Gia's eyebrows shot up. "You mean pierced? You?"
"Well, yeah. Sometimes I feel like I stand out because I'm not bejeweled and be-inked."
"You know--tattooed."
Everyone seemed into it, and if he wanted to remain invisible, he'd have to follow the crowd.
"But nothing permanent," he added. Didn't want to lose his chameleon capabilities. "Maybe a clip-on earring and one or two of those temporary tattoos."
"Didn't you do something like that to your fingers once?"
"You remember those?" Phony prison tats. With indelible ink. A one-time thing for a hairy job that left a couple of toughs from a Brighton Beach gang blazing mad and combing the five boroughs for a guy with HELL BENT tats on his knuckles. He hadn't been able to wash those off soon enough. "No, I think I need something big and colorful."
"How about a heart encircled with rose vines and GIA in its center?"
"I was thinking more on the order of a green skull with orange flames roaring out of its eye sockets."
"Oh, how cool," Gia said, and sipped her wine.
"Yeah. Slap that on one deltoid, maybe get a bright red Hot Stuff devil for the other, put on a tank top, and I'll be set."
"Don't forget the earring."
"Right. One of those dangly ones, maybe with the Metallica logo."
"That's you, Jack. A speedmetal dude."
Jack sighed. "Adorned...accessorized...I was brought up thinking that real men didn't bother with fashion."
"So was I," Gia said. "But I have an excuse: I grew up in semi-rural Iowa.'re a northeasterner."
"True, but all the adult males I knew as a kid--my father and the men he knew--were plain dressers. Most had fought in Korea. They dressed up for things like weddings and funerals, but mostly they wore functional clothes. Nobody accessorized. You stayed in front of the mirror long enough to shave and comb the hair out of your eyes. Anything more and you were some sort of peacock."
"Welcome to twenty-first-century Peacockville," Gia said.
Nick drifted by again.
"What's Nick paint?" Jack asked.
"He doesn't paint. He's performance artist. His stage name is Harry Adamski."
"Swell." Jack hated performance art. "What's his performance?"
Gia bit her upper lip. "He calls it stool art. Let's just say it's a very personal form of sculpture and, um, let it go at that."
Jack stared at her. What was Gia--?
"Oh, jeez. Really...?"
She nodded.
"Christ," he said, letting loose, "is there anything out there that can't claim it's an art? There's the art of war, the art of the deal, the art of the shoe shine, the Artist Formerly Known As Prince--"
"I think he's back to calling himself Prince now."
"--the art of motorcycle maintenance. Smearing yourself with chocolate is art, hanging a toilet on a wall is art--"
"Come on, Jack. Lighten up. I was hoping a night out would lift your spirits. You've got to rejoin the living. Lately your life's consisted of eating, sleeping, and watching movies. You haven't worked out or taken a job or even returned calls. I'm sure Kate wouldn't want you to spend the rest of your life moping around."
Jack knew Gia was right and looked away. He saw a willowy blonde in her mid twenties swaying in their direction. She carried a martini glass filled with reddish fluid, probably a cosmo. The bottom of her short, zebra-striped blouse did not meet the top of her low riding, skintight leopard miniskirt; in the interval a large diamond stud gleamed from her navel.
"Maybe I should pierce my navel," Jack said.
"Fine, but don't show me until you've shaved your belly."
"How about a pierced tongue?"
Gia gave him a sidelong glance and a sultry smile. "Now that could be interesting." She looked up and saw the blonde. "Oh, here comes Junie Moon, the guest of honor."
"That her real name?"
"Not sure. But that's the one she's used since I've known her. She was struggling along just like the rest of us until Nathan Lane bought one of her abstracts last year and started talking her up. Now she's about as hot as you can get."
"What's a Junie Moon original go for?"
"Twenty and up."
Jack blinked. "Twenty thou? She's that good?"
"Big difference between hot and good, but I like Junie's work. She creates this unique mix of hot and cold. Sort of a cross between De Kooning and Mondrian, if you can imagine such a thing."
Jack couldn't, because he couldn't recall any works by either.
"You sound happy for her."
"I am. She's a good kid. I've got almost ten years on her and she sort of adopted me as a surrogate mother over the past few years. Phones me a couple of times a week to chat, asks advice."
"And no hard feelings that she hit it and you haven't?"
"Not a bit. I won't say I don't wish it were me instead, but if it had to happen to someone else, I'm glad it was Junie. She's ditzy but she's got talent, and I like her."
That was Gia. The nurturer without a jealous bone in her body. Another of the many reasons he loved her. But even if it didn't bother her, it rankled Jack to see the crap that hung in the galleries and exhibits she was always dragging him to, while her own canvases remained stacked in her studio.
"Bet her stuff's not half as good as yours."
"Mine are different."
Gia made her living in commercial art. She did a lot of advertising work, but over the years she'd developed a reputation among the art directors at the city's publishing houses as a talented and reliable artist. She'd walked Jack through a Barnes and Noble last week, pointing out her work on half a dozen hardcovers and trade paperbacks.
Nice stuff, but nothing like the paintings Gia did for herself. Jack loved those. He didn't know a lot about art, but he'd picked up a little following Gia around, and her urban roofscapes reminded him of Edward Hopper, one of the few artists he'd pay to see.
Junie dropped into the narrow space next to Gia on the couch, spilling a few drops of her drink. Her blue-shadowed lids drooped slightly. He wondered how many she'd had.
"Hey," she said, and kissed Gia on the cheek.
Gia introduced her to Jack and they shook hands across Gia. She looked about as down in the dumps as Jack felt.
Gia nudged her. "Why so glum? This party's for you."
"Yeah, I'd better enjoy it now." She took a gulp of her cosmopolitan. "My fifteen minutes are so over."
"What are you talking about?"
"My lucky bracelet. It's gone. It's the whole reason for my success."
"You think it was stolen?" Jack said, glancing at her bare wrists and then at the partygoers. No shortage of jealousy here, he'd bet. "When did you last see it?"
"Tuesday. I remember taking it off after finishing a painting. I took a shower, then went out shopping. Next morning I went to put it on before starting a new work, and it was gone."
"Anything else missing?" Jack said.
"Not a thing." She tossed back the rest of her drink. "And it's not valuable. It's an old piece of junk jewelry I picked up at a secondhand store. It looks homemade--I mean, it's set with a cat's eye marble, of all things--but I liked it. And as soon as I started wearing it, my paintings began to sell. The bracelet made it happen."
"Is that so?" Jack said. He felt Gia's hand grip the top of his thigh and begin to squeeze, trying to head off what she knew he was going to say, but he spoke anyway. "So it's got nothing to do with talent."
Junie shook her head and shrugged. "I never changed my style, but I started wearing the bracelet while I worked, and the first painting I finished with it was the one Nathan Lane bought. After that, everything started happening for me. It changed my luck. I've so got to find it."
"You've looked for it, I presume," Gia said.
"Turned my place upside down. But tomorrow I'm getting professional help."
"A bloodhound?" Jack offered, which earned him another squeeze.
"No. I've got an appointment with my psycho." She giggled. "I mean my psychic."
Gia's fingers became a vise, so Jack decided to heed her. "I'm sure he'll be a big help."
"Oh, I know he will! He's wonderful! I left my old seer for Ifasen a couple of months ago and am I ever glad. The man's absolutely incredible."
"Ifasen?" Jack knew most of the major players in the local psychic racket, if not personally, at least by rep, and the name Ifasen didn't ring a bell.
"He's new. Just moved into Astoria and--oh, my God! I just realized! That's just up the road from here! Maybe I can see him tonight!"
"It's pretty late, Junie. Will he--?"
"This is an emergency! He's got to see me!"
She pulled out her cell phone and speed-dialed a number, listened for a moment, then snapped it closed.
"Damn! His answering service! So what. I'm going up there anyway." She pushed herself up from the couch and staggered a step. "Gotta find a cab."
Gia glanced at Jack, concern in her eyes, then back to Junie. "You'll never get one around here."
She grinned and hiked her miniskirt from mid-thigh to her hip. "Sure I will. Just like what's-her-name in that movie."
"Claudette Colbert in It Happened One Night," Jack said automatically as he wondered when the last time was a cab had cruised the Brooklyn Army Terminal area at this hour. "And someone'll think you're looking for more than a ride if you do that. We'll call you a cab."
"They never come," she said, heading for the door.
Again that concerned look from Gia. "Jack, we can't let her go. She's in on condition--"
"She's a grown-up."
"Only nominally. Jack?"
She cocked her head and looked at him with big, Girl Scout cookie-selling eyes. Refusing Gia anything was difficult, but when she...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherForge Books
  • Publication date2002
  • ISBN 10 0312878680
  • ISBN 13 9780312878689
  • BindingHardcover
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages416
  • Rating

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Wilson, F. Paul
Published by Forge Books (2002)
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Wilson, F. Paul
Published by Forge Books (2002)
ISBN 10: 0312878680 ISBN 13: 9780312878689
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Wilson, F. Paul
Published by Forge Books (2002)
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Wilson, F. Paul
Published by Forge (2002)
ISBN 10: 0312878680 ISBN 13: 9780312878689
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Wilson, F. Paul
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